Hundreds of free tech books pdf about technology, inventions, science, biotechnology, etc. Book collections and suggested titles. All ages.
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Book Collections on Technology and Inventions
Books about Technology (General) : Search Results at Internet Archive
Free pdf books on technology. Some book titles: Robotic Technology; Mobile Apps; Wind Power.
Books about Technology (General) : Search Results at Open Library
About 3,800 free books. Some book titles: BiblioTech: Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google; The digital economy; Technologies for Development.
Books on Technological Innovations : Search Results at Internet Archive
Free books on technological innovations. Some titles: Animal Robots; Humans 3.0: the Upgrading of the Species; Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Set Us Free or Lock Us Up.
Books about Technological Innovations : Search Results at Open Library
About 5,500 free books. Some titles: Titans of Tech: From Edison to Gates; Enhancing teaching and learning in the 21st-century academic library; The Next Big Thing. Free books on technological innovation.
Books about Technology & Engineering : Search Results at Internet Archive
Free books on technology and engineering. Some titles: Frackopoly: the Battle for the Future of Energy and the Environment; Wind Farms; Atoms under the Floorboards: the Surprising Science Hidden in Your Home.
Books about Technology & Engineering : Search Results at Open Library
About 8,080 free books. Some titles: Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials; Top STEM Careers in Science; Amazing Feats of Biological Engineering. Tech books pdf.
Technology History Books – Collection
Technology History books free pdf at the Internet Archive. Some titles: Science History and Technology 800-1840s, History of Technology, Islamic Technology: an illustrated history, History of American Technology, History of Computing Technology, Technology and American Society, Encyclopedia of the History of Technology, Communication in History, Technology in World Civilization, many more free eBooks on History of Technology.
Inventions Books Free PDF – Collection
Inventions books free pdf at the Internet Archive. Some books: 99 Inventions for People in a Hurry, Gadget Nation, A Complete Guide to the Uncommon Art of Invention, Turning Your Great Idea into a Great Success, Discoveries and Inventions of the 20th Century, the Big Ideas that Changed the World, History of Everyday Life, Crackpot or Genius?, Great Modern Inventions, many more free eBooks on Inventions.
Biotechnology Books Free PDF – Collection
Biotechnology books free PDF from the Internet Archive. Some books: Biotech 2003, The New Biotechnology: putting microbes to work, Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness, Future Prospects for Industrial Biotechnology, Biotechnology in the Farm and Factory, The Human Body Shop, Biotechnology Careers, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology: the university-industrial complex, Applications of Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Materials Science, Molecular Biotechnology, many more free eBooks on Biotechnology.
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Suggested Books on Technology
The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves
Arthur, W. Brian
Free Press 2011
“More than anything else technology creates our world. It creates our wealth, our economy, our very way of being,” says W. Brian Arthur. Where do new technologies come from? What constitutes innovation, and how is it achieved? Does technology, like biological life, evolve? Pioneering technology thinker and economist W. Brian Arthur answers these questions and more, setting forth a boldly original way of thinking about technology.
Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology
Barber, Nigel
Facts on File 2002
“Features more than 400 entries that describe the varied ethical controversies in science and technology: laws, precedent-setting cases, regulations, agencies and organizations, ethical principles, concepts, people, and important events. Also covered are phenomena that are at the fringe of science but have important ethical implications, including voodoo deaths and experimental research into extrasensory perception (ESP).” – Publisher.
The Wonderful Future that Never Was
Benford, Gregory
Hearst 2010 Dewey Dec. 609
Between 1903 and 1969, scientists and other experts made hundreds of predictions in Popular Mechanics magazine about what the future would hold. Here are the very best of them, culled from hundreds of articles, complete with the original, visually stunning retro art. They will capture the imagination of futurists in the same way Jules Verne’s writing did a century earlier.
Levitating Trains and Kamikaze Genes: Technological Literacy for the 1990s
Brennan, Richard P.
Wiley 1990 Dewey Dec. 600
As our world becomes increasingly more technological, some of us are getting left behind. Here is a quick and easy course in the terms and concepts of science to help the reader understand the technology of our modern world. Includes a technological literacy test. 49 line drawings.
The Power of the Machine: The Impact of Technology from 1700 to the Present
Buchanan, Robert A.
Viking 1992 Dewey Dec. 600
By far the most important single factor in world history has been the process of technological revolution whereby small-scale agricultural societies have been transformed into massive industrialized and urbanized communities. This development has occurred over a long period of time, but its greatest thrust has been concentrated over the last two centuries, beginning in the West, in Europe and North America, and then spreading through the rest of the world. The author systematically analyses this process, showing how increasing mastery over sources of power provided increased industrial and agricultural productivity, and created radically new methods of transport and communication. He then examines the impact of these technical achievements on society, paying special attention to the political and ecological consequences of a vastly increased world population, the facilities for rapid transport and instantaneous communication, and the possession of weapons of immense destructive force.
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The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century
Byrn, Edward W.
Science and technology books, modern technology inventions, books about inventions.
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The Norton History of Technology
Cardwell, Donald
Norton 1994 Dewey Dec. 600
“Humans are tool-makers…and the first record of humankind is that of their tools”, Donald Cardwell writes in this absorbing history of technology from prehistory to the present, from stone implements, the wheel, and the first geared machines to the transistor and the supercomputer. With a keen eye for the insight that marks a breakthrough in human problem-solving and a wide-ranging sympathy for its social and cultural contexts, Cardwell chronicles how human curiosity and inventiveness slowly led to the first tools and machines; how technological progress accelerated over time, as major breakthroughs released floods of further inventions; the close links between “pure” science and technology; and the human factors – personal and social – that help or hinder technological change. Casting fresh light on every aspect of technology, Cardwell also challenges us to consider such issues as the influence on technology of different religions and cultural practices, including a society’s level of political freedom; the role of market forces; the comparative technological advantages of nations as disparate as Japan and the United States; and the potential that women hold as the greatest remaining untapped resource for invention and innovation.
See our Engineering books: Mechanical & Energy
The Innovators: The Discoveries, Inventions, and Breakthroughs of our Time
Diebold, John
Dutton 1990
“… takes the reader memorably and dramatically to the scenes of discovery when small groups of now-famous innovators made some of the most astonishing technological breakthroughs of modern times. Moreover, the noted author follows those initial research-lab discoveries as they soon began to take understandable and usable shapes as transistors, xerography, the laser, electronic banking, new medicines, fiber optics, among others.” Book cover.
The Britannica Guide to Inventions that Changed the Modern World
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica 2010
“The Britannica Guide to Inventions That Changed the Modern World, is one title in a 4 book series that focuses on the transformative power of various movements, voyages, conceits, and outright brainstorms. A true journey into modernity, this set delves into the facts surrounding landmark decisions, actions, and inventions that have advanced cultures, inspired humankind and forever changed the way the world works. Supplementing the text, which is categorized for easy referencing, are an array of photographs and illustrations that provide an unforgettable visual narrative. ” – Publisher.
Encyclopedia Of Computer Science And Technology
Henderson, Harry
Facts on File 2009 Dewey Dec. 600
Computers play a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. With more than 150 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, this title provides an examination of this fascinating field for students and general readers. It covers major corporations and organizations in the computer field. Encyclopedia of Computer Science free online, science and technology.
Knight’s American Mechanical Dictionary, Vol 1
Volume 2
Volume 3 – Tech Books PDF
A description of tools, instruments, machines, processes, and engineering; history of inventions; general technological vocabulary; and digest of mechanical appliances in science and the arts. Illustrated with upwards of seven thousand engravings
Knight, Edward H.
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin 1882
International Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
Luck, Steve
Oxford University 1999 Dewey Dec. 600
Here is indeed a wealth of information. The encyclopedia boasts 6,500 alphabetically arranged entries, each written by an expert in the field, covering virtually every aspect of science and technology, from the structure of atoms to the functioning of the cell. Readers will find brief informative biographies of scientists and inventors as well as clear explanations of terms from all areas of science–including astronomy, chemistry, biology, botany, engineering, physics, and medicine, to name a few.
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, vol 1
Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10
Volume 11 Volume 12 Volume 13 Volume 14 Volume 15
Volume 16 Volume 17 Volume 18 Volume 19 Volume 20: Index
McGraw-Hill 1997 Dewey Dec. 600
This encyclopedia contains 7,700 entries on a wide variety of fields of science and technology, each written by 3,500 authorities in their field for an audience of non-specialists. Entries cover all important new innovations in these fields in the early and mid-1980s. 15,000 illustrations accompany.
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The Way Things Work
Macaulay, David
Houghton Mifflin 1988 Dewey Dec. 600
The Way Things Work is a 1988 children’s book by David Macaulay with technical text by Neil Ardley. It is an entertaining introduction to everyday machines, describing machines as simple as levers and gears and as complicated as radio telescopes and automatic transmissions. Text and numerous detailed illustrations introduce and explain the scientific principles and workings of hundreds of machines including a lawn sprinkler, pneumatic drill, electric guitar, and a smoke detector.
Feminine Ingenuity: How Women Inventors Changed America
Macdonald, Anne L.
Balantine 1992 Dewey Dec. 609
Historian Anne Macdonald shows how creative, resourceful, and entrepreneurial women helped to shatter the ancient stereotypes of mechanically inept womanhood. In presenting their stories, Anne Macdonald’s thorough research in patent archives and her engaging use of period magazine, journals, lectures, records from major fairs and expositions, and interviews, have made her book nothing less than an overall history of the women’s movement in America.
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The Wilson Chronology of Science and Technology
Ochoa, George and Corey, Melinda
H.W. Wilson 1997 Dewey Dec. 600
The authors of the New York Public Library Book of Answers series present a timeline of scientific progress–and equally intriguing detours–from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Within each year, entries are organized alphabetically by 13 disciplines: from archaeology and astronomy to the social sciences and technology. Sidebars yield further context (on items ranging from the disputed first production of wine to chaos theory); the birth and death dates of many of the scientific contributors featured are appended. Science and technology reference books, history of technology books.
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Inventing the 19th Century: 100 Inventions that Shaped the Victorian Age from Aspirin to the Zeppelin
Van Dulken, Stephen
New York University 2001 Dewey Dec. 609
Dishwashers, electric light bulbs, gramophones, motion picture cameras, radios, roller skates, typewriters. While these inventions seem to speak of the 20th century, they all in fact date from the 19th century. The Victorian age (1837-1901) was a period of enormous technological progress in communications, transport, and many other areas of life. Illustrated by the original patent drawings from The British Library’s extensive collection, this attractive book chronicles the history of the one hundred most important, innovative, and memorable inventions of the 19th century.
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Inventing the Twentieth Century: 100 Inventions that Shaped the World, From the Airplane to the Zipper
Van Dulken, Stephen
New York University 2000 Dewey Dec. 609
Imagine your average day without zippers, airplanes, vacuum cleaners, without your personal stereo, without photocopiers. All of these devices were invented within the last hundred years and have since transformed our daily landscape. This handsomely illustrated book recounts the history of one hundred of the most significant inventions of the century, decade by decade.