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Free US History General Online - American History Books PDF

Many American history free pdf books to read online or download. Modern and vintage, in subject collections and suggested titles. Selection of numerous collected books.

Subject Collections in American History

U.S. History Examination Study Guides – Collection

United States history examination study guides online, at the Internet Archive. Some book titles: Barron’s SAT Subject Test U.S. History, 5 Steps to a 5 AP U.S. History, Princeton Review Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam, United States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination, McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test United States History, Kaplan AP U.S. History, Kaplan SAT Subject Test U.S History, Princeton Review Cracking the SAT U.S. & World History Subject Tests, AP U.S. History All Access, Barron’s AP United States History, Prentice Hall United States History and Government.

United States History Sources – Collection

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of United States History Sources. Some books: American History Told by Contemporaries, American Historical Documents 1000-1904, Documents of American History, Charles Sumner: his complete works, American Democracy: a documentary record, The Writings of James Madison, Readings in American History, The Annals of America, many more books of U.S. History Sources.

American History Books PDF – Historiography Collection – Free US History Books

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of United States Historiography. Some books: The New American History, American Historical Explanations, The craft of American History, The Reinterpretation of American History and Culture, American Themes: essays in historiography, American Historical Explanations, A History of American History, The Reconstruction of American History, Families and Communities: a new view of American history, Perspectives on American Labor History, Historical Scholarship in the United States, The Critical Method in Historical Research and Writing, many more books on U.S. History – Historiography.

Library Research Guide (LibGuide) – Internet Sites with Primary Sources for American History – American History Books to Read

This research guide from the librarians at the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) … “provides links to important, substantial, and freely available collections of primary sources dealing with American history. Each source has been chosen, evaluated, and/or annotated by members of RUSA’s History Section.”

Library Research Guide (LibGuide) – Internet Sites with Primary Sources for U.S. History – American History PDF Books Free Variety

This research guide from the librarians at Bowling Green State University has links to websites with substantial collections of online primary sources for American history.

U.S. History Biography Books – Collection

Books on American History Biography and Autobiography. Some books: Pictorial History of American Presidents, Hero Tales from American History, Great Women in American History, Who’s Who in African American History, Biographical Dictionary of American Indian History to 1900, 100 Americans Who Shaped American History, Jewish Contributions to American History, Unrecognized Heroes of American History, Forgotten Americans, many more books of American biography and autobiography.

American History Politics and Government Collection – American History Books PDF Free

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of American History Politics and Government. Some books: Encyclopedia of American Political History, The Cycles of American History, American Political Parties, History of American Presidential Elections, History of African-American Civic Organizations, Politics and Diplomacy in Recent American History, The Democratic Experiment, Reinventing Richard Nixon, A History of Modern American Reform, Readings in American Government, many more books on American History Politics and Government.

U.S. Foreign Relations Collection – Free US History Books PDF

United States Foreign Relations books free online, from the Internet Archive. Some books: American Foreign Policy: past present future, The New Democracy in Foreign Policy Making, Major Problems in American Foreign Policy, American Diplomacy, A Diplomatic History of the American People, A Short History of American Foreign Policy, The United States in World Affairs, The United States and Foreign Powers, American Foreign Relations since 1895, From Colony to Superpower, Promised Land – Crusader State, America’s World Role in the ’70s, Empire Without Tears, The Free World Colossus, many more books about United States Foreign Relations.

International Relations in American History – Collection – American History Books PDF Free

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of International Relations in American History. Some books: A Study in Canadian-American Relations, A Journey with Hillary Clinton from Beirut to the Heart of American Power, The World is Flat, The Issues of Immigration, How America Acts as the World’s Government in the 21st Century, The Sorrows of Empire, The United States and Japan 1951-2001, Imperial America, The Web of World Politics, Contemporary Quebec and the United States 1960-1985, many more books on International Relations in American History.

U.S. Military History Books – Collection – American History Books to Read

United States Military History books online, from the Internet Archive. Some books: Encyclopedia of American Military History, The American Civil War, Air Force: a pictorial history of American airpower, American Military History: a guide to reference and information sources, A Study in American Military History, The Civilian and the Military, The History of American Wars from Colonial Times to World War I.

U.S. Economic History Books PDF – Collection – Free US History Books

U.S. Economic History pdf books free online. Some books: Essays in American Economic History, American Economic History, Issues in American Economic History, A History of American Economic Life, Women in Industry, Economic Explorations and Native American History, Trade and the American Dream, The American Economy, The Epic History of American Economic Power, Problems of American Economic Growth, The Decline of American Capitalism, The End of the American Century, The Limits of American Capitalism, many more books on American Economic History.

U.S. Historical Geography Books – Collection

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of U.S. Historical Geography. The group includes books and atlases. Some books: Harper’s Atlas of American History, Historical Geography of the United States, Historical Atlas of the United States, Lectures on the Historical Geography of the United States, Atlas of American History, The Exploration of Western America 1800-1850: an historical geography, Atlas of American Frontiers, Westward to the Pacific, American History and its Geographic Conditions, Index to Maps of the American Revolution in Books and Periodicals, many more books on U.S. Historical Geography.

Capitalism in American History Books – Collection – Free US History Books PDF

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of Capitalism in American History. Some books: Casebook in American Business History, The Sinews of American Capitalism, The Triumph of American Capitalism, The Coming of Managerial Capitalism, Politics and the American Economy, The Entrepreneurial Adventure, Visionary Capitalism, Capitalism: the unknown ideal, many more books on Capitalism in American History.

American Working Class History Books – Collection

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of American Working Class History. Some books: A History of the American Worker, American Labor History, A Documentary History of American Industrial Society (many volumes), American Working Class Culture, A History of American Labor, Work Recreation and Culture, Explorations in the History of American Radicalism, American Labor, Work Culture and Society, The American Worker in the 20th Century, many more books on American Working Class History.

United States History Books – Intellectual Life Collection

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of Intellectual Life in American History. Some books: Cambridge History of African American Literature, Human Nature in American Thought, the Opening of the American Mind, Sources of the American Mind, The Modern American Tradition: readings in intellectual history, Renewing Black Intellectual History, Making History Matter, The American Enlightenment 1750-1820, American Indian Literature, many more books on Intellectual Life in American History.

Books on Popular Culture in American History – Collection – Free US History Books

Popular Culture in American History books, from the Internet Archive. Some books: American History – American Television, Work Recreation and Culture, Ethnicity and Sport in North American History, Globalization and American Popular Culture, American Cinema – American Culture, American Legends, American Countercultures, The Adventures of Amos & Andy, The American Amusement Park, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, How Black Music Transformed White Culture, A Brief History of Gangsters, Jazz in American Culture, Television Comedy and American Culture, The American Motel, A Cultural History of Shopping, Women and Slavery in America, A History of Life and Death, Icons of American Popular Culture, many more books on American Popular Culture.

Books on Manners and Customs in American History – Collection – American History Books to Read

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of American History Manners and Customs. Some books: Everyday Life: American social history, American Behavioral History, American Life: a social history, An American Homeplace, American Home Life 1880-1930, Early American Places, American Folk Medicine, American Holidays and National Days, The American West: living the frontier dream, The Arts and the American Home, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, Young America: a folk-art history, American Civic Life and the golden Age of Fraternity, many more books on American History Manners and Customs.

American Social Conditions – Collection

Free books on the history of American social conditions. Some books: Encyclopedia of American Social History, American Life: a social history, The Religious History of American Women, The American Amusement Park, American Decades (several volumes), The New Cultural History, American Social Thought, The Arab Americans, Financing the American Dream, Modern American Religion, LSD and the American Dream, A Social History of the Telephone to 1940, many more books on American Social History.

Books on Frontier and Pioneer Life in the American Past – Collection – American History Books PDF Free

Books from the Internet Archive free online on the subject of Frontier and Pioneer Life in American History. Some books: The American West, The Mission Trails in American History, The Frontier in American History, The Frontier Thesis: valid interpretation of American history?, Atlas of American Frontiers, The Great American West, The American Cowboy, A Nation Moving West, A Social History of the American Frontier 1776-1890, Rereading Frederick Jackson Turner, The Frontier in American Literature, Frontier Women, many more books on Frontier and Pioneer Life in American History.

Books on U.S. Social Conditions to 1865 – Collection – American History Books PDF Free

Free online books at the Internet Archive, resulting from a search for books on “United States – Social Conditions – To 1865”. Some books: The Remarkable Courtship of General Tom Thumb, The Era of Reform 1830-1860, The Reform Impulse 1825-1850, Class and Society in Early America, The Evolution of American Society 1700-1815, Society Manners and Politics in the United States, The Alcoholic Republic: an American tradition, Jacksonian and Antebellum Age: people and perspectives, Jacksonian Panorama, many more books on U.S. Social Conditions to 1865.

More Collections of Free Books on American History Topics

Suggested Books in American History

Album of American History, Vol 1 – Free US History Books PDF

Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6

Adams, James Truslow, ed.
Scribner’s Sons 1960 Dewey Dec. 973

“How did our forefathers dress; what sort of tools or utensils did they use, in what kinds of occupations; what did their houses look like, inside and out; in a word, if we could suddenly step into their world, what would we see? No amount of verbal description, however accurate or vivid, can make us visualize the life of the past as can pictures of that life. But the pictures must be authentic … The intent of the present work is to tell the history of America through pictures made at the time the history was being made…. In this work the pictures themselves are the history, and the text assumes the subordinate role which pictures have had in the past.” – Author’s foreword.

The Annals of America (Vols 1-22)

Adler, Mortimer J., Van Doren, Charles, eds.
Encyclopedia Britannica 1976-2001

“21 volumes were published by Encyclopedia Britannica between 1968 and 1987, with a volume (1987-2001) added in 2003. The editors at EB have skillfully selected primary documents written between 1497 and 2001 (articles, essays, songs, speeches…) to give a flavor to the social, political, cultural, and economic developments that form United States history. Some 1,500 authors are represented (women and minorities have been consciously included), and the set contains some 5,000 illustrations.” – Goodreads.

See our free History magazines

The Dominion of War: Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500-2000 – Free US History Books

Anderson, Fred, Cayton, Andrew
Viking 2005

Historians Fred Anderson and Andrew Cayton boldly reinterpret the development of the United States, arguing that war has played a leading role in shaping North America from the sixteenth century to the present. They bring their sweeping narrative to life by structuring it around the lives of eight men—Samuel de Champlain, William Penn, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur, and Colin Powell. The result recasts familiar triumphs as tragedies, proposes an unconventional set of turning points, and depicts imperialism and republicanism as inseparable influences in a pattern of development in which war and freedom have long been intertwined.

Inheriting the Revolution: The First Generation of Americans

Appleby, Joyce
Belknap 2000

Born after the Revolution, the first generation of Americans inherited a truly new world—and, with it, the task of working out the terms of Independence. Anyone who started a business, marketed a new invention, ran for office, formed an association, or wrote for publication was helping to fashion the world’s first liberal society. These are the people we encounter in Inheriting the Revolution, a vibrant tapestry of the lives, callings, decisions, desires, and reflections of those Americans who turned the new abstractions of democracy, the nation, and free enterprise into contested realities. Through data gathered on thousands of people, as well as hundreds of memoirs and autobiographies, Joyce Appleby tells myriad intersecting stories of how Americans born between 1776 and 1830 reinvented themselves and their society in politics, economics, reform, religion, and culture.

H-Net Book Review

See our page of free Travel Books for Countries, and U.S. States & Cities

A Diplomatic History of the American People – American History Books PDF Free

Bailey, Thomas Andrew
Prentice-Hall 1980

A long-standing standard textbook of diplomatic history, first published in 1939 and updated afterward.

The Rise of American Civilization – Free US History Books PDF

Beard, Charles A. and Beard, Mary R.
MacMillan 1930 Dewey Dec. 973

Charles Austin Beard (1874 – 1948) was, with Frederick Jackson Turner, one of the most influential American historians of the first half of the 20th century. His influence came from hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. His works included a radical re-evaluation of the founding fathers of the United States, who he believed were motivated more by economics than by philosophical principles. His wife, and co-author on this volume, Mary Ritter Beard (1876-1958) was a historian and archivist, and played an important role in the women’s suffrage movement. -Wikipedia.

Historical Atlas of the American West

Beck, Warren A.

The authors are a historian and a geographer, who tell the story of the region from a comprehensive geographical perspective. They “provide seventy-eight maps, each with explanatory text and a selective bibliography of further readings… This atlas presents the history of the West from prehistoric times to the present. The physical characteristics of the region―its natural resources and geographic features, climatic zones, agricultural regions, mineral resources, and native flora fauna―are presented… All the major explorations and overland movements in the region, as well as the evolution of transportation routes―from cattle trails to modern railroads―are depicted. The Spanish-Mexican land grants are presented in detail, with special emphasis on the early ranchos of Texas. Locations of important military events and installations, ranging from the Indian Wars of West to World War II POW camps, are recorded” – Publisher.

American Foreign Relations Since 1600: A Guide to the Literature (2 Volumes)

Beisner, Robert L., ed.

In this book, a team of distinguished historians has culled the most important published and unpublished works in U.S. diplomatic literature and thoroughly annotated them. The work comprehensively covers five centuries, from America’s colonial era to the end of the 20th century, with half the entries on works published since the first edition and nearly half on post-World War II subjects.

A Short History of American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy – American History Books to Read

Bemis, Samuel Flagg
Holt 1959

Samuel Flagg Bemis was a professor of diplomatic history and inter-American relations at Yale University.

Generations of Captivity: A History of African-American Slaves

Berlin, Ira
Belknap 2003 Dewey Dec. 973

Ira Berlin traces the history of African-American slavery in the United States from its beginnings in the seventeenth century to its fiery demise nearly three hundred years later. Berlin offers a dynamic vision, a major reinterpretation in which slaves and their owners continually renegotiated the terms of captivity. Slavery was thus made and remade by successive generations of Africans and African Americans who lived through settlement and adaptation, plantation life, economic transformations, revolution, forced migration, war, and ultimately, emancipation.

H-Net Book Review

Westward to the Pacific: An Overview of America’s Westward Expansion

Billington, Ray Allen
Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association 1979

We have free books about the Vietnam War pdf on our Southeast Asia history page

The Far Western Frontier, 1830-1860

Billington, Ray Allen
Harper 1956

The second volume in “The New American Nation Series, following ‘The Rise of the West, 1754-1830’, by Francis Philbrick (also found on this webpage).

“This classic work of frontier history recounts the process of U.S. expansion into the Far West during the mid-nineteenth century. In just thirty years, thousands of pioneers pushed United States settlement from western Missouri and Arkansas into New Mexico, California, and Oregon. Kit Carson, Davy Crockett, Brigham Young, John C. Fremont, and Stephen Watts Kearny are only a few of the characters who appear in this colorful saga, which includes travel and trade on the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails, the California Gold Rush, the Texas Revolution, the Battle of the Alamo, and the Mexican-American War.” -Book Jacket.

The Oxford Companion to United States History – American History Books PDF Free

Boyer, Paul S.
Oxford Univ. 2001 Dewey Dec. 973

This reference work “features over 1,400 entries that illuminate not only America’s political, diplomatic, and military history, but also social, cultural, and intellectual trends, science, technology, and medicine, the arts, and religion. Includes familiar political heroes … as well as scientists, writers, radicals, sports figures, and religious leaders … Illuminates events that have shaped the nation; major Supreme Court decisions; landmark legislation; social movements; influential books; even natural disasters and iconic sites. Includes entries on the nation’s social and cultural history, from films, football, and the 4-H Club, to immigration, courtship and dating, marriage and divorce, and death and dying. Features extensive multi-part entries on such key topics as the Civil War, Indian history and culture, slavery, and the federal government.” – Publisher.

H-Net Book Review

The United States in the World: A History of American Foreign Policy, Vol 1

Brands, H. W.
Houghton Mifflin 1994 Dewey Dec. 973

“The United States in the World documents the emergence of the U.S. as a major participant in world politics by presenting American history as an integral part of world history. This big picture approach gives students a better perspective on American foreign relations–showcasing U.S. diplomacy as a function of both internal and external events.” – Publisher.

American Family History: A Historical Bibliography

Brown, Jessica S., ed.

This volume contains 1,167 abstracts and citations of journal articles pertinent to American family history that were published from 1973 to 1982.

The American South: A Historical Bibliography (2 vols) – Free US History Books

Brown, Jessica S., ed.

Almost 8,900 abstracts and annotations of articles drawn from an international list of over 500 periodicals dealing with history and related disciplines published between 1974 and 1984. Volume I: The Major Periods in Southern History.
Volume II: The Search for Southern History; Society, Culture, Politics and Economy of the South; Indians in Southern History.

The Vineyard of Liberty – American History Books to Read

Burns, James MacGregor
Knopf 1982 Dewey Dec. 973

The first of a 3-vol history of the U.S., the author tells the story of the shaping of the Republic from the development of the Constitution in the 1780s to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Pioneers and Explorers in North America: Summaries of Biographical Articles in History Journals – Free US History Books PDF

Byrne, Pamela R. and Kinnell, Susan K., ed.

Contains article summaries on 226 U.S. and Canadian explorers and pioneers, gathered from various periodicals.

The Appalachian Frontier; America’s First Surge Westward

Caruso, John Anthony
Bobbs-Merrill 1959 Dewey Dec. 973

Contents 1. Explorers in the Back Country 2. The Immigrants 3. The French and Indian War 4. The Long Hunters in Kentucky 5. The Regulators of North Carolina 6. The Wataugans 7. Lord Dunmore’s War 8. The Wilderness Trail 9. Transylvania 10. Siege of Boonesboro 11. Pattern of Life 12. King’s Mountain 13. Settlements on the Cumberland 14. Franklin, the Lost State 15. Kentucky: Struggle for Statehood 16. Making of Tennessee, Selected Bibliography.

Encyclopedia of American Social History

Volume 2

Volume 3

Cayton, Mary Kupiec, Gorn, Elliott J. and Williams, Peter W., eds.
MacMillan 1993 Dewey Dec. 973

“The editors, with nearly 200 contributors, have produced a monumental and extremely useful synthesis of American social history. They note that “the range of subjects and approaches is daunting,” to which 14 thematic sections and 180 essays attest. Contributions by historians and scholars from ethnology, geography, literature, religion, anthropology, and sociology discuss the major issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, social class, and sexual and political orientation that have dominated historical inquiry since the late 1960s. The section titles–Periods of Social Change; Methods and Context; The Construction of Social Identity; Processes of Social Change; Ethnic and Racial Subcultures; Regionalism and Regional Subcultures; Space and Place; Patterns of Everyday Life; Work and Labor; Popular Culture and Recreation; Family History; Social Problems, Social Control, and Social Protest; Science, Medicine and Technology; and Education and Literacy–convey the breadth of coverage.” – J. D. Haskell Jr.

The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia (Volume 1)

Volume 2

Clark, Cynthia, ed.

With more than 600 short entries, 31 longer essays, and 32 primary source documents, the encyclopedia spans American history from colonial times to the present. Researchers will discover detailed information on people, events, and government actions that have shaped our economy, with entries on such seminal issues as slavery, migration patterns, the welfare state, the rise of the city, and the development of financial institutions. Throughout, special attention is paid to the interdependence of economics with political, social, and cultural forces. Covering everything from the national debt to monetary policy, law, unemployment, inflation, and government/business relations, this work is the ideal go-to resource for quick answers, in-depth analysis, or direction for further research.

A Guide to the Study and Use of Military History – American History Books PDF Free

Coakley, Robert W. and Jessup, John E.
U.S. Army Center of Military History 1979 Dewey Dec. 973

A collection of essays that discuss for the military student and others the nature of history, the importance of military history, and the applied study of military history. The volume includes bibliographical essays on military history, descriptive accounts of the historical organization of the U.S. Army and other parts of the Defense establishment, and discussions of the study of military history in foreign armies and in the academic world.

Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America

Volume 2

Cross, Gary S.
Thomson Gale 2004 Dewey Dec. 973

“This set offers a fascinating look at how Americans spend their free time and entertain themselves. A total of 271 essays present chiefly historical perspectives in the fields of American and cultural studies, sociology, recreation, sports, and leisure studies. Entries cover all facets of American leisure with topics ranging from auctions and blood sports to shopping malls and theme parks. Articles range in length between two and six pages and include brief bibliographies.”–“Reference that rocks,” -American Libraries.

Encyclopedia of Women’s History in America

Cullen-DuPont, Kathryn
Facts on File 2000 Dewey Dec. 305.4

The Encyclopedia of Women’s History in America recounts in accurate detail the events, movements, court cases, documents and important figures that make up women’s history in America. From a biography of colonial poet Anne Bradstreet to a discussion of the “glass ceiling,” this engagingly written resource provides sound, reliable information on virtually every aspect of the experiences and achievements of women in the United States.
Over 500 entries comprise this authoritative and comprehensive encyclopedia, including: Phyllis Wheatley, Violence Against Women Act, contraception, Roe v. Wade, Susan B. Anthony, women in the military, year of the woman, Take Our Daughters to Work Day, Fire With Fire, and All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

American Military History: A Selected Bibliography/h3>

Defense Technical Information Center
U.S. Army War College Library 2013 Dewey Dec. 973

“History is one of the curriculum themes at The U.S. Army War College. The purpose of this bibliography is to introduce some of the resources readily available in our Library’s collection on American Military History. It is not a comprehensive listing, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin research according to their specific needs.” -Preface.

Out of Our Past: The Forces that Shaped Modern America – American History Books to Read

Degler, Carl N.
Harper & Row 1984 Dewey Dec. 973

First published in 1959. “The original edition of this now classic work was hailed by Jacob Cohen in The Nation as “the finest one-volume interpretation of American history extant. For this third edition of ‘Out of Our Past’, Carl Degler has added a comprehensive new chapter on the historical development of American families, brought up to date the discussion of U.S. foreign policy, greatly expanded sections dealing with the place and history of women in our past, and made numerous changes throughout the text in light of scholarship published since the appearance of the 1970 Revised Edition.” -Publisher, 1984 edition.

“Carl Degler writes history with flair, and his spirited and readable topical history of the United States, ‘Out of Our Past’ (1959), has long been a favorite among college students and general readers. In 1972 another of his works, Neither Black nor White (1971), won the Pulitzer Prize in history and the Bancroft Prize and was co-winner of the Beveridge Prize.” -Bowker author biography.

The Course of Empire

A history of three centuries in which a new race engulfed a continent

De Voto, Bernard Augustine
Houghton Mifflin 1962 Dewey Dec. 973

“Tracing North American Exploration from Balboa to Lewis and Clark, Devoto tells in a classic fashion how the drama of discovery defined the American nation. The Course of Empire is the third volume in historian Bernard Devoto’s monumental trilogy of the West. Entertaining and incisive, this is the dramatic story of three hundred years of exploration of North America leading up to 1805.” -Publisher

“Bernard DeVoto (1897-1955), winner of the Pulitzer Prize, was a renowned scholar-historian of the American West and one of the country’s greatest men of letters.” – Bowker authors.

The American Heritage Encyclopedia of American History – Free US History Books

Faragher, John Mack
Holt 1998 Dewey Dec. 973

Nearly 3,000 entries. “Readers will find entries on the history of government, law, science, and education; on economic history, immigration, and the labor movement; on the history of the frontier, exploration, and warfare; on religion, art, literature and many forms of popular cultural expression. There are entries on community and urban history, family life, gender, and popular culture, as well as expansive coverage of ethnic history. Within these pages are biographical sketches of more than a thousand Americans, including hundreds of women, African Americans, and Indians, and far more than have ever been included in a one-volume encyclopedia of American history.” -Book’s Introduction.

The Presidents from the Inauguration of George Washington to the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter: Historic Places Commemorating the Chief Executives of the United States – Free US History Books PDF

Ferris, Robert G., ed.
U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service 1977 Dewey Dec. 973

This is a volume in the series, “The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings”. “This Bicentennial volume should not only enhance public knowledge of the careers and accomplishments of our Presidents, but also encourage visits by the citizenry to the many Park System areas and National Historic Landmarks commemorating them. These sites have been preserved by the dedicated efforts of historic preservationists across the land.” – Director of the National Park Service

Part I “The Presidents: Historical Background”; Part II “The Presidents: Biographical Sketches”; Part III “The Presidents: Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings”. About 65 sites are profiled. Generously illustrated.

The Atlas of American Migration

Flanders, Stephen A.
1998 Dewey Dec. 973

“Presenting all aspects of migration from the earliest Americans to the present, the Atlas of American Migration depicts how immigration and internal migration played a central role in American history. Weaving together a rich source of learning devices, including primary sources (personal narratives and diaries, and extracts from speeches, folk songs, treaties, and legislation), biographies, chronologies, and timelines, this atlas explores the migration of Native Americans, African Americans, Eastern Europeans, South Americans, and peoples of the Caribbean… This interdisciplinary atlas also discusses how the railroad, the steamship, and the station wagon influenced migration… A wealth of maps, photos, graphs, and charts complement the text and enable readers to envision the faces and places of American migration. – Publisher.

Research Guide to American Literature: Colonial Literature, 1607-1776 – American History Books PDF Free

Franklin, Benjamin V.
Brucccoli Clark Layman 2010 Dewey Dec. 973

One of a series of handbooks provides strategies for studying and writing about frequently taught literary topics, with each volume offering study guides, background information, suggestions for areas of research, and a list of secondary sources.

Chance Or Destiny: Turning Points In American History

Handlin, Oscar
Little, Brown 1955 Dewey Dec. 973

The book consists of eight dramatic stories of important events in American history with great consequences for the nation. The author analyzes each, with an emphasis on the element of luck in the outcome.

“Handlin, who is a consensus historian and a strong advocate of civil rights, has written extensively on urban history and immigration. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1952 for ‘The Uprooted’ (1951), his study of immigrants in the eastern cities of America written from the perspective of the immigrant.” -Bowker author bio.

The Liberal Tradition in America: An Interpretation of American Political Thought since the Revolution

A new concept of a liberal community that relates American politics and political thought to the mainstream of Western history.

Hartz, Louis
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1991 Dewey Dec. 973

Originally published 1955. “An extremely able and original interpretation of the whole course of American history. It is brilliantly written and sprinkled with fresh and pointed quotations from the entire corpus of American and European political writings.” – American Historical Review.

A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History

Higham, Robin, ed.
Archon 1975 Dewey Dec. 973

The authors of each of the 20 chapters were instructed to provide a section on general references, background surveys, and useful periodicals. Then survey broad literature and monographs. Then cover policy, strategy, tactics, planning, logistics and operations, as applicable. Essays should end with info on applicable archives, and suggestions for further research. -Summarized from editor’s note.

Contents: Introduction – European background of American military affairs – Colonial forces, 1607-1776 – American Revolution – From the Revolution to the Mexican War – Navy in the 19th C, 1789-1889 – Science & Tech in the 19th C – Mexican War and the Civil War – Civil-Military Relations, operations, and the Army, 1865-1917 – Science and Tech in the 20th C – WWI and the peacetime Army, 1917-1941 – Military and Naval medicine – Navy in the early 20th C, 1890-1941 – U.S. Army in WWII – U.S. Army Air Corps & U.S. Air Force – Dept. of Defense, Defense policy and diplomacy, 1945-1973 – Army, 1945-1973 -Navy, 1941-1973 – Museums as historical resources.

The American Political Tradition and the Men who Made It – American History Books to Read

Hofstadter, Richard
Knopf 1973 Dewey Dec. 973

“Professor of History at Columbia University from 1959 until the time of his death, Richard Hofstadter was one of the most influential historians in post–World War II America. His political, social, and intellectual histories raised serious questions about assumptions that had long been taken for granted and cast the American experience in an interesting new light. His 1948 work, The American Political Tradition, is an enduring classic study in political history.” -Bowker author bio
This volume contains 12 essays, 10 of which analyze political careers.

The United States; The History of a Republic

Hofstadter, Richard et al.
Prentice-Hall 1957 Dewey Dec. 973

A textbook of American history for a survey course, covering the entire span from discovery to the 1950s.

“Professor of History at Columbia University from 1959 until the time of his death, Richard Hofstadter was one of the most influential historians in post–World War II America. His political, social, and intellectual histories raised serious questions about assumptions that had long been taken for granted and cast the American experience in an interesting new light.

The Greenwood Guide to American Popular Culture Vol 1

– Volume 2 – Volume 3 – Volume 4

Inge, M. Thomas; Hall, Dennis, eds.
Greenwood 2002 Dewey Dec. 973

“Serious study of popular culture is a fairly recent development, yet scholars in nearly all disciplines now engage with the material culture of the masses. Each essay-length chapter [50+ chapters per volume] covers a single form, genre, or theme of popular culture, such as comic books, computers, fashion, film, magazines, best-selling books, radio, sports, or TV. Features include: abundant illustrations, photo essays, chronological survey of each topic’s history, a critical essay…, description of research centers, collections and research materials, a comprehensive index.” Book cover.

Vol 1. ‘Almanacs through ‘Do-it-yourself’ — v. 2. ‘Editorial Cartoons’ through ‘Illustration’ — v. 3. ‘Jazz’ through ‘Propaganda’ — v. 4. ‘Pulps and Dime Novels’ through ‘Young Adult Fiction’.

Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, 1492-1890

Keenan, Jerry

In a wide-ranging panorama of 450 entries and 70 illustrations, this comprehensive volume provides an in-depth analysis of pivotal battles, famous and infamous leaders, and broken treaties. It explores lesser known subjects, such as dog soldiers, ghost dancing, scalping and scalp bounties, staked plains, praying towns, the Galvanized Confederates, and stories of white captives.

American Maritime History: A Bibliography

Kinnell, Susan K., ed.

A bibliography of 919 abstracts covering three major areas: the historical traditions of the sea; the economic and political realities of those industries and organizations directly affected by the sea; and the development of new technologies to explore the sea and to exploit its resources. In the first are articles such as those about the size and nature of ironclad vessels during the Civil War; the whaling industry in New England and the Pacific Northwest; Viking voyages and settlements; and the history of various naval fleets. In the second area fall commercial trading and shipping ventures, the shipbuilding industry, fishing fleets, water sports industries, and the size and impact of the modern navy. The third area includes all the latest research and development technologies such as undersea robotics, tidal/energy projects, fish-farming and aquaculture, and the latest naval military technologies.

Atlas of American Wars – Free US History Books

Kirk, John G.
Arch Cape 1986 Dewey Dec. 973

Charts the progress of all the major conflicts in which the United States has been involved, and describes the strategy and conduct of the major campaigns and battles.
Contents:— The French and Indian wars — The Revolutionary war — The Barbary wars — The War of 1812 — The fight for Texan independence — The Mexican war — The Civil war — The Indian wars — The Spanish-American war — World war I — World war II — The Korean war — The Vietnam war — Lebanon — Intervention in Grenada — Libya and terrorism.

Above the Battle: War-Making in America from Appomattox to Versailles – American History Books PDF Free

Leonard, Thomas C.
Oxford University 1978 Dewey Dec. 973

Letters, battlefield reports, memoirs, and imaginative literature are among the sources providing the framework for a study of American military and civilian attitudes toward and conceptions of warfare between 1861 and 1918.

The Politics of Unreason: Right-wing Extremism in America, 1790-1975 – Free US History Books PDF

Lipset, Seymour Martin and Earl Raab
Harper & Row 1970 Dewey Dec. 973

“Analyzes the role of right-wing extremist politics in American life from 1790 until the present … ranging from the Anti-Masonic Party, the Know-Nothings, and the American Protective Association … to the Ku Klux Klan, the John Birch Society, the George Wallace campaigns of recent times, and assorted proto-fascist movements”–Back cover.

Seymour Martin Lipset (1922-2006) American political theorist and sociologist, taught at a number of top American universities and was a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

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