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Illinois History Books Free – Chicago History Books PDF

Books about Illinois History Free - Chicago - Textbooks

Books about Illinois history free. Chicago history books, history textbooks. Both modern and vintage books here, all free online.

History Books and Articles for Illinois and Chicago

City watch: Discovering the Uncommon Chicago

Anderson, Jon
University of Iowa 2001

Historic Illinois from the Air

Buisseret, David
University of Chicago 1990

The geography and history with the help of numerous aerial photos.

Illinois: Crossroads of a Continent

Carrier, Lois
University of Illinois 1993

The Illinois Fact Book and Historical Almanac, 1673-1968

Clayton, John
Southern Illinois University 1970

Facts about Illinois.

“Yankees and Southerners Clash in Frontier Illinois”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 15, No. 2, 2009, pp 11-15

Davis, James E.
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

Illinois 1800s.

See our Illinois historic documents

“Frontier Chicago”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 6, No. 1, 1999, pp 26-28

Duis, Perry
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

“Illinois as a French Colony”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 11, No. 1, 2004, pp 9-13

Esarey, Duane
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

See our Illinois military history free books & articles

Illinois: A History of the Prairie State

Howard, Robert P.
Eerdmans 1972

See our giant collection of free American history textbooks pdf

“An Inflammable Region”: Indians, Anglo-Americans, and Lead Mining in Northwestern Illinois, 1788-1832″

Illinois History Teacher Vol 15, No. 2, 2009, pp 2-6

Jelatis, Virginia
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

Building for the Centuries: Illinois, 1865 to 1898

Keiser, John H.
University of Illinois 1977

See our free Illinois historic newspapers & journals

Illinois: History, Government, Geography

Kilduff, Dorrell and Pygman, C. H.
Follett 1962

A 1960s history and civics school text-book, well-illustrated.

See a brief history of the ‘Old Northwest’

“Conflicts: The French and the Anglo-Americans in Pre-statehood Illinois”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 9, No. 1, 2002, pp 2-5

Lebeau, B. Pierre
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

British West Florida and the Illinois County

Matthews, Hazel C.
Whynot 1977

“Public Transportation and the Failure of Municipal Socialism in Chicago, 1905-1907”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 9, No. 1, 2002, pp 28-36

Morton, Richard Allen
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

See our Illinois government & politics free books & articles

The History of Illinois

Pease, Theodore Calvin
Univ of Chicago 1975

“Here is the heritage of contemporary Illinois. This compact history of the state, known for half a century for its historical accuracy as well as story-telling quality, presents the people, places, and events, both local and national, that shaped Illinois from the days of the first explorers through the 1960s.” -Book cover.

“Tragedy in the Chicago Fire and Triumph in the Architectural Response”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 4, No. 1, 1997, pp 34-37

Rayfield, Jo Ann
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

Read books online free here at Century Past library

“John Peter Altgeld and the Haymarket Riot Pardons”

Illinois History Teacher Vol 9, No. 1, 2002, pp 9-12

Schlup, Leonard
Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

The Structuring of a State: The History of Illinois, 1899-1928

Tingley, Donald F.
Urbana: Univ of Illinois 1980

“Tingley chooses to build his historical narrative “from the ground up,” to tell the “story of the real people of the world” — farmers, businessmen, blue collar workers, minorities, artists, sports and other pop culture figures, and many more. His account deliberately avoids a simple chronicling of political personalities and events which are as often symptoms as shapers of most historical periods. Tingley ventures into the cultural, social, agricultural, industrial, as well as political arenas of Illinois life during the first three decades of this century.” -Book jacket

The Underground Railroad in Illinois

Turner, Glennette Tilley
Newman Educational 2001

An Illinois Reader

Walton, Clyde C.
Northern Illinois University 1970

Vintage Books on Illinois History

VINTAGE BOOKS – History of Illinois

The Illinois Country, 1673-1818

Alvord, Clarence W.
Springfield: Illinois Centennial Commission. 1920

Professor Clarence Walworth Alvord (1868 – 1928) spent his career immersed in Illinois history. The writing of this centennial history of Illinois was sponsored by the Illinois State Historical Library and the University of Illinois.

The Critical Period, 1763-1765. British Series, Vol 1

Alvord, Clarence W. and Carter, Clarence E., eds.
Springfield, ILL: Illinois State Historical Library 1915

“This is volume 10 of the Collections of the Illinois state historical library, and volume 1 of the British series, a series of several volumes to cover the period of British domination.

The New Regime 1765-1767. British Series, Vol 2

Alvord, Clarence W. and Carter, Clarence E., eds.
Springfield, ILL: Illinois State Historical Library 1916

This is the second of three volumes of collected historical documents in a series on the era of the British regime in Illinois country.

Trade and Politics, 1767-1769. British Series, Vol 3

Alvord, Clarence W. and Carter, Clarence E., eds.
Springfield, ILL: Illinois State Historical Library 1921

This is the third of three volumes of collected historical documents in a series on the era of the British regime in Illinois country. Note that any French documents in the collection are translated.

Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Knox County.

Bateman, Newton, Selby, Paul, Gale, W. Selden and Gale, George C.
Chicago: Munsell. 1899

This is essentially two separate volumes packaged together in this edition. The Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois is 608 pages. Over half the entries appear to be biographical, and the majority of the rest appear to be towns and counties.

History of Illinois

Blanchard, Rufus
Chicago: National School Furnishing 1883

The Industrial State, 1870-1893

Bogart, Ernest L. and Thompson, Charles M.
Chicago: McClurg 1922

Volume four of the Centennial History of Illinois.

The Modern Commonwealth, 1893-1918

Bogart, Ernest L. and Mathews, John M.
Chicago: McClurg 1922

Volume five of the Centennial History of Illinois.

The Settlement of Illinois: 1778-1830

Boggess, Arthur Clinton
Chicago: Chicago Historical Society. 1908

“The record of the narrow poverty out of which came abundance, of the chaos out of which came organization, in short, the record of the small beginnings of a great American commonwealth.

Illinois in 1818. Centennial History of Illinois Vol 1

Buck, Solon J.
Chicago: McClurg. 1918

All five volumes of The Illinois Centennial History, by different authors, are also found on this web page.

Great Britain and the Illinois country, 1763-1774

Carter, Clarence E.
Washington: American Historical Ass. 1910

The Era of the Civil War 1848-1870. Centennial History of Illinois Vol 3

Cole, Arthur Charles
Chicago: McClurg. 1922

All five volumes of The Illinois Centennial History, by different authors, are also found on this web page.

“The Passing of the Frontier”

Mississippi Valley Historical Review Vol V, 1918-19, 288-312

Cole, Arthur C.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mississippi Valley Historical Association

The author uses demographic and economic data as well as descriptions of conditions in cities and towns to illustrate how Illinois by 1850s had replaced much of its pioneer atmosphere with an environment similar to that of the developed eastern U.S. the history of Illinois.


Darling, Frank W.
NY: Macmillan 1904

A vintage Illinois geography book.

A Complete History of Illinois from 1673-1873

embracing the Physical Features of the Country; its Early Explorations; Aboriginal Inhabitants; French and British Occupation; Conquest by Virginia; Territorial Condition and the Subsequent Civil, Military and Political Events of the State

Davidson, Alexander and Stuve, Bernard
Springfield ILL: Phillips. 1877

“The first serious attempt at a history of the state. The title sufficiently describes the scope. The authors are hero-worshippers, and display old-fashioned prejudices against Indians and British; naturally, considering the time, they are weak in ethnology and archaeology; and are amateurish in style. The type is solid, the pages uninteresting in appearance, and there is no index. Despite these drawbacks, the book is of considerable merit, and deserves careful attention from the historical student.”
– Literature of American History; a bibliographical guide (1902).

A History of Illinois, from its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847

Ford, Thomas (Governor)
Chicago: Donnelley 1854

“Covers the years 1818-1847. Gives a valuable account of banking operations; of internal improvements; of the Black Hawk War, and especially of Mormonism in Illinois. Ford was active in state affairs during the entire period, being Governor from 1842 to 1846. His history is based on his own experience and facts drawn from original sources.

Illinois : The Story of the Prairie State

Humphrey, Grace
Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill 1917

This history appears to have been written for high-school aged students, but is lighter reading than a typical textbook.

Chicago Yesterdays: A Sheaf of Reminiscences, Garnered by Caroline Kirkland

Kirkland, Caroline, comp.
Chicago: Daughaday 1919

Collection of articles by various writers. History of Chicago articles.

Early Chicago and Illinois

Mason, Edward G.
Chicago: Fergus printing 1890

Chicago history, history of Illinois.

The Beginnings of Illinois – Illinois History Books

A historical review of the steps leading to the division of the Northwest country east of the Mississippi into the several states now existing … Wisconsin and Illinois boundary dispute

Meese, William A.
Moline, Il?: 1904

The Story of Illinois and Its People

Nida, William Lewis
Chicago: Farquhar & Albright 1921

Intended for use in schools.

The Frontier State 1818-1848: Centennial History of Illinois Vol 2

Pease, Theodore C.
Chicago: McClurg. 1922

All five volumes of The Illinois Centennial History, by different authors, are found on this web page.

The Settlement of Illinois from 1830 to 1850

Pooley, William Vipond
Madison: University of Wisconsin 1905

This was originally the author’s PhD thesis, submitted at the University of Wisconsin Department of History.

Stories of Illinois

Pratt-Chadwick, Mara L.
Boston: Educational 1900

From the series Young Folk’s Library of Choice Literature. .

Chicago and the Old Northwest, 1673-1835 …

A study of the evolution of the Northwester frontier, together with a history of Fort Dearborn

Quaife, Milo M.
Chicago: Univ of Chicago 1913

“The book is a comprehensive study of the evolution of the northwestern frontier, with Chicago as its pivotal point.”
– The Book Review Digest.

The Pioneer History of Illinois …

containing the discovery in 1673 and the history of the country to the year 1818, when the state government was organized

Reynolds, John
Chicago: Ferguson. 1887

<John Reynolds (1788-1865) served on the Illinois Supreme Court 1818-1825, was a member of the Illinois legislature 1826-1830, 1846-1848 and 1852-1854 (the last term as Speaker of the House), and served as Governor of Illinois 1830-1834. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives 1834-1837 and 1839-1843.

History of Illinois

Robinson, Luther Emerson and Moore, Irving
NY: American 1909

History of Illinois and her People; Volume1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

Volume 6

Smith, George W.
Chicago: American Historical Society 1927

The author was a Professor of History at the State Teachers College in Carbondale. The first three volumes contain the history of Illinois, and Volumes 4 through 6 are biographical. The Table of Contents for the first 3 volumes is found at the beginning of Volume 1, and the index for all 6 volumes follows immediately after the Table of Contents. Look up individuals profiled in the biographical volumes in that Volume 1 index.

Story of Illinois

Smith, George Washington
Chicago: Hall & McCreary 1912

A short history, for students.

An Outline for the Study of Illinois State History

With a reference list from the books, and other historical material in the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Illinois

Weber, Jessie Palmer, comp.
Illinois State Historical Library 1905

The detailed outline is followed by a reference list that appears to contain hundreds of sources for Illinois history.

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