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World Classics Books PDF – Classics of World Literature PDF

World Classics Books PDF - Classics of World Literature PDF

Thousands of free pdf classics of world literature pdf. Also books about classic literature. Arranged in subject collections. Novels in foreign languages translated. Audiobooks of the classics. World lit textbooks.

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Classics of World Literature PDF – Various Countries

Audiobooks – World Classics Books PDF

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Most works were published before 1928. Some of these collections contain both fiction and nonfiction.

Literature Books


Short Stories






Social Novels

Textbooks – Classic Literature PDF

British Literature I Anthology: From the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism and the Eighteenth Century

British Literature II: Romantic Era to the Twentieth Century and Beyond – Classics of World Literature PDF

Robinson, Bonny and Getty, Laura
Univ of North Georgia 2018

These two anthologies contain samples of works by some 90 British writers, with biographies.

Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution

Kurant, Wendy
Univ of North Georgia 2018

Featuring sixty-nine authors and full texts of their works, the selections in this open anthology represent the diverse voices in early American literature. Open Access textbook.

Writing the Nation: A Concise Introduction to American Literature 1865 to Present

Berke, Amy, et al.
Univ of North Georgia 2015

A text that surveys key literary movements and the American authors associated with the movement. Topics include late romanticism, realism, naturalism, modernism, and modern literature. Open Access textbook.

Compact Anthology of World Literature

Getty, Laura and Kwon, Kyounghye
Univ of North Georgia 2016

The emphasis in this anthology is on non-Western works. It is divided into sections on the ancient Middle East and Greece; China; India; and Rome.

World Literature I: Beginnings to 1650

Getty, Laura and Kwon, Kyounghye
Univ of North Georgia 2015

Sections of the text are divided by time period in three parts: the Ancient World, Middle Ages, and Renaissance, and then divided into chapters by location. It provides the best free texts available. Open Access textbook.

Compact Anthology of World Literature II

Turlington, Anita et al.
Univ System of Georgia 2022

This volume covers world literature from the seventeenth century to the present.

Topics – Classics of World Literature PDF

Collections – World Classic Books PDF

The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction (Vols 1-20)

Wikipedia Article on the Harvard Classics, with Table of Contents

Eliot, Charles W., ed.
Collier & Son 1917

This collection of 20 volumes of great literature was a follow-on project to Harvard President Charles Elliot’s 50-volume collection of world fiction and non-fiction, entitled “The Harvard Classics”. You can find more info about both projects, with a Table of Contents for the fiction collection, at the Wikipedia article link. This also has links to more Wikipedia articles on the books contained in the collection.

Great Books of the Western World (Vols 1-54)

Great Books of the Western World Wikipedia Article – Western Classic Literature

Hutchins, Walter Maynard, ed.
Encyclopedia Britannica 1952

This collection of ‘Great Books’ was conceived in the 1940s as a way of putting the core books of western civilization, as understood by the editors, together in one place. You can read more about the history of this series at the Wikipedia article at the second link, which also contains the complete Table of Contents for the series.

Library of the World’s Best Literature, Ancient and Modern – Audio Version

Warner, Charles Dudley, eds
R.S. Peale 1897

“In the Library of the World’s Best Literature, the editors drew from literature of all times and all kinds what they considered the best pieces of human writing, and compiled an ambitious collection of 45 volumes (with a 46th being an index-guide). Besides the selection and translation of a huge number of poems, letters, short stories and sections of books, the collection offers, before each chapter, a short essay about the author or subject in question. In many cases, chapters contemplate not one author, but certain groups of works, organized by nationality, subject or period; there is, thus, a chapter on Accadian-Babylonian literature, one on the Holy Grail, and one on Chansons, for example.

There are 10 volumes in this Librivox audio collection, each volume containing about 40 to 60 selections, recorded aloud by volunteers.

Fiction in Foreign Languages Translated to English

Audiobooks in Foreign Languages – World Classic Books PDF

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