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How to Live with Chronic Illness – Disability Books PDF

How to Live with Chronic Illness - Disability Books PDF

Free books on how to live with chronic illness. Disability books pdf. Cancer, chronic pain, diseases and disorders, mental illness, living with disabilities, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, pain management, etc.

Book Collections on Disabilities and Chronic Illness

People Living with Disabilities Books – Collection – Disability Books PDF

About 2,700 free books on people living with disabilities, at the Internet Archive. Some books: Living with Learning Disabilities, People with Disabilities, Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities, How Technology Impacts the Lives of People with Disabilities, Living with Deafness, Disabilities Sourcebook, Complete Directory for People with Disabilities, Guide to Independent Living for People with Arthritis, Living with the Disabled: you can help – a family guide, A Chronicle of Living with a Disability, many more.

Deaf Books PDF – Collection – Disability Books PDF

About 920 books about deafness and living with deafness, from the Internet Archive. Some books: Teaching and Talking with Deaf Children, Sound Minds in a Soundless World, Raising Your Deaf Child, Deafness in Perspective, Through the Barriers of Deafness and Isolation, The Deaf Child in the Public Schools, Deaf People in Hitler’s Europe, A Manual of Approximately 1,000 Signs Used by the Deaf of North America, many more.

Children with Disabilities Books – Collection – People Living with Disabilities

About 1,700 disabilities books pdf on children with disabilities. Some books: How to Get Help for Your Disabled Child, A Guide for the Special Needs Child, Medical Problems of Students with Special Needs, Special Children – Challenged Parents, Reflections on Growing Up Disabled, Assessment in Special Education, Emerging Trends in Family Support and Early Intervention, many more. Types of disability disorders.

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Coping with Chronic Illness PDF Books – Collection – How to Live with Chronic Illness

More than 100 pdf books on coping with chronic illness, free online at the Internet Archive. Some books: Living with Chronic Illness, Chronic Illness during Childhood and Adolescence: psychological aspects, Sex Love and Chronic Illness, Managed Care in Chronic Illness, Resource Guide to Children with Disabilities and Chronic Illness, Understanding the Child with a Chronic Illness in the Classroom, Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability, many more. How to live with chronic illness.

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Eating Disorders Books PDF – Collection – Disability Books PDF

Free books on some types of disability disorders. Some books: Coping with Eating Disorders, Anatomy of a Food Addiction, Compulsive Eating: the struggle to feed the hunger inside, Experimental Therapies for Eating Disorders, Programs for Recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, Bulimarexia, Obesity, and other Appetite Disorders, Eating Disorders: new directions in treatment and recovery, Recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating, Eating Disorders Sourcebook, many more. Books on diseases and disorders.

Terminal Illness Books PDF – Collection – Deadly Chronic Illnesses

Free terminal illness books from the Internet Archive. Some books: The Needs of the Dying, Dialogues with the Grieving and the Dying the Healing and the Healed, Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying, Working with the Dying and the Grieving, The Rights of the Critically Ill, Medical Care of the Soul, Notes on Living Until We Say Goodbye, many more. Living with a chronic illness.

Free Books on Chronic Pain PDF – Collection – Books on Chronic Pain Management

Over 1,000 books on chronic pain pdf, from the Internet Archive. Some books: The Active Person’s Guide to Understanding Identifying and Treating Pain and Injury, The Treatment of Pain, Freedom from Chronic Pain, The Path to Pain Control, A Physician’s Guide to improving Pain Management through Better Communication, Over 1,000 Quick & Easy Pain Remedies, Fibromyalgia Basics, Shoulder Pain, Pain Sourcebook, Alternative Answers to Pain, many more free books on living with chronic pain.

Books on Cancer PDF – Collection – Books on Living with Cancer

Thousands of books on cancer pdf, at the Internet Archive. Some book titles: Cancer Therapies: awesome new advances, Cancer Supportive Care: a comprehensive guide, How to Conquer the Pain Caused by Cancer & Cancer Treatment, After Prostrate Cancer, A Manual for the Prevention of Cancer, Advances in Cancer Research, Colon Cancer, Cancer: what causes it, what doesn’t, Understanding Cancer, My Cancer Year, and many more books on living with cancer.

Heart Disease Books PDF – Collection

Hundreds of books on living with heart disease. Some books: Heart Disease and Rehabilitation, Cooking for a Healthy Heart, Lecture Notes on Cardiology, Heart Disease: a guide to regaining control over your health and well-being, The Women’s Heart Book, How to Fight Heart Disease and Win, Preventing Heart Disease: what every woman should know, Cleveland Clinic Heart Book, 21 Days to a Healthy Heart. Many more books on heart disease pdf.

Alzheimer’s Books PDF Free – Collection

Over 1,000 Alzheimer’s books pdf free at the Internet Archive. Some books: Mayo Clinic Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease, Alzheimer’s in America, What You Need to Know about Alzheimer’s, Finding a Path to Peace through Alzheimer’s, Preventing Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s Early Stages, Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease. Many more books on living with Alzheimer’s.

Mental Illness Books PDF Free – Collection -Living with Mental Illness in the Family

Over 1,000 books on mental illness pdf and living with mental illness in the family. Some books: When Someone You Love has a Mental Illness, A History of the Care of America’s Mentally Ill, Working with Families of the Mentally Ill, The Caring Family: living with chronic mental illness, Mending Wounded Minds: seeking help for a mentally ill child, How to Live with a Mentally Ill Person, Psychological Disorders of Children: a handbook for primary care physicians. Many more free pdf books on mental health.

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Suggested Books on Diseases and Disorders

CORE BOOKS – People Living with Disabilities – Chronic Illness PDF

South African Women Living with HIV: Global Lessons from Local Voices – Books about Living with Chronic Illness

Aulette-Root, Anna
Indiana University 2014

Based on interviews with women who are HIV positive, this sobering pandemic brings to light the deeply rooted and complex problems of living with HIV. Already pushed to the edges of society by poverty, racial politics, and gender injustice, women with HIV in South Africa have found ways to cope with work and men, disclosure of their HIV status, and care for families and children to create a sense of normalcy in their lives. As women take control of their treatment, they help to determine effective routes to ending the spread of the disease. How to live with chronic illness.

Effortless Pain Relief: A Guide to Self-Healing from Chronic Pain – Chronic Pain PDF

Bacci, Ingrid
Free Press 2005

Contrary to popular belief, the most frequent causes of neuromuscular, joint, or skeletal pain can be traced to your lifestyle: unconscious habits that involve the way you breathe, stand, and move and the way you store physical and emotional stress in your tissues. Effortless Pain Relief presents a unique mind-body program for overcoming chronic pain, developed by acclaimed alternative health-care practitioner Dr. Ingrid Bacci. Book on chronic pain management.

Helping Someone with Mental Illness: A Compassionate Guide for Family, Friends, and Caregivers – Living with Mental Illness in the Family

Carter, Rosslyn
Times Books 1998

“The good news is that with proper diagnosis and treatment, the overwhelming majority of people with mental illness can now lead productive lives.” Mrs. Carter addresses the latest breakthroughs in understanding, research, and treatment of schizophrenia, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental disorders. She also discusses the emotional and psychological issues in caregiving for people with mental illness and offers concrete suggestions to help erase the prejudice and discrimination based on misinformation about mental illness. Her book is also a rich clearinghouse that guides readers to hundreds of specialized resources, including organizations, hot lines, newsletters, videos, books, websites, and more. Living with Mental Illness in the Family

Living with HIV: A Patient’s Guide – People Living with Disabilities

Cichocki, Mark
McFarland 2009

This helpful guide offers a wealth of information for people living with HIV and for people caring for HIV-positive loved ones. All aspects of HIV/AIDS are discussed, including opportunistic and associated infections, dental care, exercise and nutrition, substance use and abuse and emotional treatment. New information will help the newly diagnosed adjust to their illness and long-term survivors to improve their quality of life. Disability Books PDF

Learning to Speak Alzheimer’s: A Groundbreaking Approach for Everyone Dealing with the Disease – People Living with Disabilities

Coste, Joanne Koenig
Houghton Mifflin 2003

Revolutionizing the way we perceive and live with Alzheimer’s, Joanne Koenig Coste offers a practical approach to the emotional well-being of both patients and caregivers that emphasizes relating to patients in their own reality. Her accessible and comprehensive method, which she calls habilitation, works to enhance communication between carepartners and patients and has proven successful with thousands of people living with dementia. How to live with chronic illness.

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The Secret History of the War on Cancer – Books on Cancer PDF

Davis, Devra
Basic 2007

Why has the “War on Cancer” languished, focusing mainly on finding and treating the disease and downplaying the need to control and combat cancer’s basic causes — tobacco, the workplace, radiation, and the general environment? This war has targeted the wrong enemies with the wrong weapons, failing to address well-known cancer causes. As epidemiologist Devra Davis shows in this superbly researched expose, this is no accident. The War on Cancer has followed the commercial interests of industries that generated a host of cancer-causing materials and products. This is the gripping story of a major public health effort diverted and distorted for private gain that is being reclaimed through efforts to green health care and the environment. Deadly chronic illnesses.

The Chronic Pain Solution: Your Personal Path to Pain Relief – Book on Chronic Pain Management

Dillard, James
Bantam 2003

Recent research has shown that the solution to the puzzle of pain is almost never one “magic bullet” treatment. What works is a combination of therapies–often three or more–customized to your individual needs. Some drugs or surgeries can actually make your condition worse, while surprisingly gentle alternative therapies can provide measurable, lasting relief. The key is knowing how to combine the best of both conventional and alternative medicine. Chronic pain pdf.

My Stroke of Luck – How to Live with Chronic Illness

Douglas, Kirk
Morrow 2002

In this vivid and very personal reflection upon his extraordinary life as an actor, author, and legend in his own time, Kirk Douglas offers a candid and heartfelt memoir of where it all went right in his life — even after suffering a debilitating stroke. Revealing not only the incredible physical and emotional toll of his stroke but how it has changed his life for the better, Douglas shares the lessons that saved him and helped him to heal. Alongside his heartfelt advice and insight, he also recalls warm memories of some of the most famous figures of our time — including Burt Lancaster, Michael J. Fox, and Gary Cooper — as well as others who have soared to greatness in the face of adversity. Book about living with chronic illness.

Life Disrupted: Getting Real about Chronic Illness in Your Twenties and Thirties – How to Live with Chronic Illness

Edwards, Laurie
Walker 2008

A personal and unflinching guide to living well with a chronic illness: managing your own health care without letting it take over your life, dealing with difficult doctors and frequent hospitalizations, having a productive and satisfying career that accommodates your health needs, and nurturing friendships and a loving, committed relationship regardless of recurring health problems. Living well with a chronic condition.

The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight against AIDS – How to Live with Chronic Illness

Epstein, Helen
Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2007

The Invisible Cure is an account of Africa’s AIDS epidemic from the inside–a revelatory dispatch from the intersection of village life, government intervention, and international aid. Helen Epstein left her job in the US in 1993 to move to Uganda, where she began work on a test vaccine for HIV. Once there, she met patients, doctors, politicians, and aid workers, and began exploring the problem of AIDS in Africa through the lenses of medicine, politics, economics, and sociology. Amid the catastrophic failure to reverse the epidemic, she discovered a village-based solution that could prove more effective than any network of government intervention and international aid, an intuitive response that calls into question many of the fundamental assumptions about the AIDS in Africa. Living well with a chronic condition.

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Sleep with the Angels: A Mother Challenges AIDS – Disability Rights PDF

Fisher, Mary
Moyer Bell 1994

Diagnosed HIV-positive in 1991, Mary Fisher is the founder of the Family AIDS Network and a well-known AIDS activist, speaking to thousands of people, including the audience of the 1992 Republican National Convention. This collection of Fisher’s frequently quoted speeches from her first year in public life includes her assessment of this country’s moral response to the epidemic. Disability awareness pdf.

Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: A Guide to Cancer and Its Treatments (3 Vols) – Books on Cancer PDF

Fust, Kristin, ed.
Cengage Learning 2015

A comprehensive survey of 120 cancers, cancer drugs, traditional and alternative treatments and diagnostic procedures. The Encyclopedia includes entries covering cancers, cancer drugs, treatments, side effects and diagnostic procedures. Entries typically include the following elements: Causes and Symptoms Definition Description Diagnosis Prevention Resources Risks Special Concerns And moreAn appendix provides complete contact information for cancer centers, national support groups, government agencies and research groups. Book on living with cancer.

The Complete Directory for People with Chronic Illness (9th edition, 2009-2010) – How to Live with Chronic Illness

Gottlieb, Richard, ed.
Millerton, NY: Grey House 2009

Reference book. Sections on Condition descriptions, Associations, Publications, Research Centers, Support Groups, Websites. Coping with chronic illness pdf.

The Complete Mental Health Directory (8th edition, 2012-2013) – Free PDF Book on Mental Illness

Gottlieb, Richard, ed.
Armenia, NY: Grey House 2012

This reference directory provides comprehensive coverage of 21 broad mental health disorder categories. Within these categories are nearly 100 specific disorders. Descriptions of the disorders are in the 1st chapter. Subsequent chapters contain more than 4,500 listings of relevant organizations and contacts.
Chapters: Disorders — Associations & organizations — Government agencies — Professional & support services — Publishers — Facilities — Clinical management — Pharmaceutical companies. Living with mental illness in the family.

Heal Your Heart: How You Can Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease – Books on Diseases and Disorders

Gould, K. Lance
Rutgers University 2002

Dr. K. Lance Gould’s goals are better survival and improved health through the prevention and reversal of heart and vascular disease. His program provides practical, do-it-yourself steps and explores options beyond traditional invasive medical procedures for more definitive solutions. Scientific information and practical guidelines are presented in simple, full-color illustrations, summary graphs or tables with brief, nontechnical text that incorporate the most recent medical knowledge. How to live with chronic illness.

Can’t Remember What I Forgot: Your Memory, Your Mind, Your Future – Disability Book PDF

Halpern, Sue
Three Rivers 2009

Like many of us who have had a relative or friend succumb to memory loss, who are getting older, and who are hearing statistics about our own chances of falling victim to dementia, Halpern wanted to find out what the experts really knew, how close science is to a cure, to treatment, to accurate early diagnosis, and, of course, whether the crossword puzzles, sudokus, and ballroom dancing we’ve been told to take up can really keep us lucid or if they’re just something to do before the inevitable overtakes us. People living with disabilities.

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A Life Shaken: My Encounter with Parkinson’s Disease – Books on Diseases and Disorders

Havemann, Joel
Johns Hopkins Univ. 2002

“I’m flat on my back on a couch that’s too short in a windowless room in the bureau. I can’t even sit at a computer, much less make a keyboard work. My arms and legs are shaking uncontrollably. Although I am only 53 years old, I have already been struggling with Parkinson’s disease for seven years. And right now the disease is winning.” So begins Joel Havemann’s account of the insidious disease that is Parkinson’s. Into his own story, Havemann weaves accessible explanations of how Parkinson’s disrupts the brain’s circuitry, how symptoms are managed through drugs and surgery, and how people cope with the disease’s psychological challenges. Parkinson’s disease. How to live with chronic illness.

Caregiving: A Step-by-Step Resource for Caring for the Person with Cancer at Home – Book on Cancer PDF

Houts, Peter S and Bucher, Julia A.
American Cancer Society 2003

The definitive resource for cancer caregivers. Thanks to advances in medical science, people with chronic illnesses like cancer are living longer than ever before. Most often the responsibility for caregiving is placed with loved ones. This helpful guide responds to the changing needs and challenges you face and offers support though the myriad situations you may encounter, from physical and emotional conditions, to dealing with health care providers and insurance carriers, to taking care of your own needs along with those of the person with cancer. Living with chronic illness book.

When Walking Fails: Mobility Problems of Adults with Chronic Conditions – How to Live with Chronic Illness

Iezzoni, Lisa I.
University of California 2003

Describes the personal experiences of and societal responses to adults whose mobility makes it difficult for them to live as they wish—partly because of physical and emotional conditions and partly because of persisting societal and environmental barriers. Iezzoni explains who has mobility problems and why; how mobility difficulties affect people’s physical comfort, attitudes, daily activities, and relationships with family and friends throughout their communities; strategies for improving mobility; and how the health care system addresses mobility difficulties, providing and financing services and assistive technologies. Living well with chronic illness book.

Cancer Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information about Major Forms and Stages of Cancer … along with Facts about Cancer Treatments, Cancer Risks and Prevention, A Glossary of Related Terms, Statistical Data, and a Directory of Resources … – Books on Living with Cancer

Jones, Keith, ed.
Omnigraphics 2015

Basic consumer health information about major forms and stages of cancer, featuring facts about primary and secondary tumors of the respiratory, nervous lymphatic, circulatory, skeletal, and gastrointestinal systems, and specific organs, along with statistical and demographic data, treatment options, strategies for coping, a glossary, and directory of sources for additional help and information. Book on living with cancer.

Everyone’s Guide to Cancer Therapy: How Cancer is Diagnosed, Treated, and Managed Day to Day – Book on Living with Cancer

Ko, Andrew
Andrews McMeel 2008

Scientists may not have found a cure for cancer yet, but medical researchers have discovered plenty of ways to treat and manage the more than 200 varieties of this disease. In Everyone’s Guide to Cancer Therapy, readers will learn the latest theories and practical information available in cancer treatment. Written in easy-to-understand text with instructive illustrations, the book outlines everything from getting second opinions to the role of sleep to what’s available on the Internet. Deadly chronic illnesses.

Complete Directory for People with Disabilities (2016 edition) – People Living with Disabilities

Mars, Laura, ed.
Millerton, NY: Grey House 2015

“A Comprehensive Source Book for Individuals and Professionals.” Chapters: Introduction — Glossary of disability-related terms — Bullying and students with disabilities — 10 things to know about the Americans with Disabilities Act — Identifying transition-age youth with disabilities — User guide — User key — General resources for people with disabilities. Arts & entertainment ; Assistive devices ; Associations ; Camps ; Clothing ; Computers ; Conferences & shows ; Construction & architecture ; Education ; Exchange programs ; Foundations & funding resources ; Government agencies ; Independent living centers ; Law ; Libraries & research centers ; Media, print ; Media, electronic ; Toys & games ; Travel & transportation ; Veteran services ; Vocational & employment programs ; Rehabilitation facilities, acute ; Rehabilitation facilities, post-acute ; Rehabilitation facilities, sub-acute ; Aging ; Blind & deaf ; Cognitive ; Dexterity ; Hearing ; Mobility ; Specific disorders ; Speech & language ; Visual. Disability books pdf.

Biology Books PDF Free Download

The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer – Book on Cancer PDF

Mukherjee, Siddhartha
Scribner 2010

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a documentary from Ken Burns on PBS, a magnificent, profoundly humane “biography” of cancer—from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles in the twentieth century to cure, control, and conquer it to a radical new understanding of its essence. Physician, researcher, and award-winning science writer, Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer with a cellular biologist’s precision, a historian’s perspective, and a biographer’s passion. The result is an astonishingly lucid and eloquent chronicle of a disease humans have lived with—and perished from—for more than five thousand years. Deadly chronic illnesses.

The Family Intervention Guide to Mental Illness: Recognizing Symptoms & Getting Treatment – Living with Mental Illness in the Family

Morey, Bodie and Mueser, Kim T.
New Harbinger 2007

Family members play a crucial role in recognizing mental illness, and helping a loved one get the treatment they need. The early signs of mental illness are clear if you know what to look for, and getting rapid and effective treatment will help your relative get better faster. If you think a family member or friend may be struggling with a mental illness, or isn’t getting effective treatment, this guide will help you recognize symptoms, get the right treatment, and work together as a family to help your loved one get better. Free pdf book on mental health.

Teach Us to Sit Still: A Skeptic’s Search for Health and Healing – Book on Chronic Pain Management

Parks, Tim
Rodale 2011

The visceral, thought-provoking, and inexplicably entertaining story of how Tim Parks found himself in serious pain, how doctors failed to help, and the quest he took to find his own way out. Overwhelmed by a crippling condition which nobody could explain or relieve, Parks follows a fruitless journey through the conventional medical system only to find relief in the most unexpected place: a breathing exercise that eventually leads him to take up meditation. Parks confronts the relationship between his mind and body, the hectic modern world that seems to demand all our focus, and his chosen life as an intellectual and writer. Living with chronic illness book.

Going Sane: Maps of Happiness – Free PDF Book on Mental Health

Phillips, Adam
Fourth Estate 2005

Writings on madness fill entire libraries, but until now nobody has thought to engage exclusively with the idea of sanity; we define it simply as that bland and nebulous state of not being mentally ill. But what is sanity? How broad, how eccentric is its range of behavior? And how do we go about crafting a creative and fluid definition of a sane existence, one we can guide ourselves by? Living with mental illness.

A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing – Book on Living with Cancer

Price, Reynolds
Hall 1994

In 1984 a large cancer was discovered n [the author’s] spinal cord (“The tumor was pencil-thick and gray-colored, ten inches long from my neck-hair downward”). Here, for the first time, Price recounts without self-pity what became a long struggle to withstand and recover from this appalling, if all too common, affliction (one American in three will experience some form of cancer). He charts the first puzzling symptoms; the urgent surgery that fails to remove the growth and the radiation that temporarily arrests it (but hurries his loss of control of his lower body); the occasionally comic trials of rehab; the steady rise of severe pain and reliance on drugs; two further radical surgeries; the sustaining force of a certain religious vision; an eventual discovery of help from biofeedback and hypnosis; and the miraculous return of his powers as a writer in a new, active life. How to live with a chronic illness.

The Truth about Chronic Pain: Patients and Professionals on How to Face It, Understand It, Overcome It – Books on Living with Chronic Pain

Rosenfeld, Arthur
Basic 2003

Despite extraordinary medical progress in recent years, millions of people, debilitated by the pain of incurable cancer, crippling arthritis, unremitting headaches, and a host of degenerative disorders, continue to suffer needlessly. Here, in their own words, are the stories of more than forty people whose lives are dictated by pain-patients, healthcare professionals, ethicists, social commentators, and scientists-shining a powerful searchlight on America’s most misunderstood health problem.The Truth About Chronic Pain reveals why pain is so often ignored or under-treated. Books on chronic pain management.

Disease Management Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information about Coping with Chronic and Serious Illnesses, Navigating the Health Care System, Communicating with Health Care Providers, Assessing Health Care Quality, and Making Informed Health Care Decisions – Book on Disease and Disorders

Shannon, Joyce B., ed.
Omnigraphics 2008

Basic Consumer Health Information about Coping with Chronic and Serious Illnesses, Navigating the Health Care System, Communicationg with Health Care Providers, Assessing Health Care Quality, and Making Informed Health Care Decisions, Including Facts about Second Opinions, Hospitalization, Surgery, and Medications. Books on diseases and disorders.

The Forgetting: Alzheimer’s: Portrait of an Epidemic – Disability Book PDF

Shenk, David
Doubleday 2001

Alzheimer’s disease kills nearly 100,000 Americas a year as it insidiously robs them of their memory and wreaks havoc on the lives of their loved ones. It was once minimized and misunderstood as forgetfulness in the elderly, but Alzheimer’s is now at the forefront of many medical and scientific agendas. David Shenk presents us with much more than a detailed explanation of its causes and effects and the search for a cure. He movingly captures the disease’s impact on its victims and their families. Living with disease.

And the Band Played On – Books on Diseases and Disorders

Shilts, Randy
St. Martin’s 2000

By the time Rock Hudson’s death in 1985 alerted all America to the danger of the AIDS epidemic, the disease had spread across the nation, killing thousands of people and emerging as the greatest health crisis of the 20th century. America faced a troubling question: What happened? How was this epidemic allowed to spread so far before it was taken seriously? In answering these questions, Shilts weaves weaves the disparate threads into a coherent story, pinning down every evasion and contradiction at the highest levels of the medical, political, and media establishments.
Shilts shows that the epidemic spread wildly because the federal government put budget ahead of the nation’s welfare; health authorities placed political expediency before the public health; and scientists were often more concerned with international prestige than saving lives. Against this backdrop, Shilts tells the heroic stories of individuals in science and politics, public health and the gay community, who struggled to alert the nation to the enormity of the danger it faced. And the Band Played On is both a tribute to these heroic people and a stinging indictment of the institutions that failed the nation so badly. Disability awareness pdf.

The Complete Guide to Mental Health for Women – Free PDF Book on Mental Health

Slater, Lauren, ed.
Beacon 2003

Designed to help women take control of their mental health, whether their concern is a specific disorder or simply the psychological stresses of a life in transition. Within an accessible format that includes tables, charts, and comprehensive lists, over fifty experts provide the most up-to-date information on the entire range of women’s mental health issues. Disability awareness pdf.

Thriving with Heart Disease: A Unique Program for Your and Your Family: Live Happier, Healthier, Longer – Living Well with Chronic Illness

Sotile, Wayne M.
Gill & Macmillan 2003

If you are one of the 61 million Americans diagnosed with heart disease — whether you’ve had a heart attack or surgery, or you have high blood pressure or angina — you can learn how to handle its psychological side effects with the lifesaving strategies in this book. Living with chronic illness book.

Disabilities Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information about Disabilities that Affect the Body, Mind, and Senses … – Book on Diseases and Disorders

Sutton, Amy L.
Omnigraphics 2011

“Provides basic consumer health information about physical, cognitive, emotional, and sensory disabilities, along with facts about assistive technologies and other tools and services to foster independence, and guidance for families on educational, legal, and financial concerns. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources. Disability books pdf.

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America – Free PDF Book on Mental Health

Whitaker, Robert
Crown 2010

Science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States tripled over the past two decades? Every day, 1,100 adults and children are added to the government disability rolls because they have become newly disabled by mental illness, with this epidemic spreading most rapidly among our nation’s children. What is going on? Living with mental illness in the family.

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