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Ships Books PDF – Seafaring – Ocean Travel – Boats

Ships Books PDF - Seafaring - Ocean Travel - Boats

Ships books pdf. Seamanship, ships, boats, exploration, voyages. Sailing, maintenance, shipping, seafaring life, cruise ships, yachts.

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Ships Books PDF – Various Seafaring Topics

Vintage Selected Books – Ships PDF


American Merchant Ships and Sailors

Abbot, Willis J.
Dodd 1908

American shipping from colonial days to present, including coastwise, oversea, river, lake and fishing craft. Accurate. -A.L.A.Catalog 1904.

Knots, A Study of Marlinespike Seamanship Which Embraces Bends, Hitches, Ties, Fastenings and Splices and their Practical Application

Aldridge, Arthur F.
Rudder 1918

Also with chapters on cordage, matting, hammock making and wire steel work.

Boat-building and Boating

Beard, Daniel Carter
Scribner 1911

“Practical work, describing boatmaking from a primitive raft to a motor-boat, with directions for tying knots, making sails, etc. Excellent illustrations.”
– – A.L.A.Catalog 1904 – 1911.

The Small Yacht; its Management and Handling for Racing and Sailing, with Chapters on Construction

Boardman, Edwin Augustus
Little 1909

“Design and construction of a racing yacht and its handling during a race are discussed in very practical chapters, written from the experience of a successful amateur yachtsman.” – A.L.A.Catalog 1904 – 1911. Books on yachting, books on boat-building.

Ocean Steamships; a Popular Account of their Construction, Development, Management and Appliances

Chadwick, F.E. and others
Scribner’s Sons 1891

Vintage ship book. Seamanship book pdf free download.

Romance of the Ship: The Story of Her Origin and Evolution

Chatterton, Edward Keble
Lippincott 1911

“Covers in one volume the field of the author’s Sailing Ships and their Story and Steamships and their Story. Suffers somewhat from condensation and omissions, but is on the whole very informing and interesting.” -A.L.A.Catalog 1904-11. Free sailing books pdf.

Ships & Ways of Other Days

Chatterton, Edward Keble
Sidgwick & Jackson 1913

“”A fascinating book for the reader interested in sea-faring matters and old voyages, telling how men managed to build, launch, equip, and fit out different craft in all ages, how ships behaved, and how mariners have lived on shipboard. Well illustrated with reproductions, of old prints and with line drawings.” – Standard Catalog for Public Libraries: Science and Useful Arts (1931).

The Seaman’s Friend, Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship…

with plates; a dictionary of sea terms; customs and usages of the merchant service; laws relating to the practical duties of master and mariners. 13th edition.

Dana, Richard Henry Jr.
Thomas Groom 1873

Dana gained fame as the author of the memoir, “Two Years before the Mast”.

Motor Boats

Durand, William Frederick
International Marine Engine 1907

“Brief, practical and thoroughly scientific manual, including boats, propellers and engines.
– – A.L.A.Catalog 1904 – 1911. Free boating books, vintage books on boats.

Ocean Steamship Traffic Management

Huebner, Grover G., PhD
Appleton 1920

The first volume of a projected “Shipping series.” Presents the facts, forms; functions and principles of most importance in the shipping business; analyzes the divisions of freight and passenger service, the duties of each position and the possible lines of advancement. Well organized; written with clearness and precision. Part one is on “The traffic organization of ocean shipping,” part two “Ocean shipping documents” and part three “Ocean rates and regulations.” – A. L. A. Catalog (1926). Vintage books of ships. Free sailing books pdf.

The Young Sea Officer’s Sheet Anchor; or, A Key to the Leading of Rigging, and to Practical Seamanship

Lever, Darcy
G.W. Blunt 1843

Topics: Navigation, Masts and rigging. Seamanship book pdf free download.

Ports and Terminal Facilities

MacElwee, Roy S., PhD
McGraw-Hill 1918

“A valuable work on the economic importance of ports, proper equipment and methods of handling traffic.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Libraries: Science and Useful Arts (1931).

Selected Articles on the American Merchant Marine

Phelps, Edith M., comp.
H. W. Wilson 1916

In the first decades of the 20th century publisher H.W. Wilson produced many volumes in its Debaters’ Handbook Series on social and political issues that were under discussion at the time. Each book contains the full text of selected articles and documents representing opposing views on the issue, along with a substantial bibliography of books and articles. American merchant marine, Free sailing books pdf..

Most of the books mentioned in these guides are likely to be freely available online. Search by title; first at the Internet Archive (archive.org), then at HathiTrust.org. Referenced magazine articles may also be available online at the same sites, with HathiTrust the preferred site for magazines.

Every Boy’s Book of Railways and Steamships

Protheroe, Ernest
London: Religious Tract Society 1911

Vintage book of ships, illustrated book about ships.

Motor Boats, Hydroplanes, Hydroaeroplanes …

Construction and Operation with Practical Notes on Propeller Calculation and Design

Russell, Thomas H.
Thompson 1917

“An illustrated manual of self-instruction for owners and operators of marine gasoline engines and amateur boat-builders.”- A.L.A.Catalog 1904 – 1911.

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