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Free Biographies and Autobiographies - Subject Names G-H

Biography books subjects G & H. One of a dozen web pages of biographies. Free Online Book & Magazine Library.

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When I was a Little Girl

Gale, Zona
NY: Macmillan 1913

“It is not an autobiography nor a continuous narrative: it consists of detached scenes in the life of the little girl, with the feelings and fancies which each evoked. Most of these are illustrated by tales which are really allegories.” In one we learn how time was first measured, and in another a revelation of the meaning of equality. “Upon the whole, the message of the book Is more to grown-ups than to children, helping us to recapture not only the vanished days, but the vanished spirit with which we met them.”
“The book Is an unusual addition to the very limited number of good reminiscences of childhood.”
– The Book Review Digest

Zona Gale (1874-1938) was an author and playwright, and was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, in 1921. Born in Portage, WI, she attended Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam and received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She then worked for six years at newspapers in Milwaukee and New York before returning to Portage, where she lived and worked for the rest of her life. In 1920 she published the novel Miss Lulu Bett, and then adapted it for a play. (The play can be found on this website, at the Wisconsin Fiction page.) It was this play that won the Pulitzer. In addition to being a prolific writer, Gale was very active in progressive political causes.

Gale, Zona (1874-1938)

Galileo, His Life and Work

Fahie, J. J.
Murray 1903 Dewey Dec. Biography

Best biography of the great Florentine.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904

Italy, Science, Astronomer, Renaissance, 17th century.

Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)

Albert Gallatin (American Statesmen series)

Stevens, John Austin
Houghton, Mifflin 1886 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Carefully prepared biography of the man who chiefly influenced United States financial policy during the first 30 years of national history.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927)

New York, Swiss-American, ethnologist, U.S. Senator, Secretary of Treasury, 19th century.

Gallatin, Albert (1761-1849)


Deschanel, Paul Eugene Louis
Dodd 1920 Dewey Dec. Biography

The contents are In four parts: Before the war (1838-1870); The war (1870-1871); The national assembly and the establishment of the republic (1871-1875); The early stages of the parliamentary republic (1876-1882).
“Ex-President Deschanel writes with the blend of lucidity and enthusiasm characteristic of the best French political literature.”
“This volume is full-blooded and vital in every chapter and in every paragraph. It is no fulsome panegyric, no noisy advertisement, but a balanced and critical, a knowing and a sympathetic portrait.”
– The Book Review Digest

France, political leader, 19th century.

Gambetta, Leon Michel (1838-1882)

Reminiscences of James A. Garfield

with notes preliminary and collateral

Fuller, Corydon E.
Cincinnati: Standard 1887 Dewey Dec. Biography

Garfield, James A., U.S. President (1831-1881)

William Lloyd Garrison. (American crisis biographies)

Swift, Lindsay
Macrae-Smith 1911 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A brief biography which throws little new light on either Garrison or the abolition movement, but presents a clearly outlined picture of the man and his times. Garrison, Letters and Memorials contains a biographical sketch, selected letters to contributors, characteristic editorials and essays, and a few poems, representing Garrison’s forty-one years as editor of The Nation.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)

Black Moses; the Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association

Cronon, Edmund David
University of Wisconsin 1955 Dewey Dec. 973.91

Garvey, Marcus Mosiah Jr. (1887-1940)

Paul Gauguin

Fletcher, John Gould
Frank-Maurice 1921 Dewey Dec. Biography

“An interpretation of the life of this strange painter, whose mixed French, Spanish, and Peruvian ancestry seemed to destine him to a life of unconventionality and revolt. It traces his bohemian life in Paris, Brittany, and the South Seas, where he sought a refuge from the restraints and artificialities of modern life. Illustrations from Gauguin’s paintings. Will interest readers who were fascinated by Noa Noa (Adelphi 1919), Gauguin’s own account of his life in the South Sea Islands.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Within its small compass the author has contrived to include not only the salient features of Gauguin’s life, but a full exposition of Gauguin‘s ideas, showing their relation to the general ideas of his day, and an ample discussion of Gauguin’s art with its subtle relationships to the work of other great painters, past and present. The true story is an unhappy one. Gauguin had a rough savage nature; to most of his associates he must have seemed just such an inhuman and overbearing egoist as the novelist represents.”
“A straightforward and competent account of one of the least understood artists of his day.”
– The Book Review Digest.

Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903)

Life of Henry George

George, Henry
Doubleday 1900 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A detailed biography of the political economist who advocated most strenuously the single tax movement, by his son. As a sailor before the mast, a typesetter, reporter, and editor of the San Francisco Times, he led a varied and active life.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926. Historical biography books.

USA, writer, economist, “land-value tax”, “Progress and Poverty”, 19th century.

George, Henry (1839-1897)

Geronimo’s Story of His Life

Barrett, S. M., ed.
Duffield 1912 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The narrative of the fierce old chief’s bloody career in his struggle with the invading whites is a moving one, and is as full of exciting and picturesque incident as any of Cooper’s novels. It is told with that wealth of imagery for which the Indian is noted.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926

American Southwest, Apache Indian, guerrilla fighter, 19th century.

Geronimo, Apache Chief (1829-1909)

Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1

Volume 2

Morley, John Morley
Macmillan Dewey Dec. Biography

“A masterpiece of historical writing, in which the interest is absorbing, the authority indisputable, and the skill consummate.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“A grand portraiture of a grand subject on a great scale, and in a worthy style. . . A biography which is, from the nature of the case, a ‘history of our times,’ as well as a life of their great protagonist. . . A faithful, skilful, and admirably developed account of the evolution of Mr Gladstone’s character and career …”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Great Britain, politician, Prime Minister, Liberal Party leader, 19th century, British history

Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898)


Thomas, Calvin
Holt 1917 Dewey Dec. Biography

The first chapters, about one half of the volume, sketch Goethe’s life. The remainder of the book is critical, with chapters devoted to: The philosopher; The evolutionist; The believer; The poet; The dramatist; The novelist; The critic; Faust.
“A very thoughtful and sympathetic study.”
“It is possible now for an American scholar to put aside the trivial and ephemeral and concentrate attention on those aspects of Goethe’s life and work that ‘belong to the ages.’ That is what Professor Thomas has done in this volume.”
– The Book Review Digest.

German, author, poet, “Faust”, 18th century, 19th century, literature

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)

Oliver Goldsmith, A Biography

Irving, Washington
Putnam1912 Dewey Dec. Biography

“One of the best biographies in the whole range of English literature—just, full, brilliant.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926

Great Britain, Irish, author, “Vicar of Wakefield”, 18th century.

Goldsmith, Oliver (1728-1774)

Swing, Swing, Swing: The Life & Times of Benny Goodman

Firestone, Ross
Norton 1993

“Before Elvis Presley and rock-‘n’-roll, another King ruled the roost of American popular music. His name was Benny Goodman and his domain, the gilded age of Swing. Benny’s concerts, records, and radio shows catapulted the hot and controversial sounds of jazz into the hearts and homes of a hungry public. ‘Swing, Swing, Swing’ at once illustrates Goodman’s enormous impact on American music and culture, reflects the rich textures of the times in which he lived, and evokes the very private life of a complicated, difficult man.” – Publisher

Goodman, Benjamin David “Benny” (1909-1986)

Charles George Gordon (English men of action)

Butler, Sir William Francis
Macmillan 1891 Dewey Dec. Biography

“The stirring record of “Chinese” Gordon’s adventurous and heroic life. This brief sketch recounts his activities and accomplishments in Crimea, China, Gravesend, and the Sudan.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Nothing in the record of half a century is so heroic as the death of Gordon, nothing is so full of the spirit of self-abnegation and devotion to mankind. … Sir William Butler was a friend, a brother soldier, and a member of the ‘too late’ relief expedition. . . . Above all he is in sympathy with the ideals and chivalrous thoughts that guided his hero. None can read this book without feeling that Gordon’s spirit inspires it.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927)

British, Army General, defense of Khartoum, 19th century.

Gordon, Charles George (1833-1885)

Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Vol 1

Volume 2

Grant, F. D., ed.
Century 1909 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Grant’s simple record of his own life is a true classic. Covers his life to the close of the Civil War.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
When one considers that the writer was a man of action, altogether without experience in literary work, one is surprised at the remarkable skill with which the narrative is written. The sentences often have the same pithy directness and brevity that marked his despatches from the field of battle. As a general he mastered details but was not overwhelmed by them: so here, he sees the whole field and leads the reader easily along from one principal event to another. The native simplicity and lack of affectation so characteristic of the author are noticeable features of the work.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Grant, Ulysses Simpson, U. S. President (1822-1885)

Ulysses S. Grant

Bunting, Josiah III
Times 2004 Dewey Dec. 000

Grant, Ulysses S. (1822-1885)

Zane Grey: Romancing the West

May, Stephen J.
Ohio University 1997

“His novels are legendary: Riders of the Purple Sage, Betty Zane, The Vanishing American, and his characters are unforgettable: Jim Lassiter, Bern Venters, Lew Wetzel, Buck Duane, and Madeline Hammond. His settings are colorful, austere, and filled with romantic mystery. In the early twentieth century, Zane Grey not only defined the cowboy hero and captured the Western landscape, he created one of the most elaborate and memorable bodies of folklore in American literature. Who was the man behind the legend?” – Book jacket.

Grey, Pearl Zane (1872-1939)

Gus Grissom: The Lost Astronaut

Boomhower, Ray E.
Indiana Historical Society 2004

Selected as one of NASA’s original Seven Mercury Astronauts, Gus Grissom would go on to become the first man to fly in space twice and later give his life to the NASA space program. This book unearths the story of Indiana’s first astronaut by offering a more complete picture of Grissom’s life and character and the events that led up to his death. – Publisher

Grissom, Virgil Ivan “Gus” (1926-1967)

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

Anderson, John Lee
Grove 1997 Dewey Dec. 000

Guevara, Ernesto “Che” (1928-1967)

A New England Boyhood and Other Bits of Autobiography

Hale, Edward Everett
Little 1905 Dewey Dec. Biography
DDC: Biography Y Dewey Dec. Biography

Autobiography describing a boy’s life in Boston from 1826-35 and at Harvard for 4 following years. An excellent picture of Boston and vicinity at that time.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904

Massachusetts, author, “Man without a Country”, 19th century.

Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909)

The Conqueror; Being the True and Romantic Story of Alexander Hamilton

Atherton, Gertrude Franklin
Macmillan 1902 Dewey Dec. Biography

Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804)

Alexander Hamilton (American Statesmen)

Lodge, Henry Cabot
Houghton 1917 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Brings into strong relief the salient features of Hamilton’s character and work. Well adapted to kindle an intelligent interest in American history.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926

New York, statesman, Secretary of Treasury, “Federalist Papers”, 18th century.

Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804)

Hannibal, Soldier, Statesman, Patriot; and the Crisis of the Struggle between Carthage and Rome (Heroes of Nations)

Morris, William O’Connor
Putnam 1897 Dewey Dec. Biography
Carthage, army general, Italy campaign, 3rd century BC, ancient history, history biography books.

Hannibal (247-182? B.C.)

J. Keir Hardie, A Biography

Stewart, William
Cassell 1921 Dewey Dec. Biography

A Scottish coal miner from childhood, Hardie became a national labor leader and the first independent Labour Member of Parliament in the U.K., with a major role in forming the Labour Party.

Hardie, James Keir (1856-1915)

Warren G. Harding – The Man

Chapple, Joe Mitchell
Boston: Chapple 1920 Dewey Dec. Biography

Harding, Warren G., U.S. President (1865-1923)

Thomas Hardy, Poet and Novelist

Chew, Samuel Claggett
Longmans 1921 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A thoughtful, comprehensive study of Hardy’s work, marked by modesty, good sense, knowledge and sympathy.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926. Historical biography books.

British, author, poet, “Tess of the d’Urbervilles”, 19th century, literature.

Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)

The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris; First American Consul General and Minister to Japan

Harris, Townsend
Japan Society, NY 1930 Dewey Dec. Biography
DDC: Biography Dewey Dec. Biography

Includes an Introduction, five journals spanning the period from May 1855 to February 1858, and appendices. Illustrated.

Harris, Townsend (1804-1878)

Life and Public Services of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.

With a concise biographical sketch of Hon. Whitelaw Reid, ex-Minister to France

Wallace, Gen. Lew and Halstead, Murat
Edgewood 1892

Harrison, Benjamin, U.S. President (1833-1901)

Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Major-General William H. Harrison

And a vindication of his character and conduct as a statesman, a citizen and a soldier. With a detail of his negotiations and wars with the Indians, until the final overthrow of the celebrated chief Tecumseh, and his brother The Prophet”

Dawson, Moses
Cincinnati: M. Dawson 1824

The author was the editor of the Cincinnati Advertiser. As the title suggests, he wrote this book in response to rumors spread by Harrison’s political enemies. Harrison had by this time served as a U.S. Congressman and Governor of Indiana Territory, had led troops in wartime, and had negotiated a number of treaties and land acquisitions with Indian tribes. The author admits in the introduction that Harrison had provided him documents and assistance for this authorized biography.

Harrison, William Henry, U.S. President (1773-1841)

Life of Bret Harte, with Some Account of the California Pioneers

Merwin, Henry Childs
Houghton 1911 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A detailed, authoritative biography, dealing less with Harte’s personality than with his work and the social and economic conditions under which it was produced. Full analyses of his style, vocabulary, verse forms and methods of work.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

American, author, editor, 19th century, literature, online book

Harte, Bret (1839-1902)

A Woman’s Life-Work: Labors and Experiences of Laura S. Haviland

Haviland, Laura S.
Cincinnati: Walden & Stowe 1882

Autobiography of a leader of anti-slavery activities in Michigan. She helped found the “Logan Female Anti-Slavery Society” in 1832, and founded the “Raisin Institute” in Lenawee County in 1837, which brought together African American and white children for vocational training. She later became very actively engaged in the Underground Railroad, even traveling in the south at great personal risk to help slaves escape to Canada.

Haviland, Laura S. (1808-1898)

Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife, Vol 1

Volume 2

Hawthorne, Julian
Houghton 1897 Dewey Dec. Biography

“This standard life, by his son, is called by Richardson the best biography in America. Woodberry’s Nathaniel Hawthorne (1902) is a valuable appreciative criticism of his writings.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Massachusetts, author, “The Scarlet Letter”, 19th century.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864)

The Life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Vol 1

Volume 2

Nineteenth President of the United States

Williams, Charles Richard
Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1914 Dewey Dec. Biography

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, U.S. President (1822-1893)

Hugh Hefner: An Unauthorized Biography

Brady, Frank
Macmillan 1974

“Hugh Hefner was an American magazine publisher and life-stylist. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, a revolutionary publication, aimed at a sophisticated young readership, with revealing glamour photographs and sensational articles provoking charges of obscenity. The first issue, in 1953, featuring Marilyn Monroe in her nude calendar shoot, sold over 50,000 copies. Hefner extended the brand into a world network of Playboy Clubs, as well as his own luxury mansions where the Playboy ‘playmates’ shared his wild partying life, keenly reported in the media. An advocate of sexual liberation and freedom of expression, Hefner was a political activist in other causes too.” – Wikipedia.

Hefner, Hugh Marston (1926-2017)

In the Courts of Memory

Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de
Harper 1912 Dewey Dec. Biography

Delightfully spontaneous letters home describing with pleasant details the author’s social and musical life in Paris, the celebrities she met, among them Liszt, Auber, Gounod, Rossini, Merimee, Prince Metternich, etc., and her visits to the court of Napoleon. (Also see The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life on this web page)
— A.L.A. Catalog 1912-1921

American, singer, diplomatic spouse, memoir.

Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de (1844-1928)

The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life

Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de
Harper 1914 Dewey Dec. Biography

The author continues her interesting account of life in Washington, Rome, Stockholm, Paris and Berlin from In the Courts of Memory (also on this web page).
— A.L.A. Catalog 1912-1921
Includes interesting intimate sketches, not only of royalty and the distinguished personages of her social world, but also of great musicians with whom she associated as a fellow artist.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

American, singer, diplomatic spouse, memoir, 19th century, history

Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de (1844-1928)

Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story

Baker, Carlos
Collier 1988

“Now hailed as a classic, Carlos Baker’s bestselling Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story brings into sharp focus one of the titans of twentieth-century American literature, a writer whose life itself was the stuff of legend. Baker draws not only on Hemingway’s diaries, letters, and unpublished writings, but unlike more recent biographers, on the personal testimony of the artists and writers, sportsmen and soldiers-indeed, virtually all the men and women who played a part in Hemingway’s career. . . Here are the many faces of Hemingway: boxer, drinker, humorist, fisherman, hunter, lover, heroic activist; but above all, here is Hemingway, the most influential prose stylist of the century.” – Publisher.

Hemingway, Ernest Miller (1899-1961)

Prince Henry the Navigator; the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery 1349-1460

Beazley, C. Raymond
Putnam 1895 Dewey Dec. Biography

An account not only of the stirring events that characterized Prince Henry’s time, but of the centuries of preparation preceding.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904.

Portuguese, political leader, naval exploration, 15th century, European history

Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)

The True Patrick Henry

Morgan, George
Lippincott 1907 Dewey Dec. Biography

Biography history books.

Virginia, political leader, Revolutionary War, 18th century.

Henry, Patrick (1736-1799)

The Woodchopper’s Ball: the Autobiography of Woody Herman

Herman, Woody
E.P. Dutton 1990

Herman was born and raised in the Polish section of Milwaukee, becoming a musician and then a well-known bandleader. This volume is the story of the big band era as well as being his personal story.

Herman, Woody (1913-1987)

Wild Bill Hickok: The Man & His Myth

Rosa, Joseph C.
University Press of Kansas 1996

“Wild Bill” Hickok, was a folk hero of the American Old West known for his work across the frontier as a drover, wagon master, soldier, spy, scout, lawman, gunfighter, gambler, showman, and actor. He earned a great deal of notoriety in his own time, much of it bolstered by the many outlandish and often fabricated tales that he told about his life. Hickok remains a popular figure in frontier history. Many historic sites and monuments commemorate his life, and he has been depicted numerous times in literature, film, and television”. – Wikipedia.

Hickok, James Butler “Wild Bill” (1837-1876)

Rhine Roamings

Hill, Lucy Ann
Lee and Shepard 1880 Dewey Dec. Biography

Memoir of time spent in about 1850 as a teenager living in the mansion of a German widow with 5 other girls from various countries.

Hill, Lucy Ann (? – ?)


Sloane, Arthur A.
MIT 1991

Jimmy Hoffa moved with his family in 1924 from Brazil, IN to Detroit, where he lived the rest of his life. He left school at 14 and went to work to help support his family, as his father had died in 1920. He got involved in union activities as a young man, and worked for 20 years to help consolidate local truckers’ unions into a national Teamsters’ union. Membership grew from 75,000 members in 1933 to over a million by 1951, according to the Wikipedia entry for Hoffa. He became the organization’s president in 1957. In the ensuing years he and the union were repeatedly investigated by federal authorities and he served a prison sentence, which President Nixon commuted after Hoffa served five years. On July 30, 1975 Hoffa disappeared. To date, his disappearance has never been solved, although theories abound.

Hoffa, James Riddle (1913-1975)

Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Vol 1

Volume 2

Morse, John Torrey
Houghton 1897 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Letters full of wit, humor, and intimate revelations, connected by incriminating biographical narrative.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Taken together the memoir and the letters form a complete and most engaging literary portraiture,—one which the reader finishes with a gratified sense of having learned all that one needs to know, and has a right to know of the career and personality of the kindly ‘Autocrat.’ “
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

Massachusetts, jurist, Supreme Court justice, 19th century, 20th century, Constitutional history

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894)

The Life and Works of Winslow Homer

Downes, William Howe
Houghton 1911 Dewey Dec. Biography

“A very full and appreciative biography and descriptions of the larger number of his paintings, often with the circumstances attending their execution. Reproductions in sepia of over one hundred paintings and sketches.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

Homer, Winslow (1836-1910)

Houdini!!! The Career of Ehrich Weiss

Silverman, Kenneth
HarperCollins 1996

“Silverman tells the story of Houdini’s origins as Ehrich Weiss, one of four sons of Rabbi Mayer Weiss, an émigré from Hungary to America; his theatrical debut … and his rapid rise to stardom that culminated in twenty-five years of worldwide fame. Silverman also describes Houdini’s tangled family life, his war against Spiritualism, and his encounters with such celebrities as Sarah Bernhardt, Jack London, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Most of all, he re-creates the illusions and escapes that Houdini performed … – amazements that made Houdini the highest-paid variety artist of his time.” – Book jacket.

Houdini, Harry (1874-1926)

The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Arranged as a Narrative, Vol 1

Volume 2

Seymour, Charles, ed.
Houghton 1926 Dewey Dec. Biography

Colonel House was a close aide to President Woodrow Wilson, and these papers are about his years in the White House.
“This absorbing work ranks with those of Grey and Ludendorf as a war record indispensable to the future historian. It is perhaps more valuable than the others since it embraces a wider field.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Here is a unique book, full of astounding revelations. It reads like a romance written by an historical society. It is well-nigh incredible, yet it seems to be composed of the truth and nothing but the truth. More than any memoir that I have read since 1914 it perturbs my conceptions of history. I do not see what we can do with it except to read it; believe what it sets before us with adequate evidence; for the present, readjust our ideas of the political universe in accordance with it, and call for publication of the intimate papers of Woodrow Wilson.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927).

For background histories, see also: Paris Peace Conference

American, diplomat, memoir, aide to President Woodrow Wilson, 20th century, American history

House, Edward Mandell (1858-1938)

Wilson, Woodrow, U. S. President (1856-1924)

Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, Vol 1

Volume 2

Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe and others
Houghton 1925 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Written by her three daughters, it shows the gifted author of the “Battle hymn of the republic” from her girlhood in New York through a long life of literary activity and connection with reform movements, revealing much of her wisdom and philosophy through quotations of her own words.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926
“Mrs Howe’s daughters have wisely made of their two volumes practically an autobiographical record of their mother’s life. . . We have the story of her wonderful years told mainly by herself through the medium of letters or of intimate recollections from her birth in 1819 until her death in 1910. It is a story of infinite appeal.”
“The literary work qualifies it in view of the fame of its subject, to rank as a classic American biography.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries : Biography Section (1927)

American, abolitionist, social activist, poet, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, 19th century.

Howe, Julia (Ward) (1819-1910)

Sam Houston and the War of Independence in Texas

Williams, Alfred Mason
Houghton 1893 Dewey Dec. Biography

“Based on a study of Texan archives, extensive knowledge of existing works on the subject, and personal acquaintance with Texans who knew Houston.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926.

American, soldier, politician, Texas independence from Mexico, 19th century.

Houston, Samuel (1793-1863)

Life of Victor Hugo (Great writers)

Marzials, Frank Thomas
Scott 1888 Dewey Dec. Biography
French, poet, author, “Les Miserables”, 19th century, Literature.

Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)

Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston

Boyd, Valerie
Scribner 2004 Dewey Dec. 000

Hurston, Zora Neale (1891-1960)

The Record of an Adventurous Life

Hyndman, Henry Mayers
Macmillan 1911 Dewey Dec. Biography

Hyndman was the first important British Marxist and very influential in the British socialist movement.

Hyndman, Henry Mayers (1842-1921)

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