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Free Great Lakes Indian Tribes Books PDF

Great Lakes Indian tribes. Free books about Great Lakes Indians. free online. Indian Nations that lived in the U.S. Great Lakes area, and Indian culture.

Book Collection on Great Lakes Native Americans

Great Lake Indian Tribes – Book Collection

About 70 free online books, mostly about Great Lake Indian Tribes, from the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Some titles are: Great Lakes Indians : a pictorial guide, The Indians of the Western Great Lakes, The art of the Great Lakes Indians, Beads : their use by Upper Great Lakes Indians, People of the Great Lakes, Pontiac, king of the Great Lakes, Nations of the western Great Lakes, Ojibwa : people of the Great Lakes, The middle ground : Indians, empires, and republics in the Great Lakes region, 1650-1815, Indian rock paintings of the Great Lakes, The traveler’s guide to Native America : The Great Lakes Region, Illustrated myths of Native America : the Northeast, Southeast, Great Lakes and Great Plains, Ojibwe Indians, Great Lakes Indian accommodation and resistance during the early reservation years, 1850-1900, North American Indians in historical perspective, Native American legends of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley, Indian life in the Upper Great Lakes 11,000 B.C. to A.D. 1800, Native American women and Great Lakes missions, 1630-1900, Indians of the Lake Erie basin, The Ottawa, Huron, Life in an Anishinabe camp, Pontiac, mighty Ottawa Chief, Potawatomi, Songs of the Chippewa, Traditional Ojibwa religion and its historical changes, The Chippewas of Lake Superior.

Suggested Books on Native Americans

The Traveler’s Guide to Native America: The Great Lakes Region

Allen, Hayward
Northwood 1992

“As you travel through the Great Lakes states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, you’ll arrive at a profound understanding of Native America’s role in American art, culture, history, and religion.” -Publisher
Topics include Historic sites, Antiquities, and Great Lakes Region Guidebooks.

The Miami Indians

Anson, Bert
University of Oklahoma 1970

“One of the small group of tribes comprising the Illinois division of the Algonquian linguistic family, the Miamis emerged as a pivotal tribe only during the French and British imperial wars, the Miami Confederacy wars of the 18th century and the treaty-making period of the 19th century.” -Publisher. Great Lakes Indian tribes.

Contents: Early Miami life — The French period in Indiana, 1700-1763 — The British period, 1760-1783 — The Miami confederacy — The first treaties and the War of 1812 — The treaty years, 1814-1840 — Emigration, 1841-1847 — The Miami tribe of Oklahoma, 1846-1968 — The MIamis in Indiana, 1846-1968 — The modern Miamis.

The Indians of the Northwest; their Maners, Customs, &c. &c.

or Remarks Made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien: thence to Washington City, in 1829

Atwater, Caleb
Columbus: 1850

See our post about Pontiac’s Rebellion

The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes as described by Nicolas Perrot, Vol 1

Volume 2 – Great Lakes Indian Tribes

French Commandant in the Northwest; Bacqueville de la Potherie, French Royal Commissioner to Canada; Morrell Marston, American Army Officer; and Thomas Forsyth, United States Agent at Fort Armstrong

Blair, Emma Helen, ed.
Cleveland: Clark 1911

Nicolas Perrot (1644-1718)
Perrot’s life among the Greake Lakes Indian tribes began as early as 1665, little more than a half-century after the founding of Quebec; and during nearly forty years he traveled and lived among the Indians- successively as engagé to the Jesuit missionaries, coureur de bois and trader, explorer, and agent of the Quebec government. His narrative greatly illumines the history of the relations between the French colony and the Indian tribes within its sphere of influence, and still more the character and customs of the aboriginal peoples in their primitive condition; for he was the first white visitor to several of the western tribes, and even those of the east were not yet very greatly altered by contact with Europeans.
– from editor Emma H. Blair’s Preface in Vol 1.

The Indian Captive. A Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Matthew Brayton in his Thirty-four years of Captivity among the Indians of North Western America

Brayton, Matthew
Cleveland OH, 1860

An account of the captivity of Brayton, in 1825, when seven years old, in the neighborhood of the junction of the Sandusky and Tymochte rivers, in Wyandot county, Ohio, by a remnant of the once powerful Wyandot Indians. After having been traded from tribe to tribe, in the West, for a period of thirty-four years, he found his way back to Ohio, and related the narrative of his captivity. It was published in the Cleveland Herald, in 1859, through the medium of which he was restored to his family.
– Peter G. Thomson, A Bibliography of the State of Ohio (1880).

Indians of the Great Lakes Area

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Washington: U.S. Dept of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs 1966

A 25-page information booklet for the public about Great Lake Indian tribes. Illustrated.

The Shawnees and the War for America

Calloway, Colin G.
Viking 2000

“With the courage and resilience embodied by their legendary leader Tecumseh, the Shawnees waged a war of territorial and cultural resistance for half a century. Noted historian Colin G. Calloway details the political and legal battles and the bloody fighting on both sides for possession of the Shawnees? land, while imbuing historical figures such as warrior chief Tecumseh, Daniel Boone, and Andrew Jackson with all their ambiguity and complexity. More than defending their territory, the Shawnees went to war to preserve a way of life and their own deeply held vision of what their nation should be.” -Publisher

Contents: The Shawnees and their neighbors — Introduction — The greatest travelers in America — Taking on the British Empire — The travails of Cornstalk — Neglected like bastards — Blue Jacket and the Northwestern Confederation — Black Hoof and the Wapakoneta way — The visions of Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh — Removals and survivals.

The Indian, the Northwest, 1600-1900: the Red man, the War man, the White man, and the North-Western Line

Chicago and North Western Railway Company
Chicago: Chicago and North Western Railway Company 1901

Origin and Traditional History of the Wyandotts and Sketches of other Indian Tribes of North America …

True traditional stories of Tecumseh and his league, in the years 1811 and 1812

Clarke, Peter Dooyentate
Toronto: Hunter, Rose: 1870

Indian Life and Indian History, by an Indian Author. Embracing the Traditions of the North American Indians regarding themselves …

particularly of that most important of all the Tribes, the Ojibways. By the Celebrated Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Chief of the Ojibway Nation; known also by the English name of George Copway

Copway, George
Boston: Colby. 1858

George Copway was born in 1818 in present-day Ontario, and his parents were of the Missasauga band of Ojibwa. He was raised as a traditional Ojibwa and learned to hunt for the fur trade. He converted to Methodism and was sent at age 16 to a Methodist mission, working among Ojibwas. He later married the daughter of an English gentleman, and the couple continued to do missionary work. He also published at least two books in addition to this one, possibly with the assistance of his wife.

This volume seems to be entirely about the Ojibwas.

The Life, History and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh (George Copway): a young Indian chief of the Ojebwa nation …

a convert to the Christian faith and a missionary to his people for twelve years; with a sketch of the present state of the Objebwa nation in regard to Christianity and their future prospects : also, an appeal with all the names of the chiefs now living, who have been christianized, and the missionaries now laboring among them

Copway, George
Albany, NY: 1847

Please see the biographical note about George Copway at his other book on this page, above.

Great Lakes Indian Accommodation and Resistance During the Early Reservation Years, 1850-1900

Danziger, Edmund Jefferson
University of Michigan 2009 Dewey Dec. 973.91

During the four decades following the War of 1812, Great Lakes Indians were forced to surrender most of their ancestral homelands and begin refashioning their lives on reservations. The challenges Indians faced during this period could not have been greater. By century’s end, settlers, frontier developers, and federal bureaucrats possessed not only economic and political power but also the bulk of the region’s resources. It is little wonder that policymakers in Washington and Ottawa alike anticipated the disappearance of distinctive Indian communities within a single generation. However, these predictions have proved false as Great Lakes Indian communities, though assaulted on both sides of the international border to this day, have survived. Danziger’s lively and insightful book documents the story of these Great Lakes Indians—a study not of victimization but of how Aboriginal communities and their leaders have determined their own destinies and preserved core values, lands, and identities against all odds and despite ongoing marginalization.

Contents: A homeland and its people — Making a living — Agriculture on the Great Lakes homelands — Old and new alternatives to reservation agriculture — The homeland becomes a checkerboard : allotment and location tickets — Battling for the mind and soul — The education crusade — Traditional spirituality versus Christianity : finding a balance — Who shall rule at home? — Reservation politics : the challenge of shared governance — Moccasins in the mainstream.

Red Men of the Ohio Valley: An Aboriginal History of the Period Commencing A.D. 1650 …

and Ending at the Treaty of Greenville, A.D. 1795: Embracing Notable Facts and Thrilling Incidents in the Settlement by the Whites of the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Dodge, Jacob R.
Springfield, OH: Ruralist 1860

A popular history by the author of the editor of a Springfield weekly newspaper. Nearly all the chapters are about battles or “thrilling incidents”.

See our post on Books by 19th Century American Indian Authors

Council Fires on the Upper Ohio: A Narrative of Indian Affairs in the Upper Ohio Valley until 1795

Downes, Randolph C.
University of Pittsburgh 1940

“From the beginning, when the white traders followed the first Shawnee hunters into Western Pennsylvania, until the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, the region’s history was the history of the relationship between the Indians and the whites. The India, far from being a simple son of nature who was led about at will by the white man, was a diplomat in his own right. For nearly half a century he maintained a precarious hold upon Western Pennsylvania by the expedient of playing off one white faction against another, first the French against the British, then the British against the Americans.” – Book jacket

Contents: The Indian point of view – The Indians of Allegania, 1720-1745 – A decade of Iroquois supremacy, 1745-1754 – The breakdown of French Ascendancy, 1755-1758 – Indian revolt against British economy, 1758-1765 – A decade of British muddling, 1765-1774 – Dunmore’s War – The Indians and the outbreak of revolution on the frontier – The Fort McIntosh – Fort Laurens Indian frontier, 1778-1779 – George Rogers Clark – Indian War, 1779-1782 – The revival of American aggression, 1782-1789 – The war for the Ohio River boundary 1789-1795.

Indian Captivities: or, Life in the Wigwam …

being true narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians, from the frontier settlements of the United States, from the earliest period to the present time

Drake, Samuel G.
Auburn: Derby & Miller 1851

Published originally in 1839, the volume consists of reprints of the original narratives, without any abridgement and with only minor edits. Contains the accounts of 30 captives; the first in Florida in 1528. The majority of accounts are from the second half of the 18th century.

See our collected articles about U.S. History until 1800

The White Stone Canoe, a Legend of the Ottawas

Edgar, James D.
Toronto: Toronto News 1885

According to the author, James Edgar, the story of the White Stone Canoe was among those collected by Henry Schoolcraft. Another of Schoolcraft’s stories was used by Longfellow in his extremely popular 1855 poem, “Song of Hiawatha”. This poem is to be read in the same meter as “Hiawatha”.

The Potawatomis, Keepers of the Fire

Edmunds, R. David
University of Oklahoma 1978

“The Potawatomi Indians were the dominant tribe in the region of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and southern Michigan during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Active participants in the fur trade, and close friends with many French fur traders and government leaders, the Potawatomis remained loyal to New France throughout the colonial period, resisting the lure of the inexpensive British trade goods that enticed some of their neighbors into alliances with the British. During the colonial wars Potawatomi warriors journeyed far to the south and east to fight alongside their French allies against Braddock in Pennsylvania and other British forces in New York. As French fortunes in the Old Northwest declined, the Potawatomis reluctantly shifted their allegiance to the British Crown, fighting against the Americans during the Revolution, during Tecumseh’s uprising, and during the War of 1812…
This volume, the first scholarly history of the Potawatomis and their influence in the Old Northwest, is an important contribution to American Indian history. Many of the tribe’s leaders, long forgotten, such as Main Poc, Siggenauk, Onanghisse, Five Medals, and Billy Caldwell, played key roles in the development of Indian-white relations in the Great Lakes region. The Potawatomi experience also sheds light on the development of later United States policy toward Indians of many other tribes.” -Publisher.

Contents: Forging the French alliance — The Fox Wars — In defense of a dying empire — Partisans of Pontiac — Serving two fathers — The Red Confederacy — The prophet’s disciples — “Our most cruel and inveterate enemies” — “The ploughshare is driven through our tents” — Removal.

See our post about the Lives of the Pioneers in Illinois

The Life of Pontiac, the Conspirator, Chief of the Ottawas. Together with a full account of the celebrated siege of Detroit

Ellis, Edward S.
London: Beadle 1861

For more about prominent Native American leaders in the Old Northwest, see:
– Various books and articles on Tecumseh, The Prophet, Logan, Cornstalk, Bluejacket and Joseph Brant in Biographies & Memoirs in Great Lakes History
– Thwaites, Reuben Gold, “Logan, The Mingo Chief 1710-1780″ in Biographies & Memoirs in Ohio History;
Cole, Cyrenus, I am a Man: the Indian Black Hawk in Biographies & Memoirs in Illinois History;
Quaife, Milo Milton, ed., The Life of Black Hawk; Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak in Biographies & Memoirs in Illinois History;
Turner, F. N. (Dr.), “Chief Okemos” in Native Americans in Michigan History;
Matson, Nehemiah, “Sketch of Shau-be-na, a Pottawattamie Chief” in Native Americans in Wisconsin History;

Life Among the Indians; or, Personal reminiscences and historical incidents illustrative of Indian life and character

Finley, James B. and Clark, D.W.
Cincinnati: 1857

“No living man probably saw or knew more of the Indians in the Northwest Territory than did Mr. Finley; during seventy years he was among them, and studied their history, character and manner of life. In this work he has gathered together the numerous interesting events, that, in his long experience and observation, were thought worthy of record; and has so connected the facts, as to give a very complete, though condensed view of Indian history in the Northwest. The first half of the work contains a large portion of the matter related in the History of the Wyandots, and Autobiography, by the same author.”
– Peter G. Thomson, A Bibliography of the State of Ohio (1880).

Indian Wars of the West …

Containing Biographical Sketches of Those Pioneers Who Headed the Western Settlers in Repelling the Attacks of the Savages, Together with a View of the Character, Manners, Monuments, and Antiquities of the Western Indians

Flint, Timothy
Cincinnati: E.H. Flint. 1833

Timothy Flint was one of the most significant literary figures in the early history of the Old Northwest. He was a minister and graduate of Harvard who went west in 1815 to carry out missionary work. For the next ten years he traveled in the Mississippi Valley, publishing in 1826 a memoir called Recollections of the Last Ten Years. In 1833 he published Biographical Memoir of Daniel Boone, which did much to develop the Boone legend. He also founded and edited the Western Monthly, a literary magazine in Cincinnati from 1827-1830.

You can find his biography by John Kirkpatrick on the Ohio Biographies and Memoirs page of this site. One of his novels is on the Ohio Fiction page, and another is on the Great Lakes Fiction page.

Native American History Books

“A Discourse on the Aborigines of the Ohio Valley …”

in which the opinions of its conquest in the seventeenth century by the Iroquois or Six Nations, supported by Cadwallader Colden of New York, Gov. Thomas Pownall of Massachusetts, Dr. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Hon. DeWitt Clinton of New York, and Judge John Haywood of Tennessee, are examined and contested; to which are prefixed some remarks on the study of history.

Fergus’ Historical Series No. 26-29, pp 3-52

Harrison, William Henry
Chicago: Fergus Printing 1883

“Reprinted from the Transactions of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Vol. 1, Part Second, Cincinnati, 1839, with notes and an appendix”.

History of the Shawnee Indians, from the Year 1681 to 1854, Inclusive

Harvey, Henry
Cincinnati: E. Morgan & Sons 1855

See our collected articles about U.S. History in the 19th Century

Chippewa Families: A Social Study of White Earth Reservation, 1938

Hilger, M. Inez
Minnesota Historical Society 1998

During the summer and fall of 1938 Mary Inez Hilger, a sister of the Order of St. Benedict, lived on the White Earth Indian Reservation in northwestern Minnesota while she gathered data about housing conditions. Her work portrays both the traditional lifeways of 150 Chippewa families and the adaptations they made at a time of tremendous cultural change. In a series of interviews, she collected personal stories and a wealth of material about living conditions, social life, and material culture on the reservation. Her research, commissioned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as part of a survey of the Chippewa reservations in Minnesota, became the basis for her dissertation in social science, first published in 1939.

Red-Men’s Roads; The Indian Thoroughfares of the Central West

Hulbert, Archer Butler
Columbus: Heer 1900

History of the Ojebway Indians with Especial Reference to their Conversion to Christianity

Jones, Peter (Kahkewaquonaby)
London: Bennett. 1861

Peter Jones (1802-1856) was born in Upper Canada and was raised to the age of 14 with his Ojibwa mother’s tribe, then went to live with his Welsh-born father. At 21 he converted to Methodism, and was later made a minister. He spent much of his career preaching to Ojibwa and Mohawk Indians in Upper Canada. This book about the Ojibwa Indians was completed and published after his death.

See our post on Frontier Life along the Ohio River

Ojibwa Texts

Publications of the American Ethnological Society, Vol VII, Part I

Jones, William, comp.
Brill 1917

The 63 stories in this book were collected by William Jones from 1903 to 1905, mostly while doing research north of Lake Superior. A linguist, he also wrote the stories phonetically in the Ojibwa language, and facing pages throughout the book show the story in Ojibwa and in the English translation.

See our free pdf books on U.S. History 1865-1900

Native American legends of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley

Judson, Katharine Berry
Northern Illinois University 2000 Dewey Dec. 973.91

Collected almost 100 years ago, these timeless tales reveal the central beliefs and guiding principles of Winnebago, Ojibwa, Menominee, and other peoples and provide a window into their outlook and aspirations. An introduction by historian Peter Iverson highlights the divergent ways Native American identity has been constructed through such legends. -Publisher

Contents: Introduction Peter Iverson – Part I Earth, Flood, Fire – Part II Corn, Wind, Thunder – Part III Rabbit, Lynx, Owl – Part IV Eagle, Panther, Opossum – Part V Sun, Moon, Stars.

Great Lakes Indians: A Pictorial Guide

Kubiak, William J.
Baker Book House 1970

“This book is a genuine contribution to a better understanding of the Indians who lived near the Great Lakes. The illustrations and text present a graphic survey of the history of these Indians. Although imagination played its part, the author, widely acquainted with the available literature, has attempted to present the Great Lakes Indian as he actually dressed, hunted, ate, and fought.” -Book jacket.

Ojibwa Myths and Tales

Laidlaw, George E.
Briggs 1915

28 stories that were told by a 96-year-old Ojibwa Indian from near Lake Couchiching in Ontario Province, Canada to his son, who wrote them down. George Laidlaw then rewrote them for publication.

See our post on American Commanders’ Correspondence in the Revolutionary War

Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of Ninety-five of 120 Principal Chiefs …

from the Indian tribes of North America, embellished by Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall. Vol 1

McKenney, Thomas L. and Hall, James
Philadelphia: Greenough 1838

See the citation below for color versions of the portraits that accompanied this volume in some editions.

History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs …

Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington

McKenney, Thomas Loraine and Hall, James
Philadelphia: Greenough 1838-44

This University of Cincinnati site has all the portraits, in color, on individual pages. See the citation above for the link to the text of the book.

Memoirs, Official and Personal: with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians …

embracing a war excursion, and descriptions of scenes along the western borders

McKenney, Thomas L.
NY: Paine and Burgess. 1846

Also contained in the same book is a second volume by McKenney, entitled On the Origin, History, Character and the Wrongs and Rights of the Indians, with a Plan for the Preservation and Happiness of the Remnants of that Persecuted Race. Volume 2 begins after page 340 of Volume 1.

Thomas Loraine McKenney (1785-1859) was a Quaker who was appointed in 1816 by President Madison in 1816 as the “Superintendent of the United States Indian Trade with the Indian Tribes”. The account in Volume 1 opens with that appointment. He later served as the “Superintendent of Indian Affairs”, but was dismissed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830. McKenney was a strong advocate for educating Indians, and openly critical of the way they had been treated by the government.

Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes: Of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians …

and of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. Also, a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway Language”

McKenney, Thomas Loraine
Baltimore: Fielding Lucas Jr. 1827

See the entry on this web page at McKenney’s Memoirs: Official and Personal for a brief biographical note.

A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs …

Comprising a Narrative of a Tour Performed in the Summer of 1820, under a Commission from the President of the United States, for the Purpose of Ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in our Country

Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.)
New Haven: Davis & Force. 1822

Indian Culture and European Trade Goods: The Archaeology of the Historic Period in the Western Great Lakes Region

Quimby, George Irving
University of Wisconsin 1966

A collection of essays by Quimby, that provides a sequel to his ‘Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes: 11,000 B.C. to A.D. 1800’; also on this web page. The previous book emphasizes prehistoric cultures, and the second emphasizes historic cultures. The culture history in this book “is the product of archaeological research supplemented when possible by eyewitness accounts of European missionaries and traders.” – Author’s Preface

Contents: The first twelve thousand years – Indian culture just before the French – The first European trade ship on the western Great Lakes – Dating the past with Jew’s-harps, Jesuit rings, and other trade objects – Chronology from glass beads – The time of the trade silver – The archaeology of the early historic period, 1610-1760 – The archaeology of the late historic period, 1760-1820 – The archaeology and ethnology of a Chippewa family in the late historic period.

Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes 11,000 B.C. to A.D. 1800

Quimby, George Irving
University of Chicago 1971

See the description for Quimby’s ‘Indian Culture and European Trade Goods’, on this web page.

Contents: An introduction to the upper Great Lakes region – Dating the past – The archeology of Environment – Mastodons and men – Lanceolate points and fossil beaches – Boreal archaic culture from 5,000 to 500 B.C. – The changing world of the Old Copper Indians – Burial mounds and pottery 500 to 100 B.C. – The Hopewell Indians and the Beginnings of agriculture in the region – Cultural diversity in late woodland times A.D. 800-1600 – Indian tribes of the early historic period A.D. 1600-1760 – The Huron and the Chippewa A.D. 1600-1760 – The Ottawa and the Potawatomi A.D. 1600-1760 – The Sauk, Fox, and Miami A.D. 1650-1760 – The Winnebago and the Menomini A.D. 1600-1760 – The breakdown of tribal culture A.D. 1760-1820.

“Pontiac’s Conspiracy”

Ohio History XII, October 1903/Number 4, 410-37

Randall, Emilius O.
Columbus: Ohio Historical Society

Emilius Randall (1850-1919) of Columbus, OH was a Law Professor at Ohio State University and the official reporter of the Ohio Supreme Court. Appointed by the Governor as a Trustee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, he also served as Secretary and Editor. He edited 28 volumes and authored several books and numerous articles for the Society.

In the first part of the article the author puts Pontiac’s Conspiracy into its historical context with a brief description of how competition between the French and British for the Ohio Valley led to war in 1754. He then describes the role the Indian tribes in the region played in the war, and the British take-over of French forts in the region in 1760 as the war began to swing their way. Chief Pontiac and his Ottawa tribe, as well as most other tribes in the region, aimed to reverse this trend and chase the British out of the region.

In this author’s interpretation of these events, in late 1762 Pontiac began carrying out his plan to take the forts from the British. On or about May 1, 1763, simultaneous attacks were made on approximately 14 forts, with the Indians successfully taking eight. This article contains a detailed description of the attack and ensuing six-month siege at Fort Detroit. Detroit was the most important fort in the region, and Pontiac was present to direct that attack.

The Mound Builders; A reconstruction of the life of a prehistoric American race …

through exploration and interpretation of their earth mounds, their burials and their cultural remains

Shetrone, Henry Clyde
NY: Appleton-Century 1936

H. C. Shetrone was Director and Archaeologist of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. This book was intended as an introduction to the subject for a popular audience, and contains nearly 300 illustrations.

For works on the mound-builders, see:
Easton, J. A., “American Aborigines and their Social Customs” in Ohio Indians – Native Americans in Ohio History;
Fowke, Gerard, Archaeological History of Ohio: The Mound Builders and Later Indians in Ohio Indians – Native Americans in Ohio History;
Moorehead, Warren K.,“The Indian Tribes of Ohio – Historically Considered” in Ohio Indians – Native Americans in Ohio History;
Randall,Emilius Oviatt,The Masterpieces of the Ohio Mound Builders: The Hilltop Fortifications, including Fort Ancient in Ohio Indians – Native Americans in Ohio History;
Throop, Addison J. ,Mound builders of Illinois … in Illinois Indians – Native Americans in Illinois History

Indian Wars of Pennsylvania: An account of the Indian Events

in Pennsylvania, of the French and Indian War, Pontiac’s war, Lord Dunmore’s War, the Revolutionary War, and the Indian uprising from 1789 to 1795; tragedies of the Pennsylvania frontier based primarily on the Penna. archives and colonial records

Sipe, Hale C.

Letter Book of the Indian Agency at Fort Wayne 1809-1815

Thornbrough, Gayle, ed.
Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society 1961

A reprint of the original manuscript, which consisted of materials copied into the letter book by two successive Indian Agents at Fort Wayne from 1809-1815.

An Ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615-1649

Tooker, Elisabeth
Smithsonian Institution 1964

“In the first half of the 17th century, the Iroquoian-speaking Huron lived in an area at the southern end of Georgian Bay in the present Province of Ontario, Canada. It was there that the French visited them, some recording what they saw and thus providing much of what we know of Huron culture—for in 1649 the Huron were driven from their homeland by the Iroquois and dispersed. The body of this work, a compilation of the ethnographic data contained in 17th-century descriptions, is intended to be a more convenient general introduction and index to Huron culture than is presently available.” -Author’s preface.

Meearmeear Traditions

Trowbridge, Charles Christopher
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan 1938

Edited by Vernon Kinietz. C. C. Trowbridge (1800-1883) wrote this report in 1825 on the traditions of the Miamis in response to a questionnaire from Michigan Territorial Governor Lewis Cass, who was attempting to settle a dispute between Wyandots and Miamis about precedence of settlement in areas of Ohio and Indiana.

Indian Trade Ornaments in the Collections of Field Museum of Natural History

Fieldiana: Anthropology New Series, No. 13

VanStone, James W.
Field Museum of Natural History 1989

This booklet describes and illustrates the trade ornaments that have been collected by the Field Museum over many years. The majority of the marked ornaments were the work of Canadian craftsmen and were traded to Indians by traders based in Montreal. They represent the variety of ornaments traded to Great Lakes Indians in the latter 18th and early 19th centuries. – Abstract

Contents: Abstract – Introduction – Pendants – Brooches – Gorgets – Arm- and wristbands – Ear ornaments – Miscellaneous – Identifying marks – Conclusions.

Algonquin Indian Tales

Young, Egerton R.
NY: Eaton & Mains. 1903

The Reverend Egerton R. Young (1840-1909) was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. He became a Wesleyan Methodist minister in his early 20s, and in 1868 he and his wife were sent out for his first assignment as a missionary among the Indians. He continued to do mission work until 1887, then began a lecture tour in the eastern U.S, telling about his experiences among the Indians. In 1890 he completed the first of over a dozen books, all drawn upon his mission experience.

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