History magazines pdf free online. Education magazine archive. Download some. Also military history, archaeology, vintage news mags.
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History Magazine PDF Free
19th Century
Philadelphia: Victorian Society in America
Seems to be mainly about architecture and the arts in American history.
Adventures in Western New York History
New York: Buffalo Historical Society
More like a set of booklets than a magazine. Each issue has one long article on a different topic.
The American Neptune
Massachusetts: American Neptune Inc.
“A Quarterly Journal of maritime history. An academic journal that featured original articles aimed at scholars, professionals and enthusiasts.
American Spirit Magazine
Washington DC: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Patriotic magazine about historical America from the DAR.
All About History
All about History Books
UK: Future Publishing
Articles on topics that range the world and seem to range in time from ancient to modern. The collection includes a number of special issues based on a single theme; i.e. the Renaissance, Great Explorers, History of NASA, World War I, and more. The “All about History Books link leads to 23 special topics; about 160 pages each.
American Heritage
American Heritage Magazine Website
1949- Present
American Heritage 40-Year Cumulative Index 1954-1994
U.S.: American Heritage
“Dedicated to covering the history of the United States of America for a mainstream readership. Print publication was suspended early in 2013, but the magazine relaunched in digital format with the Summer 2017 issue.” – Wikipedia.
American Heritage magazine, which publishes articles mostly about American history, has a free archive of all its issues at its website, including the current issue.
Magazine of American History
Vol 1 – 30 (1877- 1893)
Index 1877-1893
Vol 30-32, 38-46 (1902-1904, 1910-1916)
The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries was established as a monthly in 1877 by non-academic historians Martha J. Lamb (who served as editor), Nathan G. Pond, and John A. Stevens. It ceased publication in 1893. In 1901 the magazine was re-started as simply The Magazine of American History, and lasted through Volume 47 in 1917. Not all volumes in this archive were found online.
American Historical Review
Vol 1 (1895) – Vol 32 (1927)
New York
“The American Historical Review (AHR) is the official publication of the American Historical Association (AHA). The AHA was founded in 1884 and chartered by Congress in 1889 to serve the interests of the entire discipline of history. Aligning with the AHA’s mission, the AHR has been the journal of record for the historical profession in the United States since 1895 – one of the few journals in the world that brings together scholarship from every major field of historical study.” -Website of American Historical Review.
Blackwood’s Magazine
Issues 1817 (vol 2) – 1927 at HathiTrust
Edinburgh, Scotland: Blackwood
Launched in 1817 by publisher William Blackwood and originally called the ‘Edinburgh Monthly Magazine’, Blackwood’s was an outlet for aggressive Tory (Conservative party) political views. It contained satire, reviews and criticism, as well as poetry and literary works. It ceased publication in 1980, having remained under Blackwood family ownership for its entire active life. – from info in Wikipedia.
China Pictorial Magazine
Beijing: China Pictorial
“A patriotic magazine, presumably sponsored by the Communist government. Many photos, and articles too.”
China Reconstructs Magazine
Beijing: China Welfare Institute
“The purpose of China Reconstructs is to present the work and achievements of the Chinese people to people abroad. It will concentrate on reporting reconstruction and new construction in our country and the changes that have come into the lives of our citizens.”
DeBow’s Review
Vol 1 (Old series) – Vol 7 (New Series) (1846-1869)
New Orleans
DeBow’s Review was An important and influential magazine of the southern U.S. “Prior to the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the journal contained everything from agricultural reports, statistical data, and economic analysis to literature, political opinion, and commentary. The magazine took an increasingly pro-Southern and eventually secessionist perspective in the late 1850s and early 1860s. It defended slavery in response to abolitionism, published an article in the 1850s that urged the South to resume the African slave trade, and advocated southern nationalism as the Civil War approached.” – Wikipedia.
Department of State Bulletin
U.S. Department of State Dispatch 1990-1999
Washington D.C.: U.S. Government
The Bulletin was the official record of U.S. foreign policy. It was established to provide Congress, other agencies, and the public information about U.S. foreign policy and the work of the Department of State and the Foreign Service. Publication was discontinued in 1989.
“This periodical will be published weekly and will contain the texts of press releases, information regarding treaties, and other material on current developments in American foreign relations and the work of the Department of State. It will take the place of the Department’s weekly pamphlet “Press Releases” and monthly “Treaty Information” bulletin, which are being discontinued with the issues for June 1939. Indexes to “The Department of State Bulletin” will be prepared and published semiannually.” – Announcement in the initial issue, 1 July 1939.
The Fortnightly Review
Vol 1 (1865) – Vol 118 (1922)
London: Chapman and Hall
“The Fortnightly Review was one of the most prominent and influential magazines in nineteenth-century England. It was founded in 1865 by Anthony Trollope, Frederic Harrison, Edward Spencer Beesly, and six others. – Wikipedia.
The Gentleman’s Magazine
Issues 1731-1907
London, UK: Edward Cave & others
The first English periodical to be called a “magazine”. Founder Edward Cave’s “innovation was to create a monthly digest of news and commentary on any topic the educated public might be interested in, from commodity prices to Latin poetry. It carried original content from a stable of regular contributors, as well as extensive quotations and extracts from other periodicals and books. It was read throughout the English-speaking world and continued to flourish through the 18th century and much of the 19th century under a series of different editors and publishers.” – Wikipedia
The collection at this HathiTrust link appears to contain a complete run, from the magazine’s founding in 1731 to the end of general publication in 1907. The numbering of volumes at the link is irregular: Vol 1 is the 5th item, Vol 2 is about 25th, etc. Indexes are in the list. First magazine, magazines from 1700s.
Harper’s Weekly: A Journal of Civilization
New York: Harper’s Magazine Co.
An American political magazine based in New York City. Published by Harper & Brothers from 1857 until 1916, it featured foreign and domestic news, fiction, essays on many subjects, and humor, alongside illustrations. It carried extensive coverage of the American Civil War. The publisher also produced a monthly magazine. – Wikipedia. Old Harper’s magazines.
History Revealed
UK: Immediate Media
Articles on all kinds of history stories, including fairly recent topics that don’t usually make it into history books.
History of War
UK: Immediate Media
Articles on various aspects of war, covering a wide latitude of time and geography.
HistoryNet Magazine Website
Arlington, VA: HistoryNet
“HistoryNet.com is brought to you by Historynet LLC, the world’s largest publisher of history magazines. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines.” – Website
To access previous articles, click the “hamburger” menu icon on the top left, and find articles in the categories provided there.
Illustrated War News
London, UK: Illustrated London News and Sketch
A weekly British magazine covering World War I, and consisting largely of photos from the front.
The Independent
Vol 50 (1898) – Vol 110 (1923)
New York
“Originally a religious weekly but now a weekly devoted principally to discussions of current events and tendencies. Both sides of controverted questions are usually represented and briefs of debates on current questions are frequently included. Used in many high schools in the study of literature, history and civics.” – F. K. Walter, Periodicals for the Small Library, ALA 1918.Magazines from 1910s.
Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine
Vols 1-97 (1868-1916)
Lippincott’s began life in 1868 as ‘Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science, and Education’. It moved to New York in 1915 and was renamed McBride’s. A year later it disappeared, absorbed into Scribner’s Magazine (also found on this Web page).
McClure’s Magazine
Vol 1 (1893) – Vol 59 (1927)
New York
McClure’s magazine (1893-1929) is credited with having started the tradition of muckraking journalism (investigative, watchdog or reform journalism), and helped shape the moral compass of the day. The magazine featured both political and literary content, publishing serialized novels-in-progress, a chapter at a time. In this way, McClure’s published such writers as Willa Cather, Arthur Conan Doyle, Herminie T. Kavanagh, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, Lincoln Steffens, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Mark Twain. Examples of its work include Ida Tarbell’s series in 1902 exposing the monopoly abuses of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, and Ray Stannard Baker’s earlier look at the United States Steel Corporation, which focused the public eye on the conduct of corporations. – Wikipedia. Old magazines from 1900s.
Military Illustrated Past & Present
UK: Military Illustrated
Wide variety of in-depth articles of popular interest and by respected military historians.
The Nation
Magazine Website
1865-1961 at Internet Archive (Black & White)
New York
The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the U.S., and was a successor to abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator. It was established in 1865 in Manhattan, and established a reputation for taking on reform causes. In 1881 it was acquired by Henry Villard, who transformed it into a weekly literary supplement for his daily newspaper New York Evening Post. -from info at Wikipedia.
“The Nation is America’s oldest weekly magazine and is independently published. The Nation speaks to an engaged audience as a champion of civil liberties, human rights, and economic justice.” – The Nation Magazine. Magazines from 1800s to 1950s.
National Geographic History
Washington, DC:
The usual NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC format, with lively articles and plenty of great photos, but this magazine is all about history.
New England Magazine
Vol 1-6; Series 2 Vol 1-56 (1884-1917)
This publication began in 1884 as The Bay State Monthly; subtitled “A Massachusetts Magazine of Literature, History, Biography, and State Progress”. Beginning with Volume 4 the title became The New England Magazine. After volume 6 it was issued as a “New Series” with NS Vol 1 containing issues from September 1889 – Feb 1890. The page linked here has all volumes from 1884 to 1917, when it ceased publication. New England Magazine.
See our Newsweek PDF Back Issues 1933-2008
The New Republic; A Journal of Opinion
Magazine Website
Vol 1 (1914) – Vol 36 (1923)
1914-1961 (Black & White)
New York
“An American magazine of commentary on politics, contemporary culture, and the arts. Founded in 1914 by several leaders of the progressive movement, it attempted to find a balance between “a liberalism centered in humanitarian and moral passion and one based in an ethos of scientific analysis” – Wikipedia. Magazines from 1910s 1920s.
Magazine Website
U.S. – Newsweek
“This weekly news magazine covers the national and global news front through news, commentary and analysis. It includes national and international affairs, business, lifestyle, society, the arts, politics, the economy, personal business, the Washington scene, health, science and technology.” – Newsweek Magazine. Magazines from 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, etc.
Niles’ Weekly Register
Vol 1 (1811) – Vol 75 (1849)
Baltimore, MD
“Containing political, political, historical, geographical, scientifical, statistical, economical, and biographical documents, essays and facts; together with notices of the arts and manufactures, and a record of the events of the times.”
Vols 5, 7-9, 15-16, 23, 38 and 43 contain supplements.
Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) was the editor until 1836, when he was succeeded by his son, William Ogden Niles. Jeremiah Hughes bought the Register in 1839 and edited it until it was discontinued in 1849.
“… in the first half of the 19th century, the Register was as well-known as the New York Times and Washington Post are known today. From 1811 to 1849, it was the principal window through which many Americans looked out on their country and the world. The scope of the work was immense, its circulation was large (the largest in the United States, by some accounts) … “
– W.H. Earle, “Niles Register, 1811-1849: Window on the World” Website (defunct).
The Nineteenth Century
Vol 1 (1877) – Vol 48 (1900)
London: Henry S. King & Co.
“‘The Nineteenth Century Magazine’ was a British monthly literary magazine founded in 1877 by Sir James Knowles. Many of the early contributors to The Nineteenth Century were members of the Metaphysical Society. The journal was intended to publish debate by leading intellectuals.
In 1901 the title was changed to ‘The Nineteenth Century and After’ (below), and was again changed in 1951 to The ‘Twentieth Century’. The magazine continued until 1972. – Wikipedia.
The Nineteenth Century and After
London: Henry S. King & Co.
Originally known at ‘The Nineteenth Century’, this British magazine was renamed ‘The Nineteenth Century and After’ in the 1901 issue. Free old magazines from 1900s.
North American Review
1815 to 1939
“One of America’s leading literary journals of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Early contributors included William Cullen Bryant, Daniel Webster, John Adams, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Francis Parkman. Two of the Review‘s best-known editors, in the 1860s and 1870s, were James Russell Lowell and Henry Adams. In the late 1870s, under new ownership, the Review was transformed into a national periodical noted “for its critical influence and outstanding writing concerning social and political issues”. Contributors then included William Gladstone, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Mark Twain and H.G. Wells.” – Encyclopedia Britannica online. Magazines from 1800s, magazines from 1930s.
North and South Magazine
New York: Oehler Media
“The magazine of Civil War conflict.” About the American Civil War.
The Outlook Magazine
Vol 48 (1893) to Vol 147 (1927)
New York
“One of the best-known weeklies dealing with current events. Continuation of the Christian Union, which forms volumes 1-47 of the series. Each number is illustrated. Contains discussions of and editorial comments on social and political matters with one or more rather lengthy literary articles. The editorials are able and the whole magazine reflects the personality of its editorial staff. Strongly in favor of social reforms but not inclined toward drastic measures. A very timely reference aid on current events and much used for this purpose in high schools.” – F. K. Walter, Periodicals for the Small Library, ALA 1918. Magazines from 1890s to 1920s.
Washington, DC: U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
“Prologue magazine brings readers stories based on the rich holdings and programs of the National Archives across the nation—from Washington, DC, to the regional archives and the Presidential libraries. Access many of our articles online. Prologue was published quarterly by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for nearly 50 years. The Winter 2017–18 issue was the last printed edition.” – National Archives.
Rhodesia: The Rhodesiana Society
Filled with articles about the history of Rhodesia.
Soviet Life
1969-1984 (3 Issues)
“Published by reciprocal agreement between the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union. The agreement provides for the publication and circulation of the magazine SOVIET LIFE in the U.S. and the magazine AMERICA in the Soviet Union.” Categories of articles are: Soviet People, Economy and Science, Literature and the Arts, Social Problems, International Contacts, Recreation and Sports, Miscellaneous.
Moscow: United Magazines and Newspapers
A patriotic magazine portraying Soviet life in a Life magazine format, with lots of photos.
The Spectator
The Spectator Website
1828-1927 at Internet Archive (Black & White)
London, UK
The oldest weekly magazine in the world, founded in 1828 by Scottish reformer Robert Stephen Rintoul. ” – Wikipedia. It still exists.
Sputnik Monthly Digest
Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd and Novosti Press Agency
“A broad selection of articles on culture and many other topics, mostly from Soviet newspapers and magazines, for a western audience to familiarize with life in the Soviet Union.”
Stars and Stripes Newspaper
Issues 1943-1945
U.S. Armed Forces
The Stars and Stripes is a newspaper produced by the U.S. Armed Forces for its personnel. Issues in this set were published on the Africa front (1943) and then on the Mediterranean front (1943-1945) during World War II. The newspaper covered both war and non-war news.
Vol 6 (1901) – Vol 58 (1927)
New York
“Discusses all movements, public and private, whose purpose is social improvement. Very widely used in club and church work and by high school debaters, as well as by more special social workers. Formerly called Charities Review and Charities and the Commons.” – F. K. Walter, Periodicals for the Small Library, ALA 1918.
Time Magazine
Time Magazine Website
1923-2022 – Century Past Time Magazine Page
U.S. – TIME USA, LLC, owned by Marc Benioff
“Offering a rare convergence of incisive reporting, lively writing and world-renowned photography, Time magazine has been credited with bringing journalism at its best into the fabric of American life.” – Time Magazine. Time Magazine back issues, Time Magazine online free..
Twentieth Century
1877-1972 at Internet Archive (Black & White
London, UK
“Founded as ‘The Nineteenth Century’ by James Knowles in 1877 as a monthly literary magazine for debate and discussion among leading intellectuals in Britain. In 1901 the title was changed to ‘The Nineteenth Century and After’, and changed to ‘The Twentieth Century’ in 1951.” – Wikipedia. Magazines read online free.
The War Illustrated Magazine
1914-1918; 1939-1947
UK: William Berry
“The War Illustrated was a British war magazine published in London by William Berry (later Viscount Camrose and owner of The Daily Telegraph). It was first released on 22 August 1914, eighteen days after the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, and regular issues continued throughout the First World War. The magazine was discontinued after the 8 February 1919 issue, but returned 16 September 1939 following the start of the Second World War. 255 issues were published throughout the Second World War before the magazine permanently ceased production on 11 April 1947.” – Wikipedia
Woman’s Journal and Suffrage News
1870-1916 in Internet Archive (Black & White)
Boston, Massachusetts: Stone & Blackwell
“Woman’s Journal was an American women’s rights periodical published from 1870 to 1931. It was founded in 1870 in Boston, Massachusetts, by Lucy Stone and her husband Henry Browne Blackwell as a weekly newspaper. In 1910 it absorbed ‘Progress’, the official organ of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), and changed the magazine’s name in 1912 to ‘Woman’s Journal and Suffrage News’. It again changed its name in 1917, to ‘The Woman Citizen’. It ceased publication in 1931.” – Website.
World War 2 Magazine
Virginia: Empire Press
Many articles and photos about a wide variety of topics.
The World’s Work
Vol 1 (1900) – Vol 54 (1927)
1900-1932 at Internet Archive (Black & White)
New York
“Discusses all kinds of current events and current tendencies in articles by recognized authorities and in well written editorial comments. The social development of the country receives as much attention as its material prosperity. Well illustrated and popular in style. One of the four periodicals most widely used in school work and very useful for club and debate work.”
-F. K. Walter, Periodicals for the Small Library, ALA 1918.
Yank: The Army Weekly
Jan 1945 – Nov 1945
NY: U.S. War Department
Yank was a weekly magazine published by the U.S. Army during World War II, primarily for soldiers. It contained news, humor, letters to the editor, stories about army units or dramatic incidents, and lots of photos.
Articles about U.S. History before 1800
A collection of links here at Century Past to articles in magazines and newspapers related to early American History.
Articles about U.S. History in the 19th Century
A collection of links here at Century Past to articles in magazines and newspapers related to American History in the 1800s.
Articles about African American History
A collection of links here at Century Past to articles in magazines and newspapers related to African American History.
Ancient History Articles
Collected links here at Century Past to articles on topics in Ancient History, found in leading magazines and newspapers.
Archaeology Articles
Collected links here at Century Past to articles on topics in Archaeology, found in leading magazines and newspapers.
Historic Photos from Around the World
Collected links here at Century Past to selected photography collections from the late 1800s & early 1900s in countries around the world.
Websites – History Magazines PDF
Websites of Archaeology Magazines
Free online versions of these archaeology magazines are, in most cases, not available, but their websites feature articles of interest.
The Archaeological Conservancy
Current Archaeology
The Past – History Magazines PDF
World Archaeology
Historical Archaeology
American Archaeology
Egyptian Archaeology
Doug’s Archaeology: List of Archaeology Journals
Websites of History Magazines
Free online versions of these History magazines are not available, but their websites feature articles of interest.
Aviation History
America’s Civil War
British Heritage Travel
Canada’s History
The Citizens’ Companion: the voice of civilian reenacting
Civil War Monitor
Civil War Times
Military History
Military History Matters
Navy History Magazine
Vietnam (the war)
Library Research Guide (LibGuide) – Canadian History
This research guide from the librarians at Bowling Green State University has a collection of links to websites related to the history of Canada.
Library Research Guide (LibGuide) – Internet Sites with Primary Sources for U.S. History
This research guide from the librarians at Bowling Green State University has links to websites with substantial collections of online primary sources for U.S. history.
Education Magazine Archive
Coach Magazine Website
Issues 2019 – Present
UK: Coach Magazine
“COACH features a wealth of high quality and unique articles and features from some of the most successful professional coaches, mentors and experts around the world, covering a wide range of niches in business, life, wellbeing and self- development.” – Website
Vol 1 – 47 (1880-1927)
Subtitle: “A Monthly Magazine devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy and Literature of Education”. Founded in 1880 by Thomas W. Bicknell (1834-1925), who had recently edited the weekly New England Journal of Education from 1875 to 1880. A Rhode Island native, Bicknell worked as a principal at grammar and high schools for a number of years before being named Commissioner of Public Schools in Rhode Island in 1869. He was a progressive in education and a strong proponent of public schools.
School and Society
Vol 1 (1915) – Vol 24 (1926)
New York
“A weekly journal treating all phases of education and its social service.” – – F. K. Walter, Periodicals for the Small Library, ALA 1918.
Teach Middle East
Teach Middle East Website
Issues 2014 – Present
“Teach Middle East Magazine is the premier magazine for educators and the entire education sector in the Middle East and beyond. Our vision is to equip educators with the materials and tools to function optimally inside and out of the classroom. We provide a space for educators to connect, find inspiration, resources and forums that are aimed at enhancing their teaching techniques, methodologies and personal development.” – Website.