Fiction Directory. We have many thousands of free online fiction books and magazines in a variety of categories. Find your favorites here.
Most of the books on Century Past published after 1925 are still in copyright and can be borrowed free from Internet Archive. Here’s their info about borrowing books.
Fiction Categories
Update: A 2023 court ruling required Internet Archive to discontinue lending books that are available for sale electronically. Many recently published books on Century Past are now unavailable. When you’re on an Internet Archive page, you can filter out unavailable books from our ‘collections’ by checking the Lending Library box under Availability in the left column.
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If you’re looking for a work of fiction on a particular topic or theme, you can go to the Non-Fiction Subject Directory A – Z, find the subject that interests you, and look in the Collections and Search Results entries on that page. Many contain works of fiction for readers of all ages.