Home ยป Free State Historical Journals PDF – US State History Online

Free State Historical Journals PDF – US State History Online

Free State Historical Journals PDF - US State History Online

State historical journals, mostly published by US State Historical Societies.

Most journals on this page are published by historical societies that concern themselves only with historical events in their state. However, a few have broader coverage.

Regional journals are at the bottom of the page.

For more U.S. history books, see ‘History‘ on the Subjects page.

The Arizona Quarterly 1945-1961 – State of Arizona History

State of Arizona history.

Arizona and the West 1959-1986

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 1942-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

California History 1922-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

History Colorado 2001-2023

This is a very large collection of Colorado history articles, published online by Colorado Magazine.

The Florida Historical Quarterly 1908-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Georgia Historical Quarterly 1917-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Illinois History Periodicals at Century Past

Our collection of links on this website.

Indiana History Periodicals at Century Past

Our collection of links on this website.

Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains

Kansas History Magazine Website – Issues 1875 – Present

Topeka, Kansas: Kansas Historical Foundation

“This scholarly journal publishes new research on Kansas and western history and offers interesting, well-illustrated articles that appeal to both the serious student and the general reader.” – Website.

Louisiana History 1960- Present

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Massachusetts Historical Review 1999-2020

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 1791-1997

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Michigan History Periodicals at Century Past

Our collection of links on this website.

Minnesota History 1915-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Mississippi Quarterly 1953-2017

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Mississippi Valley Historical Review 1914-1964

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Montana The Magazine of Western History 1951-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

New York History 1919-2018

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The North Carolina Historical Review 1924-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Ohio History Periodicals at Century Past

Our collection of links on this website.

Oregon Historical Quarterly 1897-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 1934-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 1877-1922

Individual articles re-published by JSTOR, rather than scans of journals.

Pennsylvania Legacies 2001-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 1877-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The South Carolina Historical Magazine 1900-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Tennessee Historical Quarterly 1942-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 1893-2023

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Washington Historical Quarterly 1906-1935

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

West Virginia History 2007-2017

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Wisconsin History Periodicals at Century Past

Our collection of links on this website.

Regional Journals

The Journal of American History 1964-2017

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Pacific Northwest Quarterly 1936-2021

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly 1912-2019

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

Western Historical Quarterly 1970-2017

You will need a free log-in to JSTOR to access these issues.

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