Free Ohio Biographies and Memoirs PDF

Iron Eagle: The Turbulent Life of General Curtis LeMay

Coffey, Thomas M.
Crown 1986

“In World War II he was so daring, ingenious, and effective, first against the Germans and then the Japanese, that he became America’s most famous air commander – in the minds of most experts the greatest this country has ever produced… He devised some of the most innovative aerial strategies of the Second World War, including the low-level B-29 attacks that devastated Japan. After the war LeMay instituted the Berlin Airlift … And later he developed the Strategic Air Command, America’s first line of defense and deterrence.” -Book jacket.

LeMay, Curtis Emerson (1906-1990)

“Logan, The Mingo Chief 1710-1780”

Ohio History XX, April 1911/Number 2, 137-75.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold
Columbus: Ohio Historical Society

Logan (1723? -1780) was a war leader born in the Cayuga nation in the Iroquois Confederacy. He moved to the Ohio Country in the 1760s, and his revenge for the massacre of members of his family by American frontiersman in 1774 sparked a period of Indian wars along the border. “Logan’s Lament” was a speech supposedly made by him later that year, which became very well-known in American history. Famous Ohioans in History.

This biography is from the collection of Lyman Draper manuscripts at the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Also see: Native Americans in the History of the Great Lakes and Ohio Indians – Native Americans in Ohio History

Logan the Orator (1723?-1780)

Martini Man: The Life of Dean Martin

Schoell, William
Taylor 1999

Martini Man goes beyond the simple caricature of the boozy lounge singer with a penchant for racy humor to reveal the substantive man behind that mask. Although Martin’s movie roles receive in-depth attention in this incisive biography, as does his career-defining partnership with Jerry Lewis, details of Dino’s personal life also abound, such as how Shirly MacLaine dropped by his house “to tell Dean she was in love with him-even though his wife was in the other room.” William Schoell’s chronicle is a sympathetic portrait that recreates the life and times of one of America’s favorite entertainers. -Publisher.

Martin, Dean [Deano Paul Crocetti] (1917-1995)

The Life of William McKinley, Vol 1

Volume 2

Olcott, Charles Sumner
Houghton 1916

DDC: Biography

Ohio politician and governor who was U.S. President from 1897 until his assassination in September 1901.
“The official biography based on correspondence and memoranda, devoted primarily to his political career.”
— A.L.A. Catalog 1926

For background histories, see also on this site: U.S. History; 1865 to 1901

McKinley, William, U. S. President (1843-1901)

Fighting the Unbeatable Foe: Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio, the Washington Years

Diemer, Tom
Kent State University 2008

Fighting the Unbeatable Foe is the first biography of Metzenbaum, a fascinating individual who, against the odds, rose from humble beginnings to become a multimillionaire businessman and one of the most effective and powerful senators in the land. By conducting interviews with Metzenbaum’s friends, foes, political scientists, and journalists and consulting primary-source materials, Tom Diemer provides new details about Metzenbaum’s business deals, his successes on Capitol Hill, and also his embarrassing failures and miscalculations. Metzenbaum remains among the most interesting and paradoxical figures in the history of Ohio politics. His story will be enjoyed by anyone interested in Ohio history and politics. Biography & Autobiography / Political, Legislators; United States; Biography., Legislators — Biography — United States — Ohio.

Metzenbaum, Howard Morton (1917-2008)

Conversations with Toni Morrison

Taylor-Guthrie, Danille, ed.
University Press of Mississippi 1994

Without apology Nobel Prize author Toni Morrison describes herself as an African-American woman writer. These collected interviews reveal her to be much more. She has shared space in her creative life for her career in publishing, in teaching, and in being a single parent. Writing, however, is one thing she “refuses to live without.” These interviews beginning in 1974 reveal an artist whose creativity is intimately linked with her African-American experience and is fueled by cultural and societal concerns.
Though the scope and the magnitude of her art have brought her international acclaim, even some of her most ardent admirers have viewed her fiction mainly with a focus on class, race, and gender. In these interviews, however, she addresses the artist’s concern with moral vision and with a resistance to critical attitudes that categorize black writing largely as sociology. From these interviews comes a greater understanding of Toni Morrison’s purpose and the theme of love that streams through her fiction.

Morrison, Toni (1931 – 2019)

Jack Nicklaus: My Story

Nicklaus, Jack and Bowden, Ken
Simon & Schuster 1997

Jack Nicklaus: My Story is Jack Nicklaus’s complete and compelling inside, in-depth account of those legendary majors triumphs, along with many other competition highlights – and some lowlights, too – of one of the greatest sports careers of all time. But, because this fascinating man has always been so much more than a professional athlete, his long-awaited autobiography is vastly more than a book about winning and losing. Biography & Autobiography / Sports, Sports & Recreation / Golf.

Nicklaus, Jack William (1940 -)

The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley

Riley, Glenda
University of Oklahoma 2002

“With a widowed mother and six siblings, Annie Oakley first became a trapper, hunter, and sharpshooter simply to put food on the table. Yet her genius with the gun eventually led to her stardom in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show during the latter half of the nineteenth century. The archetypal western woman, Annie Oakley urged women to take up shooting to procure food, protect themselves, and enjoy healthy exercise, yet she was also the proper Victorian lady, demurely dressed and skeptical about the value of women’s suffrage. Glenda Riley presents the first interpretive biography of the complex woman who was Annie Oakley.” – Book cover.

Oakley, Annie [Phoebe Ann Mosey] (1860-1926)

Jesse Owens: An American Life

Baker, William J.
Collier Macmillan 1986

“The tenth and last child of a dirt poor Southern sharecropper, James Cleveland Owens at 22 became the idol of millions worldwide, stunning Hitler’s Third Reich with the superlative athletic feats that won him an unprecedented four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics… Yet as William Baker shows in this, the most probing biography of Owens ever written, the great track star’s life was far from a rags-to-riches fable.” – Book jacket.

Owens, Jesse [James] Cleveland (1913-1980)

Sketches of the Life and Adventures of Jacob Parkhurst: …

Written with His Own Hand When About Three Score and Ten Years of Age, Not for Speculation or Honor, but for the Benefit of the Rising Generation, Particularly of His Own Descendants: Adding a Few Facts to the Many Recorded Instances of the Sufferings of the Early Pioneers Along the Ohio River

Parkhurst, Jacob
Knightown, Ind: Knightown Home Journal Print 1842

As a child, Parkhurst lived with family in Washington county, PA (not far from Wheeling, WV), where they were under repeated threat of Indian attack until the end of the Revolutionary War. When he was old enough to leave home he migrated to Ohio. This short book contains many anecdotes and descriptions of hardscrabble frontier life.

Parkhurst, Jacob (1772-1863)

The Memoir and Writings of James Handasyd Perkins, Vol 1 – Free Biographies Ohio People

Volume 2

Perkins, James Handasyd, edited by Channing, William Henry
Boston: Crosby 1851

A reviewer said of Perkins that he was “… a careful student of the early history of the country, and contributed many articles to the periodical literature of his day on the subject of Indian history and border warfare, which have been collected … [in the subject volume]”.

About two-thirds of Vol. 1 consists of a biography of Perkins, followed by a section of verses, and then ‘tales’. Vol. 2 is made up entirely of ‘historical sketches’. Chapters of Vol. 2 relevant to Ohio are:

– Early French Travelers in the West – English Discoveries in the Ohio Valley – The Pioneers of Kentucky – Border War of the Revolution – Settlement of the Northwestern Territory – Fifty Years of Ohio.

Perkins, James Handasyd (1810-1849)

Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Peter. Vol 1

Volume 2

King, Margaret Rivers
Cincinnati: Clarke 1889

Mrs. Sarah Peters (1800-1877) was an Ohio Christian philanthropist. This biography was written by her daughter-in-law. Famous Ohioans in History.

For works about leading American women of the 19th century, see:
– Adams, Elmer Cleveland and Foster, Warren Dunham, Heroines of modern progress in Century Past Collective Biography A – F
Parkman, Mary Rosetta, Heroines of service in Century Past Collective Biography G – P;
Worthington & Co. , Our Famous Women in Century Past Collective Biography Q – Z

Peters, Sarah (1800-1877)

Life of Rufus Putnam, with extracts from his journal and an account of the first settlement in Ohio

Cone, Mary
Cleveland: Williams 1886

See the entry for The Memoirs of Rufus Putnam, compiled by Rowena Buell, on this page.

Putnam, Rufus, (1738-1824)

The Memoirs of Rufus Putnam and Certain Official Papers and Correspondence by Rufus Putnam

Buell, Rowena. comp.
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin 1903

“Rufus Putnam (1738-1824) was a colonial military officer during the French and Indian War, and a general in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. As an organizer of the Ohio Company, he was instrumental in the initial settling of the Northwest Territory in present-day Ohio following the war. In 1788 Putnam led a group of Revolutionary veterans to settle the land in what became Ohio. These pioneers arrived at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers on April 7, 1788, where they established Marietta, Ohio as the first permanent United States settlement in the Northwest Territory.”
-Wikipedia entry for “Rufus Putnam”.

See also the biography of Rufus Putnam by Mary Cone, on this page

Putnam, Rufus, (1738-1824)

Rufus Putnam: Father of Ohio

Phillips, Josephine E.
Evanston, Ill: Row, Peterson 1950

Junior-High level short biography, with drawn illustrations.

Putnam, Rufus, (1738-1824)

Judith Resnik: Challenger Astronaut

Bernstein, Joanne E. and Blue, Rose
Lodestar 1990

“History was made in 1978, when NASA accepted scientist Judith Resnik to be part of America’s space exploration program. One of only a few women in the program, Dr. Resnik went on to become the first Jewish person in space. And when the mission of the space shuttle Challenger ended in disaster on January 28, 1986, it claimed the life of this vigorous pioneer.” – Book jacket.

Resnik, Judith (1949-1986)

Eddie Rickenbacker

Adamson, Hans Christian
NY: Macmillan 1946

Written by his close friend Colonel Hans Christian Adamson, this book contains a fascinating look at Rickenbacker’s rise from Columbus, Ohio to becoming the leading American Ace of World War I and aviation icon. A daredevil from an early age, he was fascinated by machines of all kinds but especially aeroplanes. He enlisted in the U.S. army as early as he could in 1917 and arrived in France in June 1917. Initially he was thwarted in his efforts to get his ‘wings’ by officers who wanted to retain him as a ground based mechanic. However, his rise to ‘ace’ status was rapid once he got into the air. Having only shot down his first enemy aircraft on the 29 April 1918, by the end of the war he had claimed 26 victories and become commander of the famous ‘Hat-In-the-Ring’ squadron. Air pilots — Biography — United States.

Rickenbacker, Eddie (1890-1973)

Buckeye Schoolmaster: A Chronicle of Midwestern Rural Life, 1853-1865

England, J. Merton, ed.
OH: Bowling Green State University 1996

“The journals and diaries of John M. Roberts provide an intimate view of the life and thoughts of a young schoolmaster, miller, itinerant bookseller, and farmer in central Ohio in a time of rising sectional crisis and Civil War. John Roberts liked playing with words and learned to write well. His descriptions of life in the classroom, at candlelit singing schools and debates, on madcap sleighing races and camp meeting binges—anywhere he could observe human behavior—help restore our memory of the primitive beginnings of common schools and of country and village life in a region still emerging from its pioneer past.” -book cover.

Roberts, John M. (1833-1914)

Happy Trails: The Story of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans

Rogers, Roy, Evans, Dale and Stowers, Carlton
Guideposts 1979

“Happy Trails is the deeply personal story of a man and woman whose off-screen lives have been every bit as exciting and interesting as those they portrayed on movies, radio and television – a couple who has supplied three generations with examples of talent, integrity, and faith. In Parts I and II, Roy and Dale remember their childhoods and early careers; with humor and candor they tell how Leonard Slye and Frances Smith came to be “King of the Cowboys” and “Queen of the West”. Then, in Part III, they chronicle their years as partners – the growth of their large and active family, their long and satisfying careers.” – Book cover.

Rogers, Roy [Leonard Franklin Slye] (1911-1998)

“Reminiscences of a Pioneer”

Ohio History XIX, January-April 1910, Numbers 1 & 2, 190-227.

Rogers, Thomas, ed. by C. L. Martzolff
Columbus: Ohio Historical Society

The author of this 35-page memoir was Thomas Rogers, a Highland County, OH pioneer who had lived for a time in Kentucky before moving his family in 1795 to Paint Creek, near Chillicothe. He wrote this account in old age. Footnotes with background information were added by a local historian.

Rogers, Thomas (1782- ?)

The White Tecumseh: The Life of William T. Sherman

Hirshson, Stanley, P.
Wiley 1997

General William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the most complex and fascinating figures in the history of the U.S. military. His fierce campaigns of the Civil War, climaxed by the burning of Atlanta and his famous march to the sea, are the stuff of legend. Yet, until now, much of Sherman’s life and troubled times have remained mired in controversy. In this superbly detailed, scrupulously documented account, author Stanley P. Hirshson presents the most vivid, revealing, and complete biography ever of the controversial general. Drawing on a wealth of new information, including actual regimental histories, The White Tecumseh offers a refreshing new perspective on a brilliant, tormented soul and often misunderstood leader. Peeling away layers of myth and misconception, Hirshson draws a remarkable portrait of an enigmatic, temperamental, and unique individual-a man of enormous contradictions, strengths, and weaknesses; a loyal but largely absent husband and father; a determined and courageous, yet deeply flawed, military man.

Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-1891)

Personal Memoirs, Vol 1

Volume 2

Sherman, William Tecumseh
Appleton 1886

DDC: Biography

Admirably clear and direct. Free use of his letters, orders and reports gives great interest and value. Closes with great review in Washington, but concluding chapter on military lessons of the war full of knowledge, wisdom and sound sense.
— A.L.A. Catalog 1904

Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-1891)

See our Mystery Books PDF

St. Clair Papers: The Life and Public Services of Arthur St. Clair, Vol 1/h3>

Volume 2

St Clair, Arthur and Smith, William H., ed.
Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. 1882

Arthur St. Clair served as a British Officer in the French and Indian War, rose to the rank of Major General in the Continental Army during the Revolution, was a Pennsylvania delegate to the Confederation Congress in the mid-1780s, and was appointed the first governor of the Northwest Territory. When the territory was divided in 1800, he became the governor of Ohio Territory.

See histories of Ohio at: Ohio General History

St. Clair, Arthur (1737-1818)

George: The Poor Little Rich Boy Who Built the Yankee Empires

Golenbock, Peter
Wiley & Sons 2009

The biography of one of the most controversial figures in sports: New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner.
For 34 years, he berated his players and tormented Yankees managers and employees. He played fast and loose with the rules, and twice could have gone to jail. He was banned from baseball for life—but was allowed back in the game. Yet George Steinbrenner also built the New York Yankees from a mediocre team into the greatest sports franchise in America. The Yankees won ten pennants and six World Series during his tenure. Now acclaimed sportswriter and New York Times bestselling author Peter Golenbock tells the fascinating story of “The Boss,” from his Midwestern childhood through his decades-long ownership of the Yankees–the longest in the team’s history.
Packed with drama, insight, and fascinating front-office details, George is essential reading for baseball fans and anyone who loves a terrific story well told. Baseball team owners — Biography — United States.

Steinbrenner, George Michael III (1930-2010)

The Education of a Woman: the Life of Gloria Steinem

Heilbrun, Carolyn G.
Ballantine 1996

“Determined to discover the woman behind the headlines, Heilbrun explores the many facets of Steinem’s complex life, including her difficult childhood in Toledo, Ohio, caring for an incapacitated mother; the college that provided a safe haven from the anxieties of home; the formative trip to India and the influence of Gandhi’s teachings: the awakening that changed her from a political columnist for New Yorker magazine to the most famous feminist in the world; the triumphant creation of Ms. magazine and the long, hard struggle to keep it going; and, ultimately, the profound introspection she undertook in the ’90s. ‘The Education of a Woman’ heralds a refreshing departure from the conventional ways that women have been written about and perceived, answering the provocative question: how did Gloria Steinem become Gloria Steinem?” – Book cover.

Steinem, Gloria Marie (1934 – )

Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe: compiled from her letters and journals

Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Boston: 1889

Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe (1812-1896) was born in Litchfield, Connecticut; the daughter of Dr. Lyman Beecher, a distinguished clergyman. The family moved in 1833 to Cincinnati. In 1836 Harriet married Rev. Calvin Stowe, who later became a professor at Bowdoin College in Maine. The couple was living in Maine in 1851 when she began publishing “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” in weekly installments. This depiction of life for African Americans under slavery was then published as a book in 1852. It was enormously popular, selling an unprecedented 300,000 copies in the U.S. in its first year. It was also widely dramatized on stage. The story energized anti-slavery forces in the North and had a powerful impact on the growing rift between north and south in the 1850s.

During her years in Cincinnati she wrote stories for the Cincinnati “Gazette” and other periodicals. A number of these were collected and published in a volume entitled “The Mayflower“.

Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher (1812-1896)

William Howard Taft

Duffy, Herbert S.
NY: Minton, Balch 1930

Taft, William Howard, U.S. President (1857-1930)

Tecumseh: A Life

Sugden, John
Henry Holt 1998

If Sitting Bull is the most famous Indian, Tecumseh is the most revered. Although Tecumseh literature exceeds that devoted to any other Native American, this is the first reliable biography–thirty years in the making–of the shadowy figure who created a loose confederacy of diverse Indian tribes that exted from the Ohio territory northeast to New York, south into the Florida peninsula, westward to Nebraska, and north into Canada.
A warrior as well as a diplomat, the great Shawnee chief was a man of passionate ambitions. Spurred by commitment and served by a formidable battery of personal qualities that made him the principal organizer and the driving force of confederacy, Tecumseh kept the embers of resistence alive against a federal government that talked cooperation but practiced genocide following the Revolutionary War.
Tecumseh does not stand for one tribe or nation, but for all Native Americans. Despite his failed attempt at solidarity, he remains the ultimate symbol of endeavor and courage, unity and fraternity.

Tecumseh (1768-1813)

Reminiscences of the Last Sixty Five Years, Commencing with the Battle of Lexington. Also Sketches of His Own Life and Times, Vol 1

Volume 2

Thomas, E. S.
Hartford, Conn: 1840

Ebenezer Smith Thomas (1775-1845) was raised in Cambridge, MA and then lived in Charleston, SC for 20 years, working as a bookseller and newspaper editor. From 1816 to 1828 he farmed in Baltimore, MD and served in the MD legislature. In 1828, after losing a fortune in real estate transactions, he moved his family to Cincinnati, OH, where he was the proprietor of the Commercial Daily Advertiser, and later the Cincinnati Evening Post.
-biographical details from the website of the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore

Thomas, Ebenezer Smith (1775-1845)

Life of Edward Tiffin, First Governor of Ohio

Gilmore, William Edward
Chillicothe, OH: Horney 1897

Ohio — History, Ohio — Politics and government — 1787-1865 — Biography.

Tiffin, Edward (1766-1829)

Experiences of Pioneer Life in the Early Settlements and Cities of the West

Walker, James B.
Chicago: Sumner 1881

James Barr Walker (1805-1887) was born in Philadelphia and went west as a young man. He started out professionally as a printer, spent four years studying at Western Reserve College, worked in the mercantile business, and then entered the ministry in 1841. He was pastor of the Congregational Church in Mansfield, OH for many years, where he established an orphanage, and was later a lecturer at theological seminaries in Oberlin and Chicago, IL. He published a number of theological or philosophical works and a volume of poetry, in addition to this memoir.

Walker, James Barr (1805-1887)

Hollywood Be Thy Name: The Warner Brothers Story

Sperling, Cass Warner and Millner, Cork
Prima 1994

The real story of the Warner brothers has all the drama of a big screen production – a rags-to-riches immigrant tale with tension and strife between four brothers, love and marriage, death and divorce, plotting and betrayal. Harry, Sam, Albert, and Jack. Their father Ben insisted that by sticking together they could succeed and prosper. And stick together they did, until they were separated over the years by the death of one brother, and, ultimately, by shocking betrayal. Using family letters, interviews, and personal recollections, Cass Warner Sperling, granddaughter of Harry Warner, and coauthor Cork Millner, along with Jack Warner Jr., have shaped a moving biography of this legendary Hollywood family. Written in a cinematic style and weaving in present-tense voices of still-living family members and former Warner Brothers associates, Hollywood Be Thy Name transports readers back to the beginnings of the movie era and into the lives of Hollywood’s most enduring legends. Performing Arts / Film / History & Criticism.

Warner, Jack Leonard (1892-1978)

Forty Years of It

Whitlock, Brand
NY: Appleton 1914

Brand Whitlock (1869-1934) was the son of a Methodist minister who moved from town to town in Ohio. Brand started as a newspaper reporter and became a celebrated lawyer. He served four terms as mayor of Toledo (1906-1914) and then was appointed U.S. Minister to Belgium during WWI. Throughout his career he published many works, both non-fiction and fiction. This autobiography tracks his life and career from his childhood through his last term as Toledo mayor.

“Brand Whitlock was born in 1869. The incident described in the first chapter of this book occurred in his tenth year, so it follows that the book itself is an autobiography of the author from the age of ten up to the present, but it is more than that, a history of the progress of democracy in the middle west from 1879 to 1914. Urbana, the first election of Cleveland, Chicago, the hanging of the anarchists, the World’s fair, the nomination of Bryan, Eugene V. Debs, Cleveland, Toledo, Tom Johnson, Golden-rule Jones, are some of the places, events, and people who figure in Mr. Whitlock’s narrative. The last chapters are devoted to his own experience as mayor of Toledo and to a discussion of the problems of city government.
“From cover to cover ‘Forty years of it’ will be found an intensely graphic portrayal of American life and its social upheavals as viewed by a sturdy man who is not afraid to speak and to write as he thinks.” – The Book Review Digest.

See the entry for the Toledo’s Attic website in History of Ohio Cities, Counties & Regions

Whitlock, Brand (1869-1934)

The Wright Brothers

a biography authorized by Orville Wright

Kelly, Fred C.
NY: Harcourt, Brace 1943

On December 17, 1903, in a fragile little plane which they had built at home for less than $1,000, Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first powered flights in the history of mankind—and opened the Air Age.
Why did these two brothers, mechanics by trade, succeed where trained scientists—working with unlimited funds and the backing of great institutions—had repeatedly failed?
In this biography, authorized by Orville Wright and first published in 1943, Fred Kelly separates fact from legend and recreates the dramatic achievements of two men, self-taught inventors, who solved the “impossible” problem of flight. Aeronautics — Biography — United States.

Wright, Wilbur (1867-1912) Wright, Orville (1871-1948)

Collective Biographies

American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers’ Project, 1936 to 1940

Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress

This collection of life histories consists of approximately 2,900 documents, compiled and transcribed by more than 300 writers from 24 states, working on the Folklore Project of the Federal Writers’ Project, a New Deal jobs program that was part of the U.S. Works Progress (later Work Projects) Administration (WPA) from 1936 to 1940. Typically 2,000-15,000 words in length, the documents vary in form from narratives to dialogues to reports to case histories. They chronicle vivid life stories of Americans who lived at the turn of the century and include tales of meeting Billy the Kid, surviving the 1871 Chicago fire, pioneer journeys out West, grueling factory work, and the immigrant experience.
– From the Collection’s Website.

Online County and Town Histories Website

This website has links to numerous free online histories and biographical collections published in the late 19th and early 20th century. When the site opens you will see “New Hampshire”. Scroll down to
“Ohio”. There are 5 state-wide biographical collections, 4 regional collections, and histories, with biographies, of the all the counties listed below. For some counties there are several histories.

See histories of Ohio at: Ohio General History

For histories of the Ohio region before it became Ohio Territory, see: Great Lakes General History

Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio with Narratives of Incidents and Occurrences in 1775

Hildreth, S. P., M.D.
Cincinnati: Derby 1852

Pioneers — Biography — Ohio, Frontier and pioneer life — Ohio.

See histories of Ohio at: Ohio General History

A Biographical Cyclopedia and Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Men, Vol 1

Volume 2

with an Historical Sketch, of the State of Ohio. Illustrated with portraits on steel by the best American and English artists

Brennan, J. Fletcher, ed.
Cincinnati: Yorston 1879

A two-volume collection of biographies of over 700 Ohio notables, a majority of whom were still living at the time of publication in 1880. This also contains over 200 high-quality portraits. Due to the layout and print size, the size of this work is much greater than its 700 pages would indicate. Even the shorter entries contain an unusual level of detail about lives and careers. Ohio — Biography.

See the list of resources on this website for: Genealogy & Local History Research

Ohio Authors and Their Books. Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors, Native and Resident, 1796-1950

Coyle, William, ed.,
Cleveland: World 1962

This mid-20th century reference work has 700 pages of biographical sketches of Ohio authors. American literature — Bio-bibliography — Dictionaries — Ohio.

For more works on Ohio writers, see: Ohio Cultural History: Education, Recreation, the Arts

See also: Books about 19th Century American Women Authors

Progressive Men of Northern Ohio

Plain Dealer
Cleveland: Plain Dealer 1906

Brief biographical sketches, with portraits, of over 1,000 living men. Ohio — Biography.

Buckeye Presidents: Ohioans in the White House

Weeks, Philip, ed.
Ohio: Kent State University 2003

Eight U.S. Presidents hailed from Ohio. William Henry Harrison also claimed Virginia as his home. The other seven were Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren G. Harding.

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