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Old Hobbies Magazines PDF – Crafts Magazine PDF Download

Old Hobbies Magazines PDF - Crafts Magazine PDF Download

Old Hobbies and Crafts magazines pdf. Crafts magazine pdf download free. Model airplanes, railroads, military modeling, jewelry making, LEGOs, papercraft, pipes and cigars, miniatures.

Old Hobbies Magazines PDF – Crafts Magazine PDF Download

Amateur Radio


Wireless Institute of Australia

“Amateur Radio is a forum for WIA members’ amateur radio experiments, experiences, opinions and news.”




“Ancestry Magazine was a general interest genealogy magazine owned by Ancestry.com Operations Inc. The magazine began as Ancestry Newsletter, a small, genealogy-industry newsletter in 1983, and became a four-color, 68-page, glossy print, bimonthly publication in 1994. After more than 25 years in print, the magazine was discontinued with the March/April 2010 issue.” -Wikipedia. Google magazines, Ancestry back issues online.



Colorado: Interweave Press

“Inspired designs for the passionate beader.”

Bricks ‘n Pieces


UK: The LEGO Club

“The official magazine of the LEGO club. Legos are plastic bricks for making buildings and other things.

Campaigns: An International Magazine of Military Miniatures


California: Marengo Publications

For miniature collectors, war-game enthusiasts, and military historians.

Cigar Aficionado


NY: Shanken Communications

“The good life magazine for men.”

Crafts ‘n Things


Ill: Clapper Publishing

Introduces readers to a wide variety of home crafts, with instructive articles and beginner projects.

Creative Beads and Jewellery

Up to 2016

UK: Practical Publishing

“Ideas and inspiration for all levels of beadcrafts and jewellery making” Lots of projects, with step-by-step instructions.




A magazine for Lego, the plastic blocks used to build model buildings and other things.

Hobbies Weekly


UK: Hobbies Limited

Includes projects for building or making useful items for around the home, and touches on many other hobbies.

Hobby Magazine Collection


Various Publishers

Many hobby magazines through the 20sh and early 21st centuries. Titles include: Australian Model Engineering, Radio Control Car Action, Model Airplane News, Model Military International, Hobbies Weekly, Scale Aviation Modeler, Airfix, Mecanno, Workbench.

Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist


Florida: F+W

Jewelry making and design.


Meccano Magazine Website


UK: Meccano

“Meccano is a model construction system created in 1898 by Frank Hornby in Liverpool, United Kingdom. The system consists of reusable metal strips, plates, angle girders, wheels, axles and gears, and plastic parts that are connected using nuts and bolts. It enables the building of working models and mechanical devices. In 1913, a very similar construction set was introduced in the United States under the brand name Erector. In 2000, Meccano bought the Erector brand and unified its presence on all continents.” – Publisher.

Papercraft Essentials

2020 to 2022

UK: Practical Publishing

“Britain’s best-selling papercraft magazine”. 3 full issues and 2 sample versions of the Australian publication.

Pipes and Tobaccos


North Carolina: Pipes and Tobaccos

Rock & Gem


California: Behn-Miller Publishers

Tutorials on making jewelry, articles about gemstones and rocks, interviews, field trips, more.

Sample Magazines for Hobbies and Crafts

Simply Cards


Crafts Beautiful


Airfix Magazine


UK: Knightsbridge

“Airfix Magazine was the first British magazine dedicated to the hobby of plastic modelling. It was launched in 1960 in association with the model kit company Airfix, and ceased publication in 1993. It covered various scale modelling subjects, including aircraft, railways, ships, vehicles (military and civilian), and military figures.” – Wikipedia.

American Aircraft Modeler


Reno, Nevada: Potomac Aviation

No history of this magazine was found. Edward C. Sweeney, Jr. was the president of the publisher, Potomac Aviation of Reno, in the last issues that we have. American Aircraft Modeler Magazine.

DieCastX – Model Car Magazine

DieCastX Magazine Website


Connecticut: AirAge Media

“Die Cast X, the #1 die cast magazine, takes an insider’s look at collecting and the history behind diecast cars and trucks. With award-winning journalists, industry pros and renowned photographers contributing expertly written editorial and visually compelling photography, Die Cast X connects the car lover to the diecast world by focusing on the styles and personalities behind the greatest vehicles. Each issue shows how leading designers and manufacturers translate full-size vehicles into exact scale models, as well as how diecast models have helped shape the automotive industry and motorsports.” – DieCastX Magazine Website.

Fantasy Modeling


U.S.: Fantasy Modeling

Articles about models for fantasy role-playing games, military miniatures. Interviews with professionals in the film industry, designers.

FineScale Modeler


Milwaukee: Kalmbach Publishing

Products, tutorials, interviews. Models of cars, boats, aircraft, military vehicles etc.

Military Miniatures in Review


Florida: Ampersand Group

Lots of info about kits, kit producers, assembly of kits etc.

Model Airplane News Magazine


Connecticut: Model Airplane News

Remote-controlled airplanes.

Model Engineer


UK: Model & Allied Publications

For people who build replica steam engines and other engines, and models of all scales, from scratch, rather than from plastic kits.

Model Military International


UK: ADH Publishing

“All the information you’ll ever need to create the best military models.

Modeler’s Resource


California: Adroit Publications

“For the Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Vehicular & Figure Model Builder”.

Radio Control Car Action


Connecticut: Air Age

All about remote-control model cars.

Scale Aviation Modeller

Scale Aviation Modeller Magazine Website



“Offers the latest news, previews, and product information on aircraft modeling. Regular features include reviews of the latest kits, information on decals and other accessories, air combat history, and an events calendar and directory of clubs and societies.” – Internet Archive. Hobby magazines pdf. Scale Aviation Modeller Magazine.

Scale Models


UK: Model & Allied Publications

Models of cars, airplanes, ships & boats, military equipment. Expert advice on building, and historical background of the vehicles.

Railroads and Model Trains

Australian Model Engineering

ca 1994-2004

Higgins, Australia: Australian Model Engineering Pty Ltd.

This magazine appears to focus on model trains much larger than “toy trains”; these are often large enough for people to sit on. Craft Magazines Free.

Australian Model Railway Association Journal



News and articles from model builders and collectors, and their clubs, from around Australia.

B&O Modeler

B&O Modeler Magazine Website


U.S.: B&O RR Historical Society

“The B&O Modeler Magazine is a publication of the B&O RR Historical Society produced for the purpose of disseminating B&O modeling information. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Historical Society exists for the furtherance of historical research into the history of the B&O Railroad Company; education of the public in the history, purpose and social benefits of railroading with emphasis on the role of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company …” – B&O RR Historical Society.

Model Railroad News



News, products, articles for model railroad collectors and builders.

Model Railroader


Waukesha, Wisconsin: Kalmbach Publishing

News, products, reviews, step-by-step tutorials on building trains and layouts, articles by the experts.



Washington: Platinum Publications

For people who collect N-Scale model railroads and build layouts.




For model train enthusiasts who build with plastic LEGO bricks.

Railroad Model Craftsman


New Jersey: Carstens Publications

Info about kits, building trains and layouts, background histories of the real trains, reviews.

Rail Travel News


California: Message Media

News about railroads in the U.S. for railway enthusiasts. Covers the replacement of commercial passenger service by Amtrak in real time.

Railroad Magazine


Ohio: Popular Publications

“The Magazine of Adventurous Railroading – Founded 1906”. Articles of historical and current railroads of interest to railway enthusiasts.

Network – Railways of Australia


Melbourne: Railways of Australia “Network”

Published by the railroads for passengers, railway employees, and people in related businesses, it includes profiles of railroad lines, news about equipment, articles of interest to travelers.



Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division)

“The Magazine of the Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division)”.

Railroad Model Craftsman


New Jersey: Carstens Publications

Model train news, profiles of equipment, construction techniques, layouts.

Miscellaneous Railroad and Model Train Magazine Collection


Many Publishers

Old Railroad magazines and model train magazines together. Most are in English, with some French and German titles.

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