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Names Begin with C – Biography Books

Julius Caesar

Froude, James Anthony
Appleton 1899 Dewey Dec. Biography

Careful study of “the conversion of the Roman republic into a military empire.” Gives a good outline picture of Roman life and conditions at the time of Caesar.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904.

Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 B.C.)

John C. Calhoun (American Crisis Biographies)

Hunt, Gaillard
Jacobs 1908 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A scholarly yet popular biography giving personal history as well as a full survey of Calhoun’s political career. The best biography for the public library.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926. Biography of John C. Calhoun.

Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782-1850)

Calvin, the Organiser of Reformed Protestantism, 1509-1564 (Heroes of the Reformation)

Walker, Williston
Putnam 1906 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Critical as well as sympathetic, carefully citing authorities, and candidly exhibiting both the lights and the shadows of a masterful character and career.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Calvin, John (1509-1564)

My Life Here and There

Cantacuzène, Julia Dent Grant
Scribner 1922 Dewey Dec. Biography

“These reminiscences begin with the author’s childhood recollections of her grandfather, U. S. Grant, cover an interesting career among American and European celebrities, especially the latter, and end just before the beginning of the Great war. Her life in Russia, at the court of the Czar and among high officials, is minutely described with many allusions to court gossip and intrigue.”
“Probably no more entertaining reminiscences have been written in recent years by a native American woman than these. The charm of the narrative is great; and this is probably due to the fact that in all the subjects the author treats, from the last days of General Grant to the last court function at St Petersburg she is so thoroughly and simply American.”
– The Book Review Digest.

Cantacuzène, Julia Dent Grant (Princess Cantacuzène) (1876-1975)

Thomas Carlyle, How to Know Him

Perry, Bliss
Bobbs-Merrill 1915 Dewey Dec. Biography

A sketch of his life and personality and an analysis and explanation of his philosophy and teaching. Intended for those unacquainted with Carlyle.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1912-1921.

Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)

The Stardust Road

Carmichael, Hoagy
Indiana University 1982

“Hoagy Carmichael gave us many of the most famous tunes of the twentieth century, including Stardust, Georgia on My Mind, Lazybones, Heart and Soul, and I Get Along Without You Very Well. This is his account of his youth and formative years in Bloomington, Indiana, where he was born and where he went to college. Like the author, the book is candid, nostalgic, sentimental, tough-minded, and romantic. It is at once a memoir of the life of a gifted youth, an account of Bloomington and Indiana University in the 1920s, and a glimpse of the-early years of jazz featuring, besides the author himself, Bix Beiderbecke and Bill Moenkhaus, his college friends.” – Book cover.

Carmichael, Hoagland Howard (1899-1981)

Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie

Carnegie, Andrew
Houghton 1920 Dewey Dec. Biography

“This story of the great financier’s childhood in Scotland and his early years and final success in America is a revelation of his geniality, indomitable cheerfulness, canny common sense, and idealism.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Interesting as a frank and sincere recital of the early struggles and later successes of the well-known millionaire. Contains reminiscences of several noted persons, including Matthew Arnold, James G. Blaine, John Hay, John Morley and Herbert Spencer. Notable chapters are The Civil war. Mills and the men, The gospel of wealth, Problems of labor. Portraits and other illustrations. Short bibliography, index.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927)

Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919)

The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll

Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson
Fisher 1899 Dewey Dec. Biography

Makes no attempt at analysis or criticism, but describes fully and simply his life and literary work, making large use of his letters.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904
“Interesting biography of the Oxford don who lectured on mathematics and created the immortal Alice. The author quotes many entertaining letters to and from children, of whom Lewis Carroll was very fond, and gives some interesting details about ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ‘Through the looking-glass’ and ‘Sylvie and Bruno.’ Illustrated by sketches and remarkably fine photographs.”

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832-1898)

Kit Carson Days (1809-1868)

Sabin, Edwin Legrand
McClurg 1914 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The most complete life of the great scout and Indian fighter, as well as a history of his times and his companions. Based on contemporary accounts and illustrated from old prints.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Carson, Christopher (1809-1868)

Jacques Cartier, His Life and Voyages

Pope, Joseph
Ottawa 1889 Dewey Dec. Biography

Biography of Jacques Cartier pdf.

Cartier, Jacques (1491-1557)

The Poetical Works of Alice and Phoebe Cary, with a Memorial of their Lives

Clemmer, Mary
Houghton, Mifflin 1884 Dewey Dec. Biography

Chapter headings are:

1. The House of their Birth. Their Father and Mother. Ancestry, Childhood, and Early Youth
2. Early Struggles and Success
3. Their Home. Habits of Life and of Labor. The Summer of 1869
4. Their Sunday Evening Receptions
5. Alice Cary. The Woman
6. Alice Cary. The Writer
7. Alice’s Last Summer
8. Alice’s Death and Burial
9. Phoebe Cary. The Writer
10. Phoebe Cary. The Woman
11. Phoebe’s Last Summer. Death and Burial
12. The Sisters Compared. Their Last Resting-place
– Alice Cary’s Poems (over 250 poems)
– Phoebe Cary’s Poems (over 150 poems). Biography of Alice Cary.

Cary, Alice (1820-1871)

Cary, Phoebe (1824-1871)

Lewis Cass (American Statesmen series)

McLaughlin, Andrew C.
Houghton, Mifflin 1891 Dewey Dec. Biography

Cass served as U.S. Congressman from Ohio, military colonel and brigadier general in the War of 1812, Governor of Michigan Territory, Secretary of War, U.S. Ambassador to France, U.S. Senator for Michigan, Democratic nominee for President, and U.S. Secretary of State. Biography of Lewis Cass.

Also see: Smith, W. L. G., Fifty Years of Public Life. The Life and Times of Lewis Cass in Biographies & Memoirs in Michigan History

Cass, Lewis (1782-1866)

Saint Catherine of Siena. A Study in the Religion, Literature and History of the Fourteenth Century in Italy

Gardner, Edmund G.
Dent 1907 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Gardner’s Saint Catherine of Siena is a sympathetic, reverent, and very complete story of her life and work.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“This is no conventional biography of a canonized saint, but a study in Italian history centered in the work and personality of one of the most wonderful women who ever lived, the truest and most single-hearted patriot of her age. . . . Mr Gardner has done for St Catherine what Paul Sabatier did for St Francis. . . . Rarely do we find the critical faculty so happily blended with enthusiasm.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Caterina da Siena, Saint (1347-1380)

Life and Times of Cavour, Vol 1

Volume 2

Thayer, William Roscoe
Houghton 1911 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The most important work upon the making of modern Italy which has been published in English, and the most complete critical study of Cavour which has appeared in any language.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Mr Thayer is completely saturated with Cavour’s thought. . . . He has vividly reproduced the Italian spirit of the time (and) has followed with particular minuteness the intricacies of European diplomacy in which Cavour was the master mind from 1858 to 1861.’ Illustrations (chiefly portraits) and maps.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Cavour, Camillo Benso, Conte di (1810-1861)

Cervantes (Master Spirits of Literature)

Schevill, Rudolph
Murray 1919 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Prof. Schevill devotes the first five chapters to the great writer’s life and experiences, including the latest discoveries of importance, and to his first literary ventures. Chapter 6 deals with the relation of Cervantes to the culture of the renaissance and the fiction of the sixteenth century. Two chapters are devoted to an analysis of “Don Quixote” and one to “The exemplary novels” and the last to the closing years of Cervantes and his last works and achievement.”
“The results of Professor Schevill‘s brilliant scholarship and penetrating criticism are interesting to the general reader and indispensable to students of the Spanish renaissance and of its greatest figure.”
– The Book Review Digest.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616)

Samuel de Champlain; Explorer of the Great Lakes region and Founder of Quebec

Sherman, Josepha
New York 2003

Profiles the explorer who was responsible for a series of French expeditions into North America in the early seventeenth century. In 1608, Champlain founded a settlement and trading post along the Saint Lawrence River that eventually became the city of Quebec.

Champlain, Samuel de (1567-1635)

Johnny Appleseed, a Voice in the Wilderness: The Story of the Pioneer John Chapman. Centennial Tribute

Hatcher, Harlan, and Marshall, Leslie
Paterson, N.J: Swedenborg Press. 1945

John Chapman (1774-1845), often called Johnny Appleseed, was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as the northern counties of present day West Virginia. He became an American legend while still alive, due to his kind, generous ways, his leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples. He was also a missionary for The New Church (Swedenborgian) and the inspiration for many museums and historical sites such as the Johnny Appleseed Museum in Urbana, Ohio and the Johnny Appleseed Heritage Center in between Lucas, Ohio and Mifflin, Ohio. -Wikipedia entry “Johnny Appleseed”.

Chapman, John (1774-1845)

Charlemagne (Charles the Great) The Hero of Two Nations

Davis, Henry William Carless
Putnam 1900 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Attempts to portray the personality of the first Western Emperor and to describe his influence upon European history. Based on a study of the chronicles, diplomata, and literature of the period.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Charlemagne (742-814)

Salmon Portland Chase (American Statesmen series)

Hart, Albert Bushnell
Houghton, Mifflin 1899 Dewey Dec. Biography

“In three historic episodes; the western political anti-slavery movement, the financial
measures of the Civil war, and the process of judicial reconstruction.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Chase, Salmon Portland (1808-1873)

Chaucer (English Men of Letters)

Ward, Adolphus William
Harper 1902 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Compact sketch giving the results of modern scholarship. ‘He has a real eye for Chaucer himself and the best points of his work, and is the first critic who has done justice to the wonderful dramatic power of the poet.’
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1343-1400)

Chopin, the Man and his Music

Huneker, James Gibbons
Scribner 1900 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A brilliant account of Chopin’s career in which an accomplished critic tells the story and expounds Chopin’s compositions in his inimitable and fascinating style.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Divided into two parts, the first giving a sketch of Chopin’s life, personality and style . . . while the second part analyzes in detail the . . valses, nocturnes, etc. No pianist . . . can rise from the perusal of his pages without a deeper appreciation of the new forms of beauty which Chopin has added … to the musical flora of the nineteenth century. . . . He justly takes every opportunity to emphasize the manliness of Chopin.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries: Biography Section (1927).

Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek (1810-1849)

The Life of George Rogers Clark

James, James A.
Chicago: University of Chicago 1929

George Rogers Clark was an American surveyor, soldier, and militia officer from Virginia who became the highest ranking American military officer on the northwestern frontier during the American Revolutionary War. He served as leader of the militia in Kentucky (then part of Virginia) throughout much of the war. He is best known for his celebrated captures of Kaskaskia (1778) and Vincennes (1779) during the Illinois Campaign, which greatly weakened British influence in the Northwest Territory. The British ceded the entire Northwest Territory to the United States in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, and Clark has often been hailed as the “Conqueror of the Old Northwest”. His younger brother was William Clark who, with Meriwether Lewis, explored the Louisiana Territory for President Jefferson. -Wikipedia.

The author was a professor of American history at Northwestern University. This book was the result of many years of research by Dr. James on General Clark’s papers, as well as on the history of the Revolutionary War in the west. Dr. James also drew upon the notes of Lyman Draper at the Wisconsin Historical Society, who spent 15 years researching Clark for a biography that he never completed.

Clark, George Rogers (1752-1818)

Village Life in America. 1852-1872; Including the Period of the American Civil War as Told in the Diary of a School-girl

Richards, Caroline Cowles
Fisher 1912 Dewey Dec. Biography

“An entertaining and refreshingly original diary of a school girl in Canandaigua, N. Y. Homely details of life in a cultured household, distinguished by piety and devotion to Puritan ideals, are told with a quaint, often unconscious humor, and with sure literary instinct.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Clarke, Mrs. Caroline Cowles (Richards) (1842-1913)

Life of Henry Clay (American Statesmen), Vol 1

Volume 2

Schurz, Carl
Houghton 1909 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Narrates the political struggles and changes of Clay’s period and recognizes the significance of the movements of popular feeling which so frequently upset the balance of politicians. The personality of Clay is constantly brought to the front.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Really a political history of the United States, based upon the public life of Henry Clay. . . We do not know of any book of like compass so well suited as this to give young Americans a knowledge of the history of their country during those stirring years—at once accurate, graphic and pervaded by a strong moral sense.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Clay, Henry (1777-1852)

Clemenceau, The Man and his Time

Hyndman, Henry Mayers
Stokes 1919 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The volume contains much valuable contemporary history besides the data of a biographical nature as this partial list of the table of contents shows: Paris under the Empire: Downfall and reconstruction; The commune; The rise and fall of Boulanger; Panama and Draguignan: The Dreyfus affair; The great war. Besides the frontispiece portrait of Clemenceau, the book reveals him to us as a radical, the Tiger, the journalist and writer and as administrator, and concludes that “he will stand out in history as the greatest statesman of the greatest war.”
“It is seldom that so good a biography is written of a man during his own life time as is that of the Tiger of France by H. M. Hyndman.”
– The Book Review Digest. Biography of Georges Clemencau.

Clemenceau, Georges Eugene Benjamin (1841 – 1929)

A Short Life of Mark Twain

Paine, Albert Bigelow
Harper 1920 Dewey Dec. Biography

“In answer to the demand for a short life of Mark Twain. Mr Paine, his official biographer, has prepared a condensed version of his longer work. The story is told in brief chapters and in simple language and is adapted for young people’s reading. There are eighteen Illustrations.”- The Book Review Digest.

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain) (1835-1910)

Mark Twain’s Letters, Vol 1

Volume 2

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
Harper 1917 Dewey Dec. Biography

Delightful letters arranged with comment by his biographer, Aibert Bigelow Paine. “He was a man of few restraints and of no affectations. in his correspondence, as in his talk, he spoke what was in his mind, untrammeled by literary conventions.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1912-1921
“The letters have all the extravagant humor, energy and imagination of his books and are besides revelations of a generous personality —irreverent, yet given to hero worship, frank, ingenious, shrewd in his judgments of people except where his material interests were involved, irascible in small things and of heroic fortitude under tragic circumstances. Constitutes a revelation of many aspects of American civilization which Mark Twain so broadly and many-sidedly represented.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain) (1835-1910)

A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton

Bernstein, Carl
Vintage 2008 Dewey Dec. 000

The nuanced, definitive biography of one of the most controversial and widely misunderstood figures of our time: the woman running a historic campaign as the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee—Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Drawing on hundreds of interviews with colleagues and friends and with unique access to campaign records, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author Carl Bernstein has given us a book that enables us, at last, to address the questions Americans are insistently—even obsessively—asking: Who is she? What is her character? What is her political philosophy? And, what can we expect from Hillary if we elect her President of the United States?

Clinton, Hilary Diane Rodham (1947-)

An Informal Biography of Ty Cobb: The Tiger Wore Spikes

McCallum, John
NY: Barnes 1956

Cobb spent 22 seasons with the Detroit Tigers; the last six as player-manager. He was known for his surly temperament and extremely aggressive playing style, described by the Detroit Free Press as “daring to the point of dementia”. He set some 90 Major League records during his career, including a career batting average of .366. In 1999 the editors of “The Sporting News” ranked Cobb 3rd on their list of “Baseball’s 100 Greatest Players”. Ty Cobb biography.

Cobb, Tyrus Raymond “Ty” (1886-1961)

The Life of Richard Cobden

Morley, John
Robert Brothers 1881 Dewey Dec. Biography

Cobden was a British politician best known for his successful fight for repeal of the Corn Laws and his defense of free trade.

Cobden, Richard (1804-1865)

Memories of Buffalo Bill

Cody, Mrs. Louisa (Frederici) and Cooper, C. R.
Appleton 1919 Dewey Dec. Biography

“From the time he first courted her, to his death, Mrs Cody records the career of her husband, one of the most picturesque and adventuresome of human careers. Adventure was thrust upon him when a mere child it became a part of his environment and was later sought with the keen relish of the actor in him.”
“In addition to Its personal interest the book gives a stirring picture of early western life.”
“The book under review may not be a literary masterpiece, but it has a merit which many so-called literary masterpieces lack – the merit of presenting a real man and an admirable character. We have seldom read a story more pitifully fascinating than that of the massacre at Wounded Knee, as told by the aged Short Bull in his tepee on the blizzard-swept prairie near Pine Ridge.”
– The Book Review Digest.

Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill) (1845-1917)

The Life of Hon. William F. Cody, Known as Buffalo Bill the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide. An Autobiography

Cody, William
Bliss 1879 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The volume is a brisk, vivid and authentic picture of a departed era, so rich in detail and so bold in outline that it leaves most of our purely fictional wild West stories in total eclipse.”
“Buffalo Bill’s own story does not rank with ‘Treasure Island.’ but it is the boys’ own book, for it holds all that can live of the life its hero led on the plains and afterwards preserved under canvas; and it was written by a boy who actually did the thing every boy resolves to do, stayed a boy in defiance of time and fate for more than seventy years.”
“Interesting to everyone, for it Is an important phase of our history graphically told by the one who knew it best.”
– The Book Review Digest
“Story of adventurous days in the old West, with the author as pony express rider, Indian fighter, buffalo hunter, army scout, and showman. An interesting epitome of the transition of the West from wilderness conditions to civilized life within a single lifetime.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries: Biography Section (1927).

Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill) (1845-1917)

Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the Reputed President of the Underground Railroad:

Being a brief history of the labors of a lifetime in behalf of the slave, with the stories of numerous fugitives, who gained their freedom through his instrumentality, and many other incidents

Coffin, Levi
Cincinnati: R. Clarke. 1880

Levi Coffin (1798-1877) was a Quaker who, with his wife Catharine, sheltered over a hundred escaping slaves per year while living in Fountain City (then Newport) in Wayne County, IN from 1826 to 1847. Their home was known as ‘Grand Central Station’ on the Underground Railroad because of the scale of their work. He then moved to Cincinnati, OH where he continued to be very active in the Underground Railroad. One of the slaves they helped was immortalized as Eliza, the heroine of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s classic novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
– From Indiana Historical Society. Levi Coffin biography.

Coffin, Levi (1798-1877)

Out of the Shadow

Cohen, Rose Gollup
Doran 1918 Dewey Dec. Biography

Her childhood in Russia, emigration to America, struggles and aspirations as a sweat-shop worker in New York, told by the eldest daughter in the family. Not as idealistic as Mary Antin’s Promised Land but perhaps nearer the truth for the average immigrant.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1912-1921
“The material of her story is family life in a poor Jewish quarter, her experiences as a wage-earner, and the influence on her life of the Henry Street Settlement and the Presbyterian hospital; her art is that of the born story-teller with a feeling for atmosphere and shades of character and for dialogue as the expression of character, all of which put her book in a different class from many of these immigrant autobiographies.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries: Biography Section (1927).

Cohen, Rose Gollup (1880-1925?)

The Story of Columbus (Delights of History)

Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston
Appleton 1892 Dewey Dec. Biography

Brief. Dwells with considerable detail on his voyages and discoveries and gives results of scholarly researches in simple, attractive form.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904.

Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506)

Sea of Dangers: Captain Cook and His Rivals in the South Pacific

Blainey, Geoffrey
Dee 2009 Dewey Dec. 000

Captain Cook biography pdf.

Cook, James (1728-1779)

Old Men Forget: The Autobiography of Duff Cooper (Viscount Norwich)

Cooper, Alfred Duff
NY: Dutton 1954 Dewey Dec. Biography

Cooper, Alfred Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich (1890-1954)

James Fenimore Cooper (American Men of Letters)

Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford
Houghton 1883 Dewey Dec. Biography

“An admirable study of Cooper’s work in the light of his life and character.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

See also: Cooper, James Fenimore, The Oak-openings; Or, The Bee-hunter in Michigan Novels and Historical Fiction

Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851)

Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin & the Great Depression

Brinkley, Alan
Vintage 1983

Father Coughlin was a very popular anti-Semite in the 1930s with fascist sympathies.
In 1926 Charles Coughlin was a 34-year-old parish priest in a Detroit suburb when he asked a local radio station to broadcast his Sunday sermons. In the early 1930s his sermons, by then almost entirely political in content, “attracted an audience as high as 40 million [of a total U.S. population of about 150 million]… As the years passed and his popularity grew, a strain of megalomania wore away his self-restraint until finally his excesses destroyed him.” -pp. 82-83.

Coughlin, Charles Edward (1891-1979)

The Parlor Provocateur, or, From Salon to Soap-box

The Letters of Kate Crane Gartz

Crane Gartz, Kate
Sinclair 1923 Dewey Dec. Biography

Daughter and heiress of a Chicago millionaire plumbing manufacturer and philanthropist, Kate Crane Gartz spent her adult life in Los Angeles, where she became known as a “parlor bolshevik” or “millionaire socialist”.

Crane Gartz, Kate (1865-1949)

Oliver Cromwell

Morley, John
Macmillan 1923 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The interest lies less in the narrative of Cromwell’s career than in the commentary on its critical phases and on political problems. “
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“A cautious, moderate and unpartisan estimate. … A truly marvelous picture of Cromwell.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658)

Kate: the Journal of a Confederate Nurse

Cumming, Kate; edited by Richard Barksdale Harwell
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University 1959 Dewey Dec. 973.7

Kate Cumming was one of the first women to offer her services for the care of the South’s wounded soldiers. Her journal provides a look behind the lines of Civil War action in depicting civilian attitudes, army medical practices, and the administrative workings of the Confederate hospital system.

Contents: Okolona, Corinth – Okolona – Mobile – Ringgold, Dalton, Chattanooga – Chattanooga, Mobile – Kingston, Cherokee Springs – Atlanta, Newnan – Newnan, Mobile – West Point, Americus, Macon – Mobile – Griffin – Newnan – Mobile

Cumming, Kate (1830-1909)

The Curies: A Biography of the Most Controversial Family in Science

Brian, Denis
Wiley 2005 Dewey Dec. 000

Curie, Marie Sklodowska (1867-1934)

Curie, Pierre (1859-1906)

“Boots and Saddles”; or Life in Dakota with General Custer

Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon
Harper 1902 Dewey Dec. Biography

“An entertaining account of an army woman’s daily life in Dakota. Continued by her Following the Guidon.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Custer, George Armstrong (1839-1876)

Following the Guidon

Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon
Harper 1890 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The sequel to Boots and Saddles.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926. Biography of General Custer.

Custer, George Armstrong (1839-1876)

Custer: The Controversial Life of George Armstrong Custer

Wert, Jeffrey D.
Simon & Schuster 1996

George Custer was born and raised in New Rumley, Ohio, where his father was a blacksmith. When he was 14 his mother died, and he went to Monroe, MI to live with a much older half-sister. Although his education at West Point Military Academy and his service in the Civil War immediately following that took him to other areas of the country, he returned to court and marry Monroe native Libbie Bacon. After the war he maintained close ties to the area, partly because Libbie’s family was there and partly because many of the officers he led in the First Michigan Cavalry were from the Detroit area.

Custer, George Armstrong (1839-1876)

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