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Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online – Newspaper Archives

Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online - Newspaper Archives

Asia and Pacific newspapers online. Free Asia and Pacific Newspaper archives online. Middle East, India and Bangladesh, Australia and New Zealand. English language newspapers, online news sources Directories of free newspapers.

Links to all the news webpages on this site just below.

Also Visit on Century Past:

Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online

Newspapers in Asia, including the Middle East

4 International Media & Newspapers

Contains a list of all countries in Asia, including the Middle East, with links to newspapers in each country.

Asia and the Middle East Newspapers and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

An extensive list of links for Internet news, newspapers and broadcasters for each region and country in Asia and the Middle East.

Asian & Middle Eastern Newspapers


The site has separate pages for every country in the region, with links to their newspapers.

Asian Newspapers & News Sites Online


Each country in Asia and the Middle East has a page, with links to newspapers and other news sources.

Asian News in English

The Big Project

A collection of links, without notes, to a number of news sources in Asia. On the site of “The Big Project”, a youth charity in Edinburgh, UK. English language newspaper Oceania.

Oceania Newspapers and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

An extensive list of links for Internet news, newspapers and broadcasters for each region and country in Oceania.

Oceania Newspapers


The site has separate pages for every country in the region, with links to their newspapers.

Oceania Newspapers & News Sites Online


Each country in Oceania has a page, with links to newspapers and other news sources.

Newspapers in Oceania

4 International Media & Newspapers

A list of 11 countries in Oceania, with links to newspapers in most of them. English language newspaper Oceania.

New Zealand and South Pacific

The Big Project

A collection of links, without notes, to a number of news sources in New Zealand and Pacific Islands. On the site of “The Big Project”, a youth charity in Edinburgh, UK.

Asia and Pacific Newspaper Archives Online

Historical Worldwide Newspapers Online: Asia

Bowling Green State University Libraries

This collection of free online newspapers published throughout Asia emphasizes historical newspapers from China, the Philippines, India, and Japan.

Middle East – Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online

News Links: Online MidEast News, Gov’t Press Agencies & Info


A very large collection of links to newspapers and other news sources. Many are in English. English language newspaper Middle East.

Near and Middle East Newspapers and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

Contains separate pages of links for each country in the region, and a page for regional media.

Middle East News in English

The Big Project

A collection of links, without notes, to a number of news sources in the Middle East, plus Egypt and Libya. On the site of “The Big Project”, a youth charity in Edinburgh, UK.

World News Guide: Middle East

The Guardian, UK

“The Guardian’s continent-wide, country-by-country directory of news and government websites for the Middle East.” – The Guardian. This webpage has links to online newspapers and other news sources around the region, with some very brief notes for most. All are in English. Note that this list is from 2002, so there will likely be broken links.

Middle East – Asia and Pacific Newspaper Archives Online

Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers

Global Press Archive

This free collection provides newspapers from across the Middle East and North Africa, from the late 19th Century to the present. Most of the 84 publications are in Arabic, but there are several in English from Iraq and Morocco.

India and Bangladesh – Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online

Newspapers Online India – IndiaPress


IndiaPress News has links to India newspapers throughout the country. Choose among newspapers in 14 languages, including 26 English-language papers.

India News and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

Contains separate pages for national news media, states and territories.

Indian Newspapers Online

W3 Newspapers

Indian Newspapers has links to English-language newspapers in India as well as newspapers in 12 other languages. Also note the links to TV channels, arranged by language, in the left column.

Indian Newspapers


Links to a long list of newspapers, organized alphabetically and showing the state and language of each.

List of Newspapers in India


This Wikipedia page contains a list of about 200 newspapers in India. The language of each is shown, along with some other information. Nearly all newspapers have links here, but many appear to go to Wikipedia pages for the individual newspapers, which then usually have links to the newspaper home pages.

Top Newspapers in India by Web Ranking

4 International Media & Newspapers

More than 140 newspapers in India, with links. Last updated in 2019.

Indian News in English

The Big Project

A collection of links, without notes, to a number of news sources in India. On the site of “The Big Project”, a youth charity in Edinburgh, UK.

Bangladeshi English Newspapers Online


All Bangla News has links to many Bangladesh newspapers and TV channels throughout the country. This link opens their page at the section for English-language newspapers. Online Bangla newspapers list.

Bangladesh Newspapers and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

A long list of links to Internet news sites, broadcast news media, and newspapers.

Bangladeshi Newspapers


Links to a long list of newspapers, organized alphabetically and showing the city of each.

Top Newspapers in Bangladesh by Web Ranking

4 International Media & Newspapers

More than 20 newspapers in Bangladesh, with links. Last updated in 2019.

Australia and New Zealand – Asia and Pacific Free Newspapers Online

Australian Newspapers Online


Guide to Australian Newspapers has links to nine important Australian newspapers in different areas of the country.

Australian Newspapers


Links to a long list of newspapers, organized alphabetically and showing the city and state of each.

Australia Newspapers and News Media Guide

ABYZ News Links

Contains separate pages for national news media, states and territories.

Australia Newspapers Online


Contains separate pages for national news media, states and territories.

New Zealand Newspapers


Links to daily and weekly newspapers, multicultural and ethnic newspapers, and online news websites.

New Zealand Newspapers

ABYZ News Links

Links to many newspapers (including non-English), broadcast news media, and Internet news media.

New Zealand Newspapers


Links to a long list of newspapers, organized alphabetically and showing the city of each.

Australia and New Zealand – Asia and Pacific Newspaper Archives Online

Historical Worldwide Newspapers Online: Australia & New Zealand

Bowling Green State University Libraries

This is a collection of historical newspapers published in Australia and New Zealand.

Australia – Trove

Australia National Library

Trove has hundreds of Australian papers in its free newspaper archive, from the 19th to the mid-20th century. The site also has other online resources: books, images, maps, music, archives and more.

Elephind – Newspaper Archives Australia


Elephind currently (early 2020) claims to have links to over 4,000 titles and 3.7 million digitized newspapers. Elephind “is focused on only historical, digitized newspapers. It enables you to search, for free, across many newspaper sites simultaneously, rather than having to visit each site separately. By clicking on the Elephind.com search result that interests you you’ll go directly to the newspaper site which hosts that story.” Elephind’s newspaper links are to the free newspaper archives of governments and universities.

New Zealand – Papers Past

About Papers Past

New Zealand National Library

Papers Past has about 90 publications from all regions of New Zealand for the period 1839-1945 in it’s newspaper archives online. In addition to an explanation of what this collection contains, “About Papers Past” (2nd link) contains a list of historic Maori newspapers in the collection.

New Zealand History: Newspapers – Library Subject Guide

University of Canterbury Library

This comprehensive subject guide has extensive information about numerous New Zealand newspapers and locations where past issues are archived; both digital and print.

Related Pages – Here are additional CenturyPast.org pages with books or other resources on related subjects. Also click Book Subjects at the top of any page to see a directory of all the book pages on the site.

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