Geography books free pdf. Open access geography textbooks. Cartography, natural disasters, gazetteers, exploration, surveying, more.
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Geography Books PDF
Geography Topics
Open Access Geography Textbooks PDF
Open Access Textbooks
Open Access textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used, and were published or updated in recent years. You may also find here other learning resources, such as course lesson plans.
Human Geography
Christine Rosenfeld, Nathan Burtch
VIVA 2021
If you are interested in how humans interact with the environment and how human systems are geographically distributed over space, then you’ve found your place.
See our books on Oceanography Study
Introduction to Human Geography
David Dorell, Joseph P. Henderson
Univ. System of Georgia 2021
Geography is a diverse discipline that has some sort of connection to most every other academic discipline. This connection is the spatial perspective, which essentially means if a phenomenon can be mapped, it has some kind of relationship to geography.
Physical Geography and Natural Disasters
R. Adam Dastrup
Salt Lake Community College 2022
The intent of this textbook is to update and build upon the body of knowledge that exists within the geographic discipline.
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization
Royal Berglee
Univ. of Minnesota 2012
There are many approaches to studying world geography. This textbook takes a regional approach and focuses on themes that illustrate the globalization process, which in turn assists us in better understanding our global community and its current affairs.
World Regional Geography
Peter Turner
Achieving the Dream 2021
Fundamental geographic concepts and regions are presented in concise chapters that provide a foundational framework for understanding development patterns around the world. Essential topics include location, the environment, and global economic dynamics. Important theories, concepts, and principles are utilized throughout the textbook for each region.
Essentials of Geographic Information Systems
Jonathan Campbell, Michael Shin
Saylor Foundation 2011
Recognizing that many potential GIS users are nonspecialists or may only need a few maps, this book is designed to be accessible, pragmatic, and concise. Essentials of Geographic Information Systems also illustrates how GIS is used to ask questions, inform choices, and guide policy.
Nature of Geographic Information Systems
David DiBiase
Bccampus 2019
The purpose of this text is to promote understanding of the Geographic Information Science and Technology enterprise (GIS&T, also known as “geospatial”).
Introduction to Climate Science
Andreas Schmittner
OpenOregon 2020
This book describes how Earth’s climate is changing, how it has been changing in the recent geological past and how it may change in the future. Ethical and economical aspects of human-caused climate change and solutions are presented.
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