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Art Magazines PDF – Art History Journals PDF Download

Art Magazines Online Free - Art History Journals PDF Download

Art magazines pdf online free. Art history journals pdf and vintage art journals to download free. Hundreds of back issues. How-to art sample books and coloring books. Art magazine pdf. Links to websites of free art magazines.

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Art Magazines PDF – Arts Magazines Online Free

2D Artist

2D Artist Magazine Website

2006-2017 Magazine Pack


UK: 3DTotal

“2DArtist magazine is the magazine for CG and digital artists around the globe, whether you already work in 2D or are just getting started. Each issue is full of techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries.” – Publisher.

Art Habens Contemporary Art Review


Contemporary Art Press

Articles about and interviews with significant figures in the fine arts and performing arts. International. One of three magazines on this webpage from this publisher. ISSUU digital magazines; 17 issues.

Art Materials Retailer

2017- Present

U.S.: Fahy-Williams Publishing

For people who sell art supplies. Contains many articles about artists’ equipment and tools. About 25 ISSUU digital issues.

Art Unlimited


Istanbul: Galeriet Sanat Galarini

Appears to contain articles mainly about artists and exhibitions in Turkey. Each issue is published twice: in the Turkish language and the English language. 22 ISSUU digital magazine issues.

Artists Down Under

2017- Present

Australia and NZ

Features Australian and New Zealand artists. 88 ISSUU digital issues.

Arts & Activities


U.S.: Arts & Activities

Magazine for art educators. 36 ISSUU digital issues.

ARTiculAction Art Review


UK: Contemporary Art Press

One of three similar magazines on this webpage from this publisher. 45 ISSUU digital issues.


Issues 2012 – 2014


“An art and music magazine dedicated to helping artists share their talents with the world. The magazine features visual artists, singers, music producers, photographers and much more”. – Artnois magazine. 13 issues ISSUU digital magazine.

Blender Art



“A quarterly publication featuring Blender 3D, The Gimp, Inkscape and other FOSS graphics design and animation software tips tricks and tutorials.” – Publisher. 47 issues ISSUU digital magazine.

Cleveland Art – Art Magazine PDF Free Download

2010- Present

Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art

Cleveland Museum of Art member’s magazine.

Direct Art


Hudson, NY: SlowArt Productions

Articles and photos about featured artists. 13 ISSUU digital issues.

Exquisite Arts


Canada: The International Gallery of the Arts

The International Gallery of the Arts (IGOA) was a mobile and online based gallery catered to highlighting the artistic talents of emerging and established artists, artisans, musicians, writers and more. We celebrated the arts in its many facets and aimed to promote positive forms of creativity. 8 issues ISSUU digital magazines.

Fantasy Artist – Art Magazine PDF Free Download

2012 Magazine Pack

UK: Imagine Publishing Ltd.

Five issues from 2012. They include articles, interviews, featured artists, tips, and many tutorials.

Imagine FX

Imagine FX Magazine Website (Facebook)


Bath, UK: Future

“ImagineFX magazine is the only magazine for fantasy and sci-fi digital artists. Each issue contains an eclectic mixture of in-depth workshops from the world’s best artists, galleries and interviews, features, community news, software and hardware reviews, and the latest sci-fi and fantasy films and comics.” – Publisher.

Land Escape Contemporary Art Review


UK: Contemporary Art Press

One of three magazines on this webpage from this publisher. Several of the issues don’t work correctly, revealing only 1 page. 56 ISSUU digital magazine issues.

Revolution Art



“A publication delivered in pdf format as a collective sample of the best of graphic arts, videos, music, modeling, and world trends. The objective of REVOLUTIONART is to serve as a inspirational source to artists, models, advertisers, photographers, designers and communicators in general who wish to explore new alternatives of expression through graphical samples of design, photo, illustration, ads, fashion, music, and general visual arts.” – Publisher.


2000-2003 Magazine Pack

2004-2004 (Incomplete) Magazine Pack

Kentucky: Blue Line Pro

All about drawing comics and graphic novels. Feature comic book artists on every aspect of the business, in addition to how to draw.

Art History Journals PDF Download – Vintage Art Magazines PDF

The American Magazine of Art


Art and Progress 1909-1915 & American Magazine of Art 1917-1928

Washington, DC: American Federation of Arts

American monthly magazine of the arts. The first link has issues at Internet Archive. The second link has issues at HathiTrust. The title “Art and Progress” was changed by the publisher to “American Magazine of Art” after several years.

Art in America

Art in America Magazine Website

1963-2007 (Incomplete)

1913-1957 (issues) and Indexes 1981 to 2008

1913-1929 (issues) at HathiTrust

NY: F. F. Sherman

1963-1967 link: Contains Vol 51 (1963) to Vol 95 (2007). All volumes show, inaccurately, the publication year as 1939.
1913-1957 link: This is scanned microfilm (poor quality). It contains indexes from 1981 to 2008, and magazines from 1913 to 1957.
1913-1929 link: Contains all issues from 1913 to 1929 at HathiTrust, which are better quality than the microfilm scans above.

“Art in America magazine is for art lovers. Its focus on all types of artwork and its interviews with leading artists sets this magazine apart from its competitors. Whether you have an interest in classic pottery or the modern art movement, you will find gorgeous photographs and a unique insight into each type of artwork. Art in America magazine focuses on the art scene in various countries around the world, including the United States.”

Art in Australia


Sydney, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson

Apparently this is a complete set of issues of this magazine, which ended in 1942. It was succeeded in 1963 by ‘Art & Australia’

The Art Journal


1849-1910 – at HathiTrust

London: Hodgson & Graves

“The Art Journal was the most important British 19th-century magazine on art.” – Wikipedia.



London: W. Thomas

A 19th Century journal of fine arts published in London.

Arts & Decoration


NY: McBride, Andrews & Co.

A magazine concerned with art and interior decoration. It ceased publication in 1942.

The Connoiseur: An Illustrated Magazine for Collectors


London: W. Claude Johnson

Seems to be a magazine for wealthy collectors of art, furniture, and decorative items. Well-illustrated. The publication years in the metadata are not correct (they all show 1901), but the volume numbers are accurate. The first volume here is Volume 2 (1902) and the last volume is Volume 63 (1922)



NY: American Horizon

Published every two months. Articles about the arts, performing arts, archaeology, movies, books.

Nineteenth Century – Art Magazine PDF Free Download

Nineteenth Century Magazine Website


2016 to latest issue

U.S. Victorian Society in America

“The flagship publication of the Victorian Society in America, published in the Spring and Fall. The magazine is devoted to the cultural and social history of the United States during the Victorian era, with regular features on architecture, fine arts, decorative arts, interior design, life-style, clothing, photography, and material culture.” – Publisher Website.

Studio International: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine & Applied Art


London: Studio

A well-illustrated arts magazine. Most volumes contain no index or table of contents. The metadata on the Internet Archive page contains the wrong publication date (1893) but apparently the correct volume numbers. The first volume found was Volume 8 (1896), and the last was Volume 84 (1922).

How-To Books for Artists – Art Magazine PDF

More How-To Sample Books – Free Art Magazines

How-To Sample Books by Christopher Hart

Coloring Books – Art Magazines Online Free

Coloring Books – 20-40 page Sample Books of Larger Volumes

Woodland Wonderland

Underwater Worlds

Floral Wonderland

Nature Odyssey

Desert Wonderland

Find many more of these coloring books HERE

Websites – Art Magazines PDF

Library Research Guide (LibGuide) – Art Museum Collections Online

This webpage from the librarians at Bowling Green State University has a collection of links to art museums in the U.S., Europe and Asia that have substantial digital collections. Free art magazines pdf to download.

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