This Webpage has links to free books, articles, and collections of original documents, related to Social Topics in Wisconsin, Past & Present. Topics and groups covered include:
Settlement by pioneers, frontier life, farm life, women’s pioneer experiences,
Early criminal groups,
Women’s philanthropic (charity) organizations,
Conditions for African Americans,
Immigrant ethnic groups, including Czechs, Danes, Cornish, Germans, Norwegians, Swedish, Belgians, Italians, Dutch, Swiss, Irish, Greeks, Jews, Icelanders,
Women’s suffrage movement,
Women’s working conditions,
Cooperative associations,
Stagecoach travel and stagecoach inns.
Turning Points in Wisconsin History: 19th Century Immigration
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
Online articles from historical journals and newspapers, books, manuscripts, and collections of stories on the theme of immigrant settlers in Wisconsin in the 19th century.
Wisconsin Historical Collections 1855-1915
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
The Wisconsin Historical Collections are 20 volumes of pioneer memoirs, archival records, original journals, explorers’ narratives, interviews, and other eyewitness accounts of Wisconsin’s past gathered between 1855-1915. The volumes contain 1,000 articles printed on more than 11,000 pages, often accompanied by illustrations or maps. They are the single most comprehensive record of life in Wisconsin during the colonial era.
Within the collection are copies of more than 600 original handwritten documents not only from the Society’s holdings, but also from archives in Washington D.C., New York, Montreal, and Paris. They take up almost 3,000 pages in volumes 16-20. They are arranged in chronological order and annotated with explanatory notes. Foreign documents have been translated into English.
Wisconsin Pioneer Experience
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
The Wisconsin Pioneer Experience is a digital collection of diaries, letters, reminiscences, speeches, and other writings of the people who settled in Wisconsin in the 19th century. The historic papers were drawn from the collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Area Research Centers around the state, providing a vivid portrait of life in the early days of white settlement in Wisconsin.
– Summary from the site.
“The Czechs in Wisconsin History”
Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 53, No. 3, 1970, 194-203
Bicha, Karel D.
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
The Fighting Finches: Tales of Freebooters of the Pioneer Countryside in Rock and Jefferson Counties
Brown, Dorothy Moulding
Madison: Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers’ Project, Folklore Section, 1937
This little book is composed entirely of stories told to W.P.A. field workers as they collected Wisconsin folklore in the late 1930s. They heard many tales about a 19th-century family named Finch who rustled cattle and stole horses throughout Rock and Jefferson counties before the Civil War. The “Fighting Finches” terrorized south-central Wisconsin for three decades from their hideout in London swamp, just west of Lake Mills.
– Summary from Wisconsin Historical Society site
Centennial Records of the Women of Wisconsin
Butler, Anna B., Bascom, Emma C and Kerr, Katharine F, eds.
Madison: Atwood and Culver 1876
This is a collection of papers on a number of women’s philanthropies in Wisconsin. The first five papers, of over 40, are entitled: Taylor Orphan Asylum, Racine; Home for the Friendless, Milwaukee; Beloit Charities, Beloit; Wisconsin Institution for the Blind, Janesville; and Cadle Home, Green Bay.
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“Danish Settlement in Wisconsin”
The Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 12, number 1, September 1928 pp 19-40
Christensen, Thomas P.
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin
The author provides brief biographical information on a number of Danes who influenced Danish immigration to the U.S. and to Wisconsin. Danes began arriving in Wisconsin in the late 1830s. In the 1840s, Danes often settled first in Racine and later moved on to the western or northern parts of the state. This was partly due to the strong influence of the Lutheran minister at the Danish settlement at Muskego, Claus Laurits Clausen.
Stagecoach and Tavern Tales of the Old Northwest
Cole, Harry E.; edited by Louise P. Kellogg
Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark 1930
Cole was for a time the President of the Wisconsin Historical Society. For many years he collected stories of stagecoaches and taverns, mostly in Wisconsin, and visited many of the old taverns and the homes of pioneer tavern owners. This book contains a history of the early roads and stagecoach operations, but is mainly devoted to the taverns. Included are drawings and photos of a number of them.
Contents: -Expanding Days -The Old Military Road -Territorial Roads -Stagecoach Days -Travelers’ Experiences -The Log Tavern -Taverns of a Later Time -Noted Taverns and Taverners -Taverns in the Shadows -Tavern Names, Signs and Advertisements -Tavern Guests and Incidents -Accommodations at Early Taverns -Menus and manners -Pedlars and Prices -The Tavern as a Community Center -Gayety and Weddings in Taverns -Courts and Brawls in Taverns -Practical Joking at Tavern Gatherings -Conviviality at Taverns -Ghosts and Gaming in Taverns -Tavern Tragedies -Last Days of the Taverns
“The Cornish in Southwest Wisconsin”
Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol 14, 1898, 301- 334
Copeland, Louis Albert
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
“Memoirs of a Pioneer County Editor”
The Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 11, number 3, March 1928 pp 247- 263
Cover, Joseph Carman
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin
The author left Ohio for Potosi, Wisconsin in 1846 because his abolitionist views were so unpopular in Ohio that he feared for his life. The article describes his abolitionist and local political activities in Wisconsin.
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“Negro Slavery in Wisconsin. An address delivered before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin December 8, 1892”
Davidson, John Nelson
Madison 1893
In this short address the author provides the details of several examples of slaves being held in early Wisconsin. In all of the cases mentioned, the slave-owners brought the slaves with them when they immigrated from southern states.
For books on the issue of slavery in Indiana and Illinois, see: Anti-Slavery before the Civil War
More than One Struggle: The Evolution of Black School Reform in Milwaukee
Dougherty, Jack
University of North Carolina 2004
How Wisconsin Came by its Large German Element
Everest, Kate Asaphine
Madison: State Historical Society 1892
The author found in the 1880 Wisconsin census that residents who were German-born or whose parents were both German-born made up 31 per cent of the state’s population (‘German-born’ includes the mid-19th century German states of Europe as well as German-speaking Austria and Switzerland). She also provides data about the numbers of immigrants during Wisconsin’s first decades of settlement.
One section of this paper is devoted to several movements in Germany and the U.S. to create a German state in the U.S. Another large part of the paper deals with the reasons that German immigrants chose Wisconsin as their destination.
A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States, from the Earliest Beginning down to the Year 1848
Flom, George T., PhD
Iowa City: Flom 1909
This includes many early Norwegian communities in Wisconsin.
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“The Movement of American Settlers into Wisconsin and Minnesota”
Iowa Journal of History and Politics Volume 17, No. 3, July 1919, 406-428
Goodwin, Cardinal
Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa
Wisconsin’s Belgian Community
an account of the early events in the Belgian settlement in northeastern Wisconsin with particular reference to the Belgians in Door County
Holand, Hjalmar Rued
Door County Historical Society, 1933
“The Taverns and Stages of early Wisconsin”
Originally in the Proceedings of the State Historical Society 1914, pp 118-67
Lacher, J. H. A.
Madison: State Historical Society 1915
The Italians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: General Survey
Prepared under the direction of the associated charities
La Plana, G.
Milwaukee: 1915
This 85-page booklet is divided into two parts:
1. “The Italian Colony in Milwaukee” is a social report containing information about work, housing, health, education, delinquency, etc.
2. “Public and Private Charities” covers how various organizations responded to the needs of the Italian community.
“Geographical Origin of German Immigration to Wisconsin”
Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol 14, 1898, 341-393
Levi, Kate Everest, PhD
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
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“Documents: The Journey of an Immigrant Family from The Netherlands to Milwaukee in 1854”
Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 29, No. 2, pages 201-223, December 1945
Lucas, Henry S., ed.
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin
The Planting of the Swiss Colony at New Glarus, Wisconsin
Luchsinger, John
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin 1892
The author reported that at the time of writing, virtually all of the 600 residents of the village of New Glarus and most of the residents of the township were themselves Swiss immigrants or children of Swiss immigrants, and they normally spoke Swiss German among themselves. He estimated there were about 8,000 Swiss in Green county, and the neighboring county of Dane also had a large Swiss element. He goes on to discuss economic conditions in Glarus, Switzerland in the 1840s, and tells the story of the creation of the colony in Green county that became New Glarus.
“The Belgians of Northeast Wisconsin”
Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol 13, 1895, 375-396
Martin, Xavier
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
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“Cooperative Communities in Wisconsin”
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the State Historical Society Vol 51, 1904, 99-117
McIntosh, Montgomery Eduard
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin
The following cooperative communities are covered: The Wisconsin Phalanx (Fourierist), St. Nazianz (German Catholic), Hunt’s Colony (Owenite), The Utilitarian Association (English cooperative farm), Spring Farm Association.
Six Generations Here: A Farm Family Remembers
McLellan, Marjorie L.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Between Memory and Reality: Family and Community in Rural Wisconsin, 1870-1970
Peterson, Jane Marie
University of Wisconsin 1992
“The Dutch Settlements of Sheboygan County”
The Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 1, number 3, March 1918 pp 256- 265
Rederus, Sipko F.
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin
The author describes the difficult conditions in Holland in the 1830s and 1840s that led to increased emigration, and narrates the establishment and early history of several Dutch communities in Wisconsin, beginning in the 1840s.
“The Greeks of Milwaukee
Wisconsin Magazine of History Volume 53, No. 3, 1970, 175-193
Salutos, Theodore
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
“The Icelanders on Washington Island”
Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol 14, 1898, 335-340
White, Harry K.
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
Testimony of Working Women, 1914
Wisconsin Legislature. Committee on White Slave Traffic and Kindred Subjects
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
“In 1913, the Wisconsin Legislature established a committee to investigate the causes of prostitution and other vice in Wisconsin….” “In the 1914 testimony, working women from around the state answered questions at hearings held in Green Bay, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, and Superior. The women worked in a range of jobs from a factory worker at a paper mill, to a store clerk, a landlady and a telephone operator. Committee members asked the women questions about their wages, their working and living conditions, and why they chose to work in a given job, all in an effort to understand what “leads young girls astray” in the words of one investigator.”
– Wisconsin Historical Society, “Turning Points in Wisconsin History” website
Centennial Records of the Women of Wisconsin
Woman’s State Centennial Executive Committee
Madison: Atwood and Culver 1876
This consists of reports from philanthropic organizations around the state.
Turning Points in Wisconsin History: The Woman’s Suffrage Movement
Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society
Online articles, books and images from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.