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Books on Reconstruction Era - American History Online - Gilded Age - Free Books - 1865-1900

Free Books on American History Reconstruction era. The Gilded Age. Hundreds of history books 1865-1900. Free Online ebooks.

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Book Collections on 1865-1900

1865-1877 Books Collection

Free online pdf books on the Reconstruction Era in U.S. History. Some books: The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877, An Album of Reconstruction, America after the Civil War, A History of the United States since the Civil War, Reconstruction in the South, The Nation Reunited, Conservative Ordeal, Northern Democrats and Reconstruction 1865-1868, The Reconstruction of Georgia, The Negro in Reconstruction, America’s First Effort at Racial Democracy, Black Reconstructionists, Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule, America’s Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877, African Americans and the Political Process during Reconstruction, many more books on Reconstruction.

U.S. History 1865-1898 Books Collection

Free online pdf books on United States History 1865-1898. Some books: Development of the Industrial United States 1870-1900, The United States in 1876, Unity and Culture: the U.S. 1877-1900, America in the Time of Sitting Bull: 1840-1890, The Rise of Industry 1870-1900, Photography and the American Scene, The New Commonwealth, The Gilded Age, America in the Gilded Age, The Nationalizing of American Life, After the Civil War: a pictorial profile, Into the West: from Reconstruction to the final days of the American frontier, many more books on U.S. late 19th century.

U.S. Social Life & Customs 1865-1918 Free Books – Collection

Free online pdf books on United States Social Life & Customs 1865-1918. Some book titles: Life in a Small Country Village, The Condition of Woman in the United States, When I Grew Up Long Ago, Families of Fortune: life in the Gilded Age, American Civic Life and the Golden Age of Fraternity, Victorian America 1876 to 1913, Anthony Comstock and Family Reproduction in Victorian America, Oscar Wilde Discovers America 1882, The American Scene, many more books about Social Life and Customs in the late 19th Century.

U.S. Politics & Government 1865-1933 Free Books – Collection

Free online pdf books on United States Politics & Government 1865-1933. Some books: Progressivism and a Society in Transition, America in the Progressive Era 1890-1914, The U.S. Enters the 20th century, Studies in the Development of American Political Thought, The Decline of Popular Politics, The Party Period and Public Policy, Progressive Reform: a guide to information sources, The Agrarian Crusade, Theodore Roosevelt, American Populism: a social history 1877-1898, many more books on U.S. Politics and Government.

Frontier and Pioneer Life – U.S. West Books Collection

Books free online on Frontier and Pioneer Life U.S. West. Some books: The Passing of the Frontier: a chronicle of the old west, Way Out West: recollections and tales, Kit Carson’s Autobiography, A Nation Moving West, The Great American West: a pictorial history, Buckskin and Blanket days: memoirs of a friend of the Indians, Recollections of a Cowpuncher, the Pony Express, Heritage of the West, The Dramatic Conquest of the American West, A History of the Cattlemen and Cattle Country, many more pdf books on the American frontier, and pioneer life in the West.

More Collections of Free Books on US History Late 19th Century Topics

Suggested Books on the late 19th Century, 1865-1900

Rutherford B. Hayes and his America

Barnard, Harry
Russell & Russell 1967

Rutherford B. Hayes administration, book on American history 1870s.

Twelve against Empire; The Anti-Imperialists, 1898-1900

Beisner, Robert L.
McGraw-Hill 1968

“This prize-winning book examines the anti-imperialist protest of twelve prominent and strong-minded Americans against the empire seized from Spain in 1898. Although they did not agree among themselves on all points, these men—whether philosopher (William James), Robber Baron (Andrew Carnegie), ex-President (Benjamin Harrison), perennial dissenter (Carl Schurz), Speaker of the House (Thomas B. Reed), or closet critic (Charles Eliot Norton) – joined forces with the others in this study and thousands of their countrymen “to warn a nation of optimists that America could not escape the consequences of its own conduct.” Their unheeded warning is eloquently renewed in this book.” – Book cover

Historical Dictionary of the Progressive Era, 1890-1920

Buenker, John D; Kantowicz, Edward R, eds.
Greenwood 1988

The Progressive Era may be described as a broad-based response by Americans from diverse backgrounds to the emergence of the United States as a modern, urban, industrial, and multicultural world power during the period 1890 to 1920. The Historical Dictionary of the Progressive Era, 1890-1920 is a comprehensive source detailing the people and events that made this a notable period in American history. The volume provides biographical sketches of the most prominent individuals of the period along with entries on major reform and professional organizations, key legislative enactments, commissions and committees, schools of interpretation, and important concepts.

See our History Directory

The Transformation of American Foreign Relations, 1865-1900

Campbell, Charles S.
Harper & Row 1976

A volume in the “New American Nation” series.

Contents: Postwar frustrations — The Quasi settlement with Great Britain — A Caribbean naval base and an Isthmian Canal: the 1870s and 1880s — Commitments in Hawaii and Samoa — Commercial expansion in the 1880s — The Far East — Anglo-American-Canadian controversies in the northeastern fisheries and the Bering Sea — Currents of the 1890s and territorial expansion — Unjingo Jim — The Hawaiian revolution of 1893 and its aftermath — The Venezuela boundary dispute: a turning point in Anglo-American relations — Stalemate: an American Isthmian Canal and Hawaii — Chronic rebellion in Cuba — War with Spain — Fait accompli at Manila Bay — Territorial expansion — Anglo-American amity. US history 1865-1900, Spanish-American War history, Reconstruction era books.

When the War was Over: the Failure of Self-Reconstruction in the South, 1865-1867

Carter, Dan T.
Louisiana State University 1985

“In the months after Appomattox, the South was plunged into a chaos that surpassed even the disorder of the last hard months of the war itself. Peace brought, if anything, an increased level of violence to the region as local authorities of the former Confederacy were stripped of their power and the returning foot soldiers of the defeated army, hungry and without hope, raided the already impoverished countryside for food and clothing…. ‘When the War Was Over’ is a social and political history of the two years following the surrender of the Confederacy, when the South, under the watchful gaze of Congress and the Union army, attempted to rebuild its shattered society and economic structure… Carter draws a vivid portrait of the political leaders who emerged after the war, a diverse group of men — former loyalists as well as a few mildly repentant fire-eaters — who in some cases genuinely sought to find a place in southern society for the newly emancipated slaves, but who in many other cases merely sought to redesign the boundaries of black servitude.” -Publisher.

America in the Gilded Age: From the Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

Cashman, Sean Dennis
New York University 1988

Sean Dennis Cashman traces the political and social saga of America as it passed through the momentous transformation of the Industrial Revolution and the settlement of the West.

Contents: Industrial spring — Titans at war: The industrial legacy of Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan — Exodus to a promised land — The sorrows of labor — Not since Nineveh: Tall stories and tales of two cities — Midsummer of the American Renaissance — Reconstruction and the New South — The last refuge of a scoundrel — Opening the West and closing the frontier — Gates of silver and bars of gold — War and empire — The dawn of a progressive age.

The Presidency of Andrew Johnson

Castel, Albert E.
Regents 1979

“Castel achieves an objective reassessment of Johnson and his presidential actions by examining him primarily in terms of his effectiveness in using power and by not judging him–as most other scholars have–on moralistic or ideological grounds… Johnson’s formulation of a Reconstruction policy for the defeated South comes under special scrutiny; Castel evaluates Johnson’s motives for that policy, its implementation, and its reception in both North and South. He descries and analyzes Johnson’s quarrel with the Republican-dominated Congress over Reconstruction, the triumph of the Republicans in the election of 1866, the president’s frustrated attempt to remove Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton from office, his bitter dispute with General Ulysses S. Grant, and his impeachment by Congress… This study sheds light on the nation’s problems during the chaotic period between 1865 and 1869 and contributes a great deal to a much improved understanding of the seventeenth president.” -Publisher.

An Army for Empire; the United States Army in the Spanish-American War

Cosmas, Graham A.
University of Missouri 1971

“Military historian Graham A. Cosmas reconstructs the planning and execution of Spanish-American War strategy from the perspective of those with the ultimate responsibility: the president, the secretary of war, the commanding general of the army, and the chief and commanders of the army’s various bureaus and corps… Cosmas argues that the traditional view of the war is from the “bottom up” because, while headlines were being made about inadequate supplies, disease, and outdated weapons at ground level, the civilian and military figures at the highest ranks remained virtually silent about how and why they made their decisions. This volume, based on intensive research in documentary materials, including the personal papers of President William McKinley and Secretary of War Russell A. Alger, as well as the voluminous files of Adjutant General Henry Clark Corbin and the quartermaster general’s offices, shows the day-to-day progress of the war as the highest-ranking officials saw it, digested it, and based subsequent decisions on it.” -Publisher.

See our post on Vintage Picture Postcards

A Very Different Age: Americans of the Progressive Era

Diner, Steven J.
Hill and Wang 1998

“Diner, drawing on the rich scholarship of recent social history, focuses on how Americans of diverse backgrounds and at all economic levels responded to the Progressive Era. Industrial workers and farmers, recent immigrants and African Americans, white-collar workers and small entrepreneurs had to reinvent the ways they managed their work, family, community, and leisure as the forces of change swept away familiar modes of economic life, rearranged hierarchies of social status, and redefined the relationship of citizens to their government.” -Book jacket.

The Presidencies of James A. Garfield & Chester A. Arthur

Doenecke, Justus D
Regents 1988

“Far from being cynical spoilsmen or naive incompetents, individuals whose presidencies provide studies in ineptitude, Garfield and Arthur emerge as men of considerable ability… [Garfield’s] knowledge of how government worked was unmatched; long before Woodrow Wilson made his mark, Garfield was “the scholar in politics.”… Garfield was assassinated less than six months after he entered office; he had yet to be tested on major issues of public policy. Chester A. Arthur was ill prepared to be chief executive, was in poor health much of the time while he was in office, and was faced with a hopelessly divided party. Nevertheless, he was one of the nation’s great political surprises… Doenecke challenges the long-held view that, from 1881 to 1885, the nation was withdrawn and insular. His fresh perspective on the Garfield and Arthur years will be of considerable interest to historians of the Gilded Age.” -Publisher.

Articles Collection – Women’s History

A Terrible Glory: Custer and the Little Bighorn — the Last Great Battle of the American West

Donovan, Jim
Little, Brown 2008

In June of 1876, on a desolate hill above a winding river called “the Little Bighorn,” George Armstrong Custer and all 210 men under his command were annihilated by almost 2,000 Sioux and Cheyenne. The news caused a public uproar, and those in positions of power promptly began to point fingers in order to avoid responsibility. Custer, who was conveniently dead, took the brunt of the blame. The truth, however, was far more complex. This is the first book to relate the entire story, and the first to call upon all the research and findings of the past 25 years–which have changed significantly how this controversial event is perceived. It is also the first book to bring to light the details of the U.S. Army cover-up–and unravel one of the greatest mysteries in U.S. military history.” Publisher.

Black Reconstruction in America

Du Bois, W. E. B.
Free Press 1998

W.E.B. Du Bois called Black Reconstruction, first published in 1934, his “magnum opus.” A massive reinterpretation of the Civil War and Reconstruction with African Americans as actors rather than pawns, it presaged postwar changes in prevailing interpretations of southern history, as well as the rise of black militancy in the 1960s.

America’s Reconstruction: People and Politics after the Civil War

Foner, Eric and Mahoney, Olivia
Harper Perennial 1995 Dewey Dec. 973.8

One of the most misunderstood periods in American history, Reconstruction remains relevant today because its central issue — the role of the federal government in protecting citizens’ rights and promoting economic and racial justice in a heterogeneous society — is still unresolved. America’s Reconstruction examines the origins of this crucial time, explores how black and white Southerners responded to the abolition of slavery, traces the political disputes between Congress and President Andrew Johnson, and analyzes the policies of the Reconstruction governments and the reasons for their demise.
America’s Reconstruction was published in conjunction with a major exhibition on the era produced by the Valentine Museum in Richmond, Virginia, and the Virginia Historical Society. The exhibit included a remarkable collection of engravings from Harper’s Weekly, lithographs, and political cartoons, as well as objects such as sculptures, rifles, flags, quilts, and other artifacts.

Nothing but Freedom: Emancipation and its Legacy

Foner, Eric
Louisiana State Univ. 1983

“The first essay examines the aftermath of slavery in Haiti and the British Caribbean, and also looks briefly at early twentieth-century racial and economic relations in southern and eastern Africa; The second essay turns to how the issues and patterns prevalent in the Caribbean and Africa were duplicated in the post-emancipation United States; The third essay examines a specific set of events during American Reconstruction, the strikes of rice workers along the Combahee River in South Carolina, to illustrate how many issues were resolved at the local level. The purpose of this book, then, was to examine crucial aspects of the forging of a new social order in the aftermath of slavery.” from the Introduction. Reconstruction after the Civil War.

American Home Life, 1880-1930: A Social History of Spaces and Services

Foy, Jessica H. and Schlereth, Thomas J, eds.
Univ. of Tennessee 1992

Essay collection. “The book’s contributors study transformations in services (such as home utilities of power, heat, light, water, and waste removal) in servicing (for example, the impact of home appliances such as gas and electric ranges, washing machines, and refrigerators), and in serving (changes in domestic servants’ duties, hours of work, racial and ethnic backgrounds). In blending intellectual and home history, these essays both examine and exemplify the perennial American enthusiasm for, as well as anxiety about, the meaning of modernity”. Publisher.

A Southern Odyssey: Travelers in the Antebellum North

Franklin, John Hope
Louisiana State Univ. 1976

“…there were thousands of southerners – planters, merchants, bankers, students, housewives, writers, and politicians – who traveled extensively in the North and who recorder their impressions in letters to their families, in articles for the local press, and in the few books they wrote. Franklin canvasses the entire field of southern travel and analyzes the travelers and their accounts of what they saw in the North.” Book jacket.

The New Commonwealth, 1877-1890

Garraty, John A.
Harper & Row 1968

Analyzes the social, political, and economic conditions in America between Reconstruction and the beginning of the great depression of the 1890’s. “A well-reasoned analysis of the social, economic and political development of the U.S. as the nation responded to the changes wrought by industrialization and the consequent necessity for men to organize their affairs in cities, in corporate bodies, and in unions.” – Libr J.

Industrial Revolution: People and Perspectives

Goloboy, Jennifer L., ed.

Examines what industrialization meant for American artisans, women workers, slaves, and manufacturers. It shows how this new working world led to sharpening class divisions and expanded consumerism. Throughout, groundbreaking social historians draw on 19th-century primary documents and the latest research to show how the Industrial Revolution transformed the life the average American. History of the Industrial Revolution in America pdf,

The Populist Moment: a Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America

Goodwyn, Lawrence
Oxford University 1978

This condensed version of Lawrence Goodwyn’s Democratic Promise, the highly-acclaimed study on American Populism which the Civil Liberties Review called “a brilliant, comprehensive study,” offers new political language designed to provide a fresh means of assessing both democracy and authoritarianism today.

The Industrial Revolution in America: Railroads

Hillstrom, Kevin and Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, eds.

From a 9-volume history of the industrial revolution, this volume examines the role of railroads in the ascension of the U.S. to a position of global power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

See our books on Egypt History PDF

The New Empire; an Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860-1898

LaFeber, Walter
Cornell University 1963

“This monograph attempts to examine the crucial incubation period of the American overseas empire by relating the development of that empire to the effects of the industrial revolution on U.S. foreign policy…. the industrial transformation that occurred during the last half of the 19th century marked the beginning of modern America.” – Author’s Preface.

The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Philbrick, Nathaniel
Viking 2010

“Nathaniel Philbrick, author of ‘In the Hurricane’s Eye’, Pulitzer Prize finalist ‘Mayflower’, and ‘Valiant Ambition’, is a historian with a unique ability to bring history to life. ‘The Last Stand’ is Philbrick’s monumental reappraisal of the epochal clash at the Little Bighorn in 1876 that gave birth to the legend of Custer’s Last Stand. Bringing a wealth of new information to his subject, as well as his characteristic literary flair, Philbrick details the collision between two American icons – George Armstrong Custer and Sitting Bull – that both parties wished to avoid, and brilliantly explains how the battle that ensued has been shaped and reshaped by national myth.” -Publisher. Battle of Little Big Horn book pdf, General George Custer pdf.

Murdering McKinley: the Making of Theodore Roosevelt’s America

Rauchway, Eric
Hill and Wang 2003

“After President William McKinley was fatally shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, on September 6, 1901, Americans were bereaved and frightened. Eric Rauchway’s brilliant ‘Murdering McKinley’ re-creates Leon Czolgosz’s hastily conducted trial and then traverses America as Dr. Vernon Briggs, a Boston alienist, sets out to discover why Czolgosz rose up to kill his President. While uncovering the answer that eluded Briggs and setting the historical record straight about Czolgosz, Rauchway also provides the finest protrait yet of Theodore Roosevelt at the moment of his sudden ascension to the White House.” -Book jacket.

The Rough Riders

Roosevelt, Theodore

A vivid account of the famous volunteer regiment which Roosevelt led during the Spanish American war. Illustrated from photographs. Roosevelt’s Rough Riders.

Contents: 1. Raising the Regiment 2. To Cuba 3. General Young’s Fight at Las Guasimas 4. The Cavalry at Santiago 5. In the Trenches 6. The Return Home. Appendices. History of the Spanish American War, book on the Rough Riders.

Victorian America, 1876 to 1913

Shifflett, Crandall A.
Facts on File 1996

A volume in the series ‘Almanacs of American Life’. “Each volume is an almanac-format compilation of intormation in statistical and tabular form, with connective text describing the detail of life during the period. Each book is enhanced by about 100 illustrations… and contains an extensive bibliography.” They provide info on climate, natural history, geography, dates of events, the economy, the population, diet and health, religion, politics & government, cities, education, arts & letters, science and technology, popular culture, crime etc. -Book cover.

The Best Men; Liberal Reformers in the Gilded Age

Sproat, John G.
Oxford University 1968

“During America’s vibrant and colorful Gilded Age, … a group of self-styled “liberals,” led by well-meaning businessmen, intellectuals, and journalists, worked through scores of “good government” clubs and other organizations to raise the tone of American politics… Prominent among them were Henry Adams, Mark Twain, Carl Schurz, Charles Eliot Norton … They dominated the political commentary of the day, received much acclaim for exposing corruption, and have been credited with being a pivotal factor in elections… The author demonstrates conclusively that these “best men” do not deserve their reputation as a forward-looking political force. Stripping aside their own propaganda and self-justification, he shows them to be essentially narrow-minded, illiberal, impractical, and nostalgic in their political goals. Opposed to Reconstruction, often openly anti-Negro, they were also anti-labor, anti-immigrant and uncritical in the extreme of American business. They were unconcerned with America’s vast expansion, and unaware of the main economic and social currents of the day. Their fear of violence and social disruption led them to become hysterical defenders of the status quo.” -Book jacket.

American Eras: Development of the Industrial United States, 1878-1899

Tompkins, Vincent, ed.
Gale 1997

Part of a series providing detailed information on the eras of pre-twentieth century America, this volume includes articles covering headlines and headline makers, awards, achievements and other enlightening and entertaining facts on early American civilization.

The Search for Order, 1877-1920

Wiebe, Robert H.
Hill and Wang 1967

“At the end of the Reconstruction, the spread of science and technology, industrialism, urbanization, immigration, and economic depressions eroded Americans’ conventional beliefs in individualism and a divinely ordained social system. InThe Search for Order, Robert Wiebe shows how, in subsequent years, during the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, Americans sought the organizing principles around which a new viable social order could be constructed in the modern world. This subtle and sophisticated study combines the virtues of historical narrative, sociological analysis, and social criticism.” -Publisher.

Vintage Books on American History 1865-1900

VINTAGE BOOKS – Books on Reconstruction Era 1865-1900

Contemporary American History 1877-1913

Beard, Charles A.

A textbook which is intended to supply the student and the general reader with a handy guide. The history of the period is treated mainly from the economic viewpoint. Contains an annotated bibliography. – Standard Catalog 1929

Indian Fights and Fighters; The Soldier and the Sioux

Brady, Cyrus Townsend
McClure, Phillips 1904

Contents: Part I: Protecting the Frontier: The Powder River expedition – The tragedy of Fort Phil Kearney – The thirty-two against the three thousand – Personal reminiscences of Fort Phil Kearney and the wagon-box fight – Forsyth and the Rough Riders of ’68 – The journey of the scouts and the rescue of Forsyth – A scout’s story of the defense of Beecher’s Island – Carpenter and his brunettes. The fight on Beaver Creek – A further discussion of the Beaver Creek affair – The battle of the Washita – Carr and Tall Bull at Summit Springs.

Part II: The War with the Sioux: With Crook’s advance – Ex-trooper Towne on the Rosebud fight – The grievance of Rain-in-the-Face – The Little Big Horn Campaign – The Last of Custer – One of the last men to see Custer alive – The personal story of Rain-in-the-face – Two interesting affairs – The first success – A decisive blow – Miles’ great campaigning – What they are there for – a sketch of General Guy V. Henry, a typical American soldier.

Northwestern Fights and Fighters

Brady, Cyrus Townsend, ed.
Doubleday, Page 1913

These are collected accounts of actual battles between the U.S. Army and various Indian forces, and appear to have been contributed in most cases by Army officers who participated.

Reconstruction and the Constitution 1866-1876

Burgess, John W.
NY: Scribner’s Sons 1905

A volume in the “American History Series”. Burgess also authored the two books that came before this in the series: “The Middle Period” and “The Civil War and the Constitution”.

Relations of the United States and Spain: the Spanish-American War Vol 1

– Volume 2

Chadwick, French Ensor

A comprehensive, well documented history which is of special value for its extended presentation of the Spanish point of view. – A.L.A. Catalog 1926

National Problems 1885-1897 (American Nation, Vol. 24)

Dewey, Davis Rich

“Beginning with the new economic conditions that the Cleveland administration of 1884 found, Professor Dewey traces the course of the national problems to 1897. He deals with organized labor, civil service, the tariff, silver, railroads, foreign relations, the reorganization of the Republican party, foreign policy, commercial organization currency, and the free coinage campaign of 1896.” Book Review Digest. Contains maps and bibliography.

Reconstruction; Political and Economic 1865-1877 (American Nation, Vol. 22)

Dunning, William Archibald

“The purpose of the volume is to show that Reconstruction, with all its hardships and inequities, was not deliberately planned as a punishment and humiliation for those formerly in rebellion, though the spirit of retribution had its part. It was an effort, clumsy and partisan, yet in the main honestly meant to make provision for the inevitable consequences of the Civil War.” Editor’s introduction. Contains maps and bibliography.

Documents Relating to Reconstruction

Fleming, Walter L., ed.
Morgantown, WV: 1904

Walter L. Fleming was a Professor of History, and collected here about 35 documents of interest for Reconstruction, and provided a few pages’ introduction of the historical background for each chapter.

Contents: 1. The Knights of the White Camelia 2. Ku Klux Klan 3. The Union League of America 4. & 5. Public Frauds in South Carolina 6. & 7. The Freedmen’s Bureau 8. The “Black Codes” of 1865-1866.

The Cleveland Era: A Chronicle of the New Order in Politics

Ford, Henry Jones
Toronto: Glasgow, Brook 1919

Vol 44 in the “Chronicles of America” series.

Contents: A transition period – Political groping and party fluctuation – The advent of Cleveland – A constitutional crisis – Party policy in Congress – Presidential knight-errantry – The Public discontents – The Republican opportunity – The free silver revolt – Law and order upheld. Grover Cleveland administration.

The United States in our Own Times 1865-1920

Haworth, Paul Leland

“Primarily a political history, very fairly successful in the difficult task of trying to see recent events in historical perspective, and having the great merits of being eminently readable. . . Maps, index and valuable annotated list of suggessted readings.” N.Y. State Library

America as a World Power 1897-1907 (American Nation, Vol. 25)

Latane, John Holladay

A fine study which deals mainly with the Spanish war of 1898 and its consequences. It also includes the economic and administrative questions of the time. Maps and bibliography.

Since the Civil War

Lingley, Charles Ramsdell
1920 Dewey Dec. 973.8

“The historian is lucid, and despite his necessary brevity he is never uninteresting nor pedantic. His strokes are sure although they are rapid. He is also fair.” Boston Transcript.

The Crusaders. A Story of the Women’s Temperance Movement of 1873-74

Norton, Emma R.
Peabody, Macey 1882

History of the Women’s Temperance movement, US history 1870s.

History of the United States since the Civil War vol 1

– Volume 2

– Volume 3

– Volume 4

– Volume 5

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson

Vol 1 – 1865-68; Vol 2 – 1868-72; Vol 3 – 1972-78; Vol 4 -1878-88; Vol 5 – 1888-1901

The McKinley and Roosevelt Administrations, 1897-1909

Rhodes, James Ford

“The twelve years covered by this history . . . include the Spanish American war and its resulting problems, the period of vast business expansion and consolidation, the building of the Panama canal and Roosevelt’s campaign against the trusts. The personalities who stand out, beside the two presidents, are Mark Hanna, I. P. Morgan, John Hay, Andrew Carnegie, Bryan, Root and Taft. As Mr. Rhodes reaches this recent period in our history, his historical detachment is less easily maintained and his political bent more apparent.” -Book Review Digest.

Study Outline in the Problems of the Reconstruction Period

Shenton, Herbert & others
Association Press 1918

Booklet with an outline of problems of reconstruction facing the world after World War I, with a bibliography of articles and books for study.

Recent American History

Shippee, Lester Burrell

“This study covers the history of the United States from the close of the Civil War to 1923. The primary emphasis is placed upon the events themselves, with so little discussion of personalities and policies that the narrative seems to deal largely with the externalities of history. . . The narrative is well proportioned and skillfully handled. It is withal a very useful book.” American Economic Review. Maps and bibliographies.

National Development, 1877-1885 (American Nation, Vol. 23)

Sparks, Edwin Erle

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